virgin to poppy grows but have a green thumb need the in's and out's


Well-Known Member
ok so here it is straight up.. i am a very experienced grower of my own needs from food to meds,and now i would like to try to grow some poppies for my own consumption.. is there a thread that gives you the times of year they grow the best outside and can it be done inside? what nutes do they use? like weed they need P more then n or k, any help will be most greatfull and also can you use Mc Cormicks poppy seeds for this medicine is it not potent or whats the scoop on those will they germinate and do you do that like a weed seed? i have 6 bulging disk and D.D.D in 8 of my vertibrates and a syst on my spine so i hurt all day every day..can someone help a disabled person help himself... THANK YOU


Well-Known Member
its late to plant. papaver should be sown as soon as the soil is thawed enough to work. 001.jpgmine are ready to throw pods already. if you don't live in a humid area, you should be okay planting now, but definitely don't wait too much longer. and watch out for spider mites.

Big P

Well-Known Member
!POPPY POD Extract Charges thrownout in COURT!!! NOT Guilty NOT Guilty lol lollol ha!

Heres the story.

A man, a real man I used to know used to make poppy pod extract by the butt load. He shared it with his friends, but was worried to no end. until his fears did come true. One of his homies gets popped with more than a few, grams of hardened poppy Pod goo

the grape vine let him know without hesitation, that his homey was under interrigation.

so without further adue, the man tossed away his stash of poppy goo, just incase they broke my poor homie's will, incase he told them where to find the maker of poppy pills.

as I should have known my homie told them no, so they charged him with some bullshit too, possetion of Herion with intent to distribute!!!!

but when it came time to test, the lab coat couldnt guess, what this goo could be, is it heroin or tea, is it opium or mixed, or is it just all three!!!!

when the day of court began, the judge threw up his hands, they threw the charges out!!!!!! not guilty the judge yelled out load. the coppers were so pissed they reduced the charges to: "Possesion of cannibus!!!"

but the lawer told them no, my client had no grow, had no weed or even roach. he said "what are we even here for???"

My homie is ok not guilty is what they say. I guess the coppers cannot see, that its just some poppy tea, evaportated, & dried. the war on drugs has lost another TRIAL!!!!!! lololololl hAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

this is a true story. Stay thirsty my Friends