Virgin grower


Active Member
So i have Skunk #1 and Mazar x Afghan seeds i want to grow indoor and this is my first time i dont really know what to do other than not use miracle grow and i need to germinate them. andy help like a supply list or something would be awesome thanks.


Well-Known Member
So i have Skunk #1 and Mazar x Afghan seeds i want to grow indoor and this is my first time i dont really know what to do other than not use miracle grow and i need to germinate them. andy help like a supply list or something would be awesome thanks.
i'm bored as shit. Let's make a plan! What's your budget?


Well-Known Member
So i have Skunk #1 and Mazar x Afghan seeds i want to grow indoor and this is my first time i dont really know what to do other than not use miracle grow and i need to germinate them. andy help like a supply list or something would be awesome thanks.

Depends on the light u want to use... if wanna use cfls's then here:

READ...READ....READ!!!!! This site will help u learn everything u will need to know!! Good luck!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i am not really sure what my budget is just not a grand or something crazy just a few plant not a farm lol, its for my father he is terminally ill.
try and at least ball park something. It will play a big factor in what you do. Are the seeds you have feminized?


Well-Known Member
i am not really sure what my budget is just not a grand or something crazy just a few plant not a farm lol, its for my father he is terminally ill.
:( very sorry to hear that....
Bored too so lets go

what lights do you want to use?
$300- $400 a good budget??????


Active Member
:( very sorry to hear that....
Bored too so lets go

what lights do you want to use?
$300- $400 a good budget??????
that is a great budget perfect lets go with that. think small with my space, if i dont have to get anymore stuff online that would be cool.


Well-Known Member
im thinking maybe up to maybe 500$? and to answer your other question no they are not.
ok, so you'll probably want to grow something like 4-6 plants. That way you have a good change of getting 2-3 female plants. $250-$300 you could probably have a descent 250 watt setup or if you wanted to spend $500 you could probably do a 400 watt setup for that budget. I'd day probably go with the 250 watt setup, that way you'll have plenty of cash left over for good soils and ferts and you'll be able to support 2-4 plants just fine with 250watts. If you get lucky and end up with all female, you may just have to pull a few plants out before they fully mature. The cheapest option is going to be a single bulb system with a ballast and reflector. I'll list some examples later, but you'll have to decide between Metal Halide(MH) and High Pressure Sodium (HPS). For a first time grower, I recommend using HPS all the way through. It works fine. With me so far?


Well-Known Member
that is a great budget perfect lets go with that. think small with my space, if i dont have to get anymore stuff online that would be cool.

I know online is a bitch... BUT i wish i did it first..if u see my shameful attempt at a cabinet HAHAHAHA...the tent is so damn easy and its hard to find higher wattage bulbs in the chain stores....


Active Member
ur plant sounds good i just want a few like u said and dont have a lot of space im doing this in the adict i think so.. are we talking about do this hydro ponic?


Well-Known Member
ok, so you'll probably want to grow something like 4-6 plants. That way you have a good change of getting 2-3 female plants. $250-$300 you could probably have a descent 250 watt setup or if you wanted to spend $500 you could probably do a 400 watt setup for that budget. I'd day probably go with the 250 watt setup, that way you'll have plenty of cash left over for good soils and ferts and you'll be able to support 2-4 plants just fine with 250watts. If you get lucky and end up with all female, you may just have to pull a few plants out before they fully mature. The cheapest option is going to be a single bulb system with a ballast and reflector. I'll list some examples later, but you'll have to decide between Metal Halide(MH) and High Pressure Sodium (HPS). For a first time grower, I recommend using HPS all the way through. It works fine. With me so far?

yeh see... you hafta first decided what kinda lights u want to use.. have WAY MORE posts than me....all u from here buddy!!! ;)


Active Member
all right, so im waiting for my seed to come from i ordered last night they have been shipped so im just waiting, in the mean time what materials do i need for a simple grow.


Active Member
what brand of soil and fert, where can i get lights? or do i have to get them off line and what pots or boxes do i need


Well-Known Member
what brand of soil and fert, where can i get lights? or do i have to get them off line and what pots or boxes do i need
Ok, I change what I said before. You really want this as easy as possible so I would go CFL like the other person said. I'd go to home depot and tell someone that you want to grow some tomatos indoors. Tell them you want to use CFL ligthing for about 6 plants. They should have CFL lights specifically made for plants around 150-200 WATTS. Tell them you want two of those. Get reflectors if they have them. Those lights are going to hang about 6inches - a foot above your plants. They should be able to walk you through everything you need including soils and fertilizers. Follow the instructions exactly like you were growing tomatoes, only use weed seeds instead of tomato seeds. Dont fertilize for the first 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, fertilize but use half of whats recommended on the box and work your way up to full.


Well-Known Member
and this will insure a i grow some dank stuff?
well, no. On one hand you're wanting it to be easy and on the other hand you're wanting to grow dank stuff. Cost of ferts, lights, soils, air quality, CO2, all play into the quality and they all cost money. A $400 dollar setup will grow weed. A $1000 setup might grow better weed. It all depends on you. If you take you're time and do some homework, you can grow some dank. 30 minutes at Home depot might grow something, I dunno.