
Well-Known Member
Seems logical. They're phasing out regular light bulbs and HID is just a bigger version of that.
exactly man they are just that bigger (and in my opinion more dangerous specially in the hands of idiots) versions of incandescent bulbs it is almost hard for me to believe they haven't started bans on them yet, get rid of the little fuckers but keep the big ones that in the hands of the wrong people (or just people who are too stoned) can cause fires that ruin lives or even take them .....just a thought


Well-Known Member
yep today is day 12 and things are rolling along nicely , moved a few of the girls closer together in there seeing as i had a little extra space from moving in the new rockstars just put them more directly under the light basically , temps and RH are good and i killed that gnat that was flying around ..... im sure there are more of the little bastards though :fire: all in all things are shaping up amazingly the rockstars look great but man o man that blueberry girl is something else , i think her top cola is gonna get fucking BIG! keepin my fingers crossed :D.



Active Member
Nah I don't. But I'll keep ya updated on it if ya like. I'm running 10/14 and a scrog. So I would probably take our comparisons with a grain of salt lol.


Well-Known Member
cool bro sounds good please do keep me posted , feel free to post pics in here if your into that would love to see how your girls are doin i will be very interested to see the differences in our grows :D


Active Member
I have a journal its just on another forum. But sure bro I can do that, I don't mind postin some shots.
This is day 8 of 10/14 two plant scrog


Well-Known Member
looking real nice man! can i ask why you use the 10/14 light schedule? any perks besides less power consumtion?


Active Member
Thanks bro. It speeds up flowering time overall at the cost of a little less yield. Just tryin to shed a week or two off so I can get my next round in sooner :smile:


Active Member
Depends on the strain really...I haven't run it enough times to give ya a good idea. But I kinda just use it for when I'm "in a rush" to get a harvest out of the way I guess is a good way of putting it. I've heard that if you take it to the time you normally chop it then you will actually get an increased yield, but I haven't takin it that far yet.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm interesting stuff man , ill have to take some time and look into this some more thanks for the info man :D


Well-Known Member
yep day 14 today temps and RH good , did a precautionary serenade spray for as this was my last chance ,everything looking amazing happier than a pig in shit i am :D here's the ladies:



Well-Known Member
thanks slinger they sure are monsters man , dont worry i never doubted ya ;) cant wait to see how the next 6-7 weeks go :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah they look awesome curly! How tall are they now and how far away from the lights? Think they'll stretch up any more?


Well-Known Member
what up puff , well they are about 3 feet tall out of the pots and they are about 12-14 inches away from the panels , i sure hope they dont stretch too much more as i am running out of head room but they look to be slowing down on stretch and starting to focus on bud growth the blueberry is not as stretchy and loos as though it is going to have a HUGE top cola the rockstars are looking real good too though :D


Well-Known Member
Looking good curly, you veg'ed them quite big, you must be confident the light will penetrate the canopy.

Anyhow, my A100 arrived, the build quality is 10/10. A showed a few close friends and they say the build far exceeds any other LED they seen before.

Only been a few days but plants LOVE this LED, growth is a lot more vigerous.