Virgin Grower


Active Member
Hello growers!!
I am virgin grower, so my thread probably won't be perfect. But I hope you will appreciate my closet. Please add your opinion and comments on my grow.

This is the beginning - wall closet in my rental apartment. I took out original details, so I could put them back untouched when I will move to another place after few years. Replaced it with my own made closet. The size is 0,6 x 0,4 x 2 m

The drawing. Sorry for ugly
handwriting :D

For first ventilation I took four PC fans and made vent box

Then I glued thin foil on the surfaces to reflect the light. 18W fluorescent tubes turned out too long for my box so I had to put them in angle.

My two seeds I bought in local grow support shop: one feminized Easy Sativa and one regular Lemon Skunk. Both of them germinated in three days. I know that you will say that Easy Sativa is not for grow box. But those guys told me that I can do topping and LST, so I can put it also in my small place. But keep reading. This plant keeps secret :)

Soil is the same we use for balcony flowers or indoor flowers. Ph 5,5 - 6,5. mixed it with perlite

Beginning was hard. It took 10 days to reach 2,5cm( one inch) height. Later I got info that 30 C is too much. I also had over watered them.

After lowering the temp, adding some H2O2 to the water and watering less - things went well and they started to get back the lost time :D

But Now I am worried if those two strains are the ones that I bought. I only wanted sativas but now I don't know if there will be one. In pictures around internet those strains look different from mine. Lemon skunk could be correct. But to me those leaves look more like Indica's

But "Easy Sativa" doesn't look like plant that could reach 2m height. the strangest part is that it started to put out pistils after four weeks in vegging. now there are serious flowers

I vegged them under those four 18 W fluorescent tubes for 6 weeks. Lemon Skunk is 40 cm tall and the another one is some 30 to 35 cm(and flowering already for two and half weeks at 18/6).
I was using tap water and our local made nutrient for vegetables (Vito).

I switched to flowering three days ago but I am still trying to set up coolers and filter correctly. the place is small but the heat and smell is impressive. I bought 150 w HPS and four warm white 18W fluorescent tubes. It is now around 7600 lumens per square foot. I think it should be enough for those two girls.

I will update this thread with flowering set up as soon as I will finish it.

Could anyone say what strain really my "Easy Sativa" is?


Active Member
Day 4 of flowering

With those four PC fans it was not enough. The heat went up to 35 C, so I had to cool my HPS. I ordered four glasses and glued them with silicone. the ends of this box I closed with plywood that I covered with foil tape, attached bathroom fan to one end and metal tube to another. The tube comes out of box and sucks fresh air. the fan blows through another tube. I put wool sock on the end to cover the fan noise :) looks funny. So I have made cool tube that cost me around 10 EUR (fan not included)

On the pipe that comes from PC fans I put carbon air filter. Now there is no smell in the apartment unless I open the door every two hours to check how my girls are feeling :)


Active Member
hey man, looking good, came across you in the newbie thread. Nice cab. i havent ever grown those strains but I hear the lemon is a real nice one to grow. If you are worried about space then maybe try a scrog. look at the threads below in my sig for the scrog. also the people commenting have some great grows going on, they may be of some help to you. I dont grow in soil any more apart from my mother plant who I will be cloning from soon but if theres any help I can give I will try! also if you have any advice for me I would always appreciate it! :)


Well-Known Member
Looking good... Your cab looks pretty sweet! Where did you get the little humidifier? I'm having daytime humidity issues and need something just like that.


Active Member
Thank You! I bought it in our home depot store for 20 EUR It was in the household electrics section. But I am living in one of the Baltic states in Eastern Europe! Haven't looked around internet for it!


Active Member
Producer is ELTA and model is LB111. It takes only 22W energy, but for box gives a lot of moist. this is good one.


Active Member
My largest plant showed that He is a fuc**ng motherf**ker. Since I left them yesterday morning, this crazy dude showed lots of balls :wall:


I know you cant tell exactly from my shitty pics, but There were many of them. Now I have my only hope on little girl. She will be treated as happiest child since today. She will have those 20 000 lumens alone.
But I don't know what to expect from plant which starts to flower at the week 4 under 18/6 rythm. Flowers are many and those tiny smelly drops around them as well. Hoping this is not one of AF, which gives some 10 G and that's all.


Active Member
aaw shame about the male. maybe keep him for cross pollination? your lil girl will be well happy with all that light by herself, if you want more yield then try LST or scroggin her to make sure you get as many budsites as poss but if she's auto you wont get that much more from her, definetly more but not that much more, depends on the auto tho- she dont look like one of them really gm ones that are just one massive bud and cant produce any more than that. so fingers crossed for ya mate! :)


Active Member
aaw shame about the male. maybe keep him for cross pollination? your lil girl will be well happy with all that light by herself, if you want more yield then try LST or scroggin her to make sure you get as many budsites as poss but if she's auto you wont get that much more from her, definetly more but not that much more, depends on the auto tho- she dont look like one of them really gm ones that are just one massive bud and cant produce any more than that. so fingers crossed for ya mate! :)
Male is already chopped down. At my first grow I will try to raise clean lady. I took some beautiful leaves from boy for herbarium. They are so perfect like in books. :leaf: Girlfriend promised to make an art from them :)
But can you scrog at flowering period? I thought this is more for Veg period. Now i can harm forming buds.And i have tall grow box as well, so I can grow higher plants rather than wide ones. I have my HPS light above and Fluorescent tubes in the corners vertically.


Active Member
Yeah I feel so sad when I have to chop down the males, once i spent about 3 weeks trying to find one a home but sadly just had to kill him :( if only twere legal ey?
I dunno if your plant is big enough for a scrog but theres no reason not to scrog during flower- you have to spend a fair bit of time rearranging it all in flower anyway so it doesnt make much difference flowering or vegging. I would say just a bit of lst on theses plants - just tie em down a bit so that your popcorn buds get more light and grow bigger. I would say at this point yeah just tie her back a bit! hth!


Active Member
Hi there!
I decided to follow Ottermunky's advice and little bit trained my plant. I don't know what will happen next but now she is opened as wide as possible.

I don't know why but after taking out male the temp in the box raised to 29C or 30C at daytime. I am keeping 50% humidity as well.
Do you think that I should buy a more powerful fan to drop down some degrees? She is now growing slower than before when it was around 26C or 27C.


Active Member
I understand that those tiny smelly drops on plant are called trichomes. There are plenty of them. They are on buds, on leaves around buds and even on petioles. This lady stinks very strong. I will confess - I pulled off one small flower and tried to smoke it. This was a kick ass smoke. It seemed very very strong one. Can I still hope to get Sativa kind of smoke or it looks more like Indica? I wouldn't like that my little lady locked me at couch for whole evening every time I will smoke her.


Active Member
Those trained branches are putting tips up already. It took only few hours to catch the side which light comes from. Hoping they will grow as tall as the main branch :)


Active Member
looking good mate, Its amazing what a few bits of string can do! Hope this works out nice for you. your temps are probly ok a bit high but ok. i would look at trying to drop the humidity though, during later stages of budding it can cause bud rot and your baby may get fucked. :( whats your air intake like? another fan couldnt hurt to keep the air moving round more. lots of circulation is the key :)


Active Member
If its flooring you now then its sure is gona be a strong one! if you want her to be slightly less mental let about 25/30% of your trichs turn amber after the milky stage and give her a longish slow dry time to help get rid of all the chlorophyll and cure her for time. it should make a smoother smoke. there is quite a lot of debate about letting your trichs turn amber though so do some research and decide for yourself. :)