Virgin grower


Well-Known Member
go to home depot pick up a few of the highest watts cfl's u can find...
If you're lucky you can get the 43w...look for the daylight or cool light ones for the first stage...
you want the cooler ones to veg...
pick up a few Y connectors so u can put multiple lights in one socket, a surge protector & a timer...
Ppl hate MG on here...but ive used the MG Organic Potting soil, and no real they have it a home depot...

And ur obvious pots
that should get ya started ;)


Well-Known Member
and this will insure a i grow some dank stuff?

Dude....if u really wanna grow...then u need to start readin..SERIOUSLY!!
Decide wat light ur gonna use...if ur looking for easy & convienent then CFL's you can go get today...

Either way...u need to start reading up!!! :bigjoint: