Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

IMG-20130616-00340.jpgEve is dissapointing me! Enid, Evelyn and Ethel(that didn't sink) were all planted into their final 20l pots and placed in shed under 400w hps(24/24). Eve was soaked, placed under table lamp - absolute last chance.
Light cycle will be changed today to final 18/6 - growing gals moved to cabinet under led on saturday!

Attitude seeds claim 45 - 50 days seed to weed! We will see!


Active Member
Indeed bro! Or at least trying(lol).
Sorry about tardy replies but I can't seem to set up instant mail to my mobile.

Well 5 days now, and nothing!
When do I panic and curse the seedbank?
My bag seed experiments took an average of 5 days( 3 batches)?

Are the beans older/drier?
Also been colder the last week - colder surely = slower?

Not gonna freak myself out.
Day 8/9 should be about the limit.

Positive vibes - gonna see my gals tomorrow!

This is a bloody excercise in patience!!

Keep watching this space...
Hey toking, things look like they're doing alright. Patience is the key my man, i know how frustrating it can be in the early stages! If i had the time I'd sit and watch the seedlings 24/7, it definitely don't make them grow any faster.


Well-Known Member
seed bank has little to do with your beans popping
breeders sell seeds to seedbanks
the seedbank has no genetics of its own
IMG-20130619-00353.jpgWell day 3, looking healthy. Cocked up with timer switch, didn't activate timer so the girls have been under 24/24. From tonight they'llIMG-20130619-00352.jpg go 18/6. Gave them a light spritz of seltzer wate. Going according to hydrometer they'll be due for a good watering on friday(day5) with straight seltzer water.
Pics- 1)Enid
Enid%20day%204.jpgView attachment 2706438Well, well a bit of a growth spurt!
Almost a 1cm growth overnight. Don't know if it's the period of darkness, the seltzer spritz or the combination of both. Whatever it is, it's working!
Have raised the light a little to encourage stretching as I believe this is recommended for auto's.
Pic 1- Ethel
2- Evelyn

Evelyn%20day%207.jpgDay 7Ethel%20day%207.jpg! Boss stymied me at work. Only going into cabinet tomorrow.
Showing definate signs of growth. Leave clusters starting to develope nicely. 6.5cm tall leaves standing up nicely towards light. Only spritzed with seltzer so far. Moisture meter still middle of moist field. Probably water tuesday/wednesday night around 2 hours before lights out.Enid%20day%207.jpg
Evelyn%20day%2015.jpgEthel%20day%2015.jpgDay 15, looking fit and healthy!
Not a drop of moisture since planting! Moisture meter only on 5(dry starting at 3) hoping to have 2 moEnid%20day%2015.jpgre nodes by friday so next watering will be a feed. Talk about low maintenance(lol)! Will also start lst - gonna use tie back method with Enid(1) gonna leave Evelyn to grow out naturally(control plant) and use curling and cone for Ethel.
Enid day 19 - lst side.jpgEnid day 19 - top.jpgEnid day 19 lst top.jpgEnid day 19.jpgEthel day 19 - spiral 1.jpgEthel day 19 - spiral 2.jpgEthel day 19.jpgEvelyn day 19 - natural.jpgEvelyn day 19.jpgthe dosage - 1st feed.jpgDay 19 and growing like weeds!(lol) The 357 Magnum led is working a treat. The plants are standing up dead straight with leaves pointing up.
Not a single one leaning towards light source! Haven't even switched on the extractor fan, taking advantage of increased co2 and supplementing with regular seltzer spritz(especially to bottom of leaves) No sign of heat damage at all - The light runs absolutely cool to the touch.

For the first time the moisture meter indicated the beginning of the dry cycle:
First feed: The witches brew - 2l sterilised water
3 drops Bio-roots
1ml Amino mix
1ml Fulvic acid
1ml Kelpac
1ml Bio-grow
1ml Fish mix - Each girl got 150ml
I reckon the dillution ratio is good and will closely monitor the leaves and stem for signs of stress.
Interested to see moisture consumption now that they're getting bigger and producing little "photosynthesis factories". Originally pre-soaked aggragate and then on day of planting gave them 300ml - lasted 19 days to first feed! Low maintenance(Keeping It Sweet and Simple) - looking healthy and I want to maintain a low maintenance regimen.
Ultimately I would like to water/feed a maximum of 5/6 times in complete lifecycle.

Started to experiment with training techniques. Absolute Noob! Don't know what to expect in regards to yield. There are so many varying opinions and advice out there that I've decided to investigate for myself. Any ideas what I should be looking at on the Cream Of The Crop - Auto Amphetamine(NYC Diesel x Ruderalis)??
I've set myself the target of 50g per plant - Is that reallistic??
Then also bear in mind the original mission statement - Low maintenance, maximum quality and yield by the layman.

Evelyn(#2) will be taken as an average and used as a control plant against which to measure successes of differing training techniques. She will pretty much be left to her own devices and allowed to grow out naturally with maybe a little assistance by means of strategic pruning(Excess sun leaves etc.)

Enid(#1) will be LST'd with the use of rubber bands and wool. Rubber bands have been placed around container to act as anchor points. I anchored the root and counter tied the growth point at a 90 degree angle in the opposite direction.

Ethel(#3) will be directed around perimeter of container and onto a chickenmesh cone using paperclips and twisties

Very interested to see the results. On the second run I will be experimenting with SCROG. I have already designed the system to be used, but more on that later.

Still battling to correctly place and describe pics but here goes...


Active Member
Grow's looking good Toke, pleased you're keeping up the journal. I've been away for a while so good to stop by and see how you're getting on. Will be interested to see how you get on with Bubblicious, i Like Nirvana strains.
Yeah! I'm back.
Get a little side tracked. Day 26, nute mix was perfect! Looking strong and the healthiest I've ever grown(Being only bag seed!).
Reckon next watering/feed on day 30.Gonna give it straight seltzer water(150ml p/plant) next feed, same veg muti +/- day 36.
C.O.T.C reckon 45-50 days..... Ha Ha ha !! at least 60 days! Will keep exact journal and post as "Cream Of The Crop - Auto Amphetamine - actual grow"
here's some pictures... day 26!
Tomorrow is day 30, will try to post tomorrow night, expecting to see early bud developement!Enid day 23 - top.jpgEnid day 23.jpgEnid day 25 (2).jpgEnid day 25.jpgEthel day 23.jpgEthel day 25 - spiral in action.jpgEthel day 25.jpgEvelyn day 23 too.jpgEvelyn day 25 - top.jpgEvelyn day 25 (2).jpgEvelyn day 25 shot 2.jpgEvelyn day 25.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am starting my first outdoor grow soon with autoflowers, +speed by sweet seeds. But your setup seems legit! Iv'e been looking into LED lighting but for my first indoor grow im planning cfls will do :)
Beware of 357 magnum!
The light is phenomenal! Really spectacular, which is more than I can say for their after sales service or the lack thereof.
On tuesday I noticed the blue/white spectrum wasn't working.
I sent countless e-mails to no avail. I eventually phoned them.
They reckon it's the power supply and they have sent me a replacement!
I had to mail them again today to request a tracking #.
I wonder if they are gonna sort me out, they don't seem overly keen.

On a more positive note my gals are looking awesome.little bit of curlunder on leaves, reckon it's over fertilisation. Have flushed them with 150ml seltzer this morning. Day 33 and bud sites are blooming!

C.O.T.C reckon 45-50 days. That's a pipedream.
I figure 70 days will be closer to correct.
Will update over the weekend.
I don't fucking believe it! My Bullterrier ate 2 of my 3 plants! Just got my light repaired! Propagating the next batch:
2 x Bubblelicious autofem
1 x Pineapple Express autofem
1 x N.Lights x Bigbid autofem
1 x Blue Venom regfem
Also the 1 remaining Amphetamine.
Will try to update with pics over weekend


Active Member
I don't fucking believe it! My Bullterrier ate 2 of my 3 plants! Just got my light repaired! Propagating the next batch:
2 x Bubblelicious autofem
1 x Pineapple Express autofem
1 x N.Lights x Bigbid autofem
1 x Blue Venom regfem
Also the 1 remaining Amphetamine.
Will try to update with pics over weekend
That's bad news man, at least your bull terrier has good taste! I bet that was one sick dog?
Not sick but the pig has been crashing all day. He can hardly raise his head!
It happened in like 2 mins, busy doing lst on Enid and when I turned around it was too late! Enid looking phenomenal though!