virgin grower,needing to pick some brains.

Iv bin told now my grils are going into flower I should trim all lower leaves an suckers,to allow the plants to grow big an put all there efforts into growing big buds.just wanted second appinion bëore taken a sicors to my babys lol,


To be fair, i have left most of my fan leaves on, i have read in various places that not only does it cause a lot of stress to your girls why they are flowering, but that also alot of energy is stored in them which the plant will use if needed. What i would suggest is that you just manipulate where these leaves sit and if they are covering bud sites and theres not much you can do, then just pick those ones off but try not to if you can. I'm still on my first grow and im a noob but theres my opinion. Good luck!


Welcome to RIU, i was told that you should'nt lollipop your girls once flowering starts. Puts unwanted stress on your plants. the most you really want to do is lst. i fucked up a plant once by super cropping it 3 weeks into flower...