Violetta SWAG x Vietnamese Black

Decided to try and pop 50 of a cross I made using: Violetta SWAG #2 x Vietnamese Black

The Violetta SWAG pheno I hunted myself from KalySeeds & attached photos of her. Don't have a ton of info on her origins, but I believe the seeds are from 2019 collection of a "special" SWAG plant that was high in THC content and also purple colored.

The Vietnamese Black pollen I acquired from JToucans / Dirty Bird Trading Co on Insta who hunted out 5 males from a population of seeds from SnowHigh Seeds. The info I got from JToucans regarding the Vietnamese Black males selection are:
Began with a 20 plant population, after stress testing whittled it down to 5 males to collect from. Not much variation save for height and background smells. Spicy and peppery, bit of sweet earthy grass and musky notes. I collected all five to preserve as much diversity as possible. The line was the limited release from Snowhigh that he had worked for four years weeding out the undesirables.
The info I got regarding the Vietnamese Black from SnowHigh Seeds:
It’s an old release by spice Bros breeder FET, it’s a green like primarily with recessive purple and red that come out sometimes. It’s got great females but males were rare until I found a worthy male. It took me four years to find the male. I grew all the plants outdoors and greenhouses to finish naturally in California.
The photos of the Vietnamese Black ARE NOT TAKEN BY ME; I just snagged them from Insta & in the file name is the original photographer for credit. I did take all of the other pics.


Checked on the seedlings they other day and looks like most have popped out of the soil & and looking great! Seems like 8 or so are being stubborn and slow.


The little ones have been chugging along. Probably will put them in solo cups here soon since they lookin' a bit big for their shoes. There's a few I've got my eye on as favorites so far. Specifically one is showing different traits to the rest, it's more serrated and has longer pointier leaves than the rest. Can see it in pic #1 in the middle, under the two larger seedlings.


On Feb 25th transplanted the seedlings from the cubes to solo cups. A handful of them have shown some webbing; mostly have a 'half web' (just on one side) & I think 3 have a 'full web' (webbing on both sides). Most have grown out of the trait by now though.


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On Feb 22 the seedlings got a day of 12/12 lighting. Feb 25th put the seedlings in to solo cups and they have been there since. Let them dry out really well for a few days & just recently (within last week) started seeing some serious flowering on a few of them. About 5 males have shown pollen sacs and don't seem to be stopping. Heck, one of the males is even dropping pollen and have collected a little bit. One female (my favorite so far) is just barely showing pistils. My favorite so far is the most 'sativa' looking one with long slender serrated leaves, only 2 outta the whole bunch seem to look this way.


Quick update: Checked again for preflowers on all of the solo cups. Looks like 3 more males have some serious sacs developed. One more female has barely some pistils. So outta the 50 tray seems like 6 males are flowering and 2 females are preflowering (possibly will continue who knows), so maybe 8 total at least showing some sorta auto traits.