
i am for my first time. i am looking at growing in a hydroponic 7 plant set with 400 watt HID and metal lights. i have done a ton of research but am still looking for a good formula on time line for seed to weed. How long for germination, seedling, veg, flowering, dry, and curing. i know answers can very for different strains. i am going to grow Reserva Prima Headband Kush. But am interested in how much variance is there in different strains. Also i am going to invest in a CO2 booster bucket how much different will i see in grow time and in field. Wish me luck​


You question has no answer, you could veg for no time or 4 months, that is up to you. Indica strains flower closer to 8 weeks sativas 12 weeks, hybrids in between. Drying depends on humidity, curing is a preference, so see no answer.


I would say reg or female, i am not an autoflower fan, the only place i see for them is outdoors so you can harvest before anyone is looking. But that is really just my opinion. I would say to grow a bag seed first, then you didn't spend some ridiculous amount on a seed that you may kill.


I assume you were talking to me, it is White Rhino, not sure where my buddy got the seeds, but very happy with the smoke. That is actually the mother on a breeding project of mine also.


SWC at its finest, honestly grown in the ghetto system, currently in the middle of a huge rebuild, over $2000 in the rebuild alone. Now i am hoping for stellar results. Kind of crazy to get set up like this in one of the most flooded medical states out there, but i want to get everything on lock down so maybe i can make a career out of this when it is legal.
yeah i hear what you are saying and the medical stuff is still not cheap. THat is what is driving me to try home grown. i am plug and play grow tent fully equiped which is expensive but i am not that good with building stuff and engireeing it


Well-Known Member
For your first grow, I'd keep it simple. Stick to dirt and minimal nutes. But if you feel confident go for it. Aside from not having to deal with dirt inside, I see no big benefit to hydro. I've never tried hydro, but then again I don't have any desire to either.

Good luck. But again if I were you I'd just get a bag or two of Ocean Forest and some extra perlite. Maybe give them a LITTLE taste of some flower ferts when needed and forget about the rest. Once you completely understand how these plants work AND you've seen it with your own eyes, THEN look into doing all that fancy schmancy hydro/CO2 shit. Big ambitions sometimes lead to big disappointments.


I don't disagree with his post to start in dirt, less likely an epic fail.
White Rhino is really up there with White Widow at this point, extremely copied to say the least. I did not grow out Greenhouse seeds White Rhino or Mr Nice Seeds Medicine Man, which are the "true" white rhinos, so on those i can not say. But this version of it was very easy to grow, super fast to start flowering and very large early on. The smoke was some of my favorite both times i have run this strain, both from seed, so that is why i decided it would be a worthy mother.


No, but not everyone has a green thumb. Soil is much easier to catch and fix issues before killing the plants, as where hydroponics you need to know issues immediately as they come up, it can take just a day to a few days to lose a plant in hydro, so you really need to know you stuff well. Don't know where you are but it is always a good idea to do a few plants instead of just one, but with hydro, they are using 1 res often, so it is harder to give each plant what they need and an epic fail is more likely.
Looking back at that i look anti-hydro, i have never grown a mj plant in soil, started in hydro, will finsh in hydro. Just know that issues are multiplied when they are in hydro. What type of system were you planning on? All have pros and cons, and everyone has a reason for what they run.


Well-Known Member
Your governing factor is probably available light. Please be more specific about the it one 400w light using a metal halide bulb? With that amount of light you will be limited to about a 4x4 ft footprint. This in turn governs how large your plants can be, and thus how long to veg. Just a wild guess, 7 plants...I would use 1 gallon pots, veg for 3-4 weeks in them, then bud.

Edit: Damn, you did say hydro didn't you. Well anyway, governing factor is still light footprint.


Well-Known Member
so was everyones first growth a failure. I feel as if i am doomed to fail
My first grow was a little over a year ago. It went ok, learned a lot lol. Started with Caramelicious and WW (fem), seeds, from AMS. Long story short, Carm was male and noob didn't know it. WW pollenated, tons of seeds. Have grown a few of those, excellent smoke.