Virtual President on Gun Control


Well-Known Member
I found this while looking up information for a PCM I was redoing. I liked it and so I am sharing it.



Well-Known Member
He raises excellent arguments but it's an emotional issue. There is no place for logic in this fight. Because of Sandy Hook we are going to some sort of gun control so the emotional public is placated. Our government just has to do SOMETHING, it usually doesn't matter if it's the right thing or not. One side will applaud, one side will boo.


New Member
I found this while looking up information for a PCM I was redoing. I liked it and so I am sharing it.

Only ass kicking missing from this video is drop kicking feinstein


Well-Known Member
the people spoke.

dude in the video got less than 2% of the vote.

but don't let me stop you libertarians from enjoying your fantasy world.


Well-Known Member
the people spoke.

dude in the video got less than 2% of the vote.

but don't let me stop you libertarians from enjoying your fantasy world.
Fantasy world? Is the 2nd amendment a Fantasy to you?

Oh yeah, your axe wielding wife and dog are going to protect you. No need for firearms... LOL!


Well-Known Member
Fantasy world? Is the 2nd amendment a Fantasy to you?
what's with the random capitalization, kiddo?

go brush up on heller v DC, restrictions on guns are perfectly consistent with the second.

here, i'll do it for you. this is the majority opinion, cosigned by ALL the conservative justices, ma'am.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose


Well-Known Member
what's with the random capitalization, kiddo?

go brush up on heller v DC, restrictions on guns are perfectly consistent with the second.

here, i'll do it for you. this is the majority opinion, cosigned by ALL the conservative justices, ma'am.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose
The constitution is a document that limits the powers of the government, not the other way around.

The courts have also ruled that the government cannot restrict the possession of weapons *in common use at the time* which seems to indicate that even automatic military weapons should be allowed to be possessed by we the people.


Well-Known Member
The constitution is a document that limits the powers of the government, not the other way around.

The courts have also ruled that the government cannot restrict the possession of weapons *in common use at the time* which seems to indicate that even automatic military weapons should be allowed to be possessed by we the people.
there are well over 200 million guns in the US. probably closer to 300 million, but let's go with 200 million to give you the benefit of the doubt.

since there are only about 4 million assault rifles in the united states, that puts them at a mere 2% of all guns.

that's not very "common". which is why an assault weapons ban, such as has passed before, is in no way inconsistent with the second.

got a problem with that? take it up with the conservative judges on the SCOTUS, kiddo. then go cry in your corn flakes.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
there are well over 200 million guns in the US. probably closer to 300 million, but let's go with 200 million to give you the benefit of the doubt.

since there are only about 4 million assault rifles in the united states, that puts them at a mere 2% of all guns.

that's not very "common". which is why an assault weapons ban, such as has passed before, is in no way inconsistent with the second.

got a problem with that? take it up with the conservative judges on the SCOTUS, kiddo. then go cry in your corn flakes.
You're so full of shit as always. Most guns used for protection are semi-auto hand guns. Every pistol used by police is semi-auto. You libtards are so uneducated, to all of you, semi-auto is an "assault weapon." Just so you know, there's no such fucking thing as an assault weapon, but there is assault rifles. Now you know and can educate your fellow libtards.
FYI, hammer type lock and load weren't very common. It was a good thing you weren't alive when the musket was just starting to get phased out. God damn commie.


Well-Known Member
You're so full of shit as always. Most guns used for protection are semi-auto hand guns. Every pistol used by police is semi-auto. You libtards are so uneducated, to all of you, semi-auto is an "assault weapon." Just so you know, there's no such fucking thing as an assault weapon, but there is assault rifles. Now you know and can educate your fellow libtards.
FYI, hammer type lock and load weren't very common. It was a good thing you weren't alive when the musket was just starting to get phased out. God damn commie.
racist rabbit is angry.


Well-Known Member
what's with the random capitalization, kiddo?

go brush up on heller v DC, restrictions on guns are perfectly consistent with the second.

here, i'll do it for you. this is the majority opinion, cosigned by ALL the conservative justices, ma'am.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose
I don't believe there is a right for me to own a nuclear weapon. However, like the virtual POTUS said, assault rifles kill such a small amount of people that outlawing them wouldn't actually do anything to outlaw them. People would likely just buy pistols for those crimes either way.

Did the SCOTUS decide that arbitrary laws that serve no purpose but to constrain citizens are ok?


Well-Known Member
there are well over 200 million guns in the US. probably closer to 300 million, but let's go with 200 million to give you the benefit of the doubt.

since there are only about 4 million assault rifles in the united states, that puts them at a mere 2% of all guns.

that's not very "common". which is why an assault weapons ban, such as has passed before, is in no way inconsistent with the second.

got a problem with that? take it up with the conservative judges on the SCOTUS, kiddo. then go cry in your corn flakes.

Prius are not very "common".

AIDs is not very "common".

There are lots of things that are not very "common" by your definition. It also doesn't say common where and to who. M4s are pretty common in the USA.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe there is a right for me to own a nuclear weapon. However, like the virtual POTUS said, assault rifles kill such a small amount of people that outlawing them wouldn't actually do anything to outlaw them. People would likely just buy pistols for those crimes either way.

Did the SCOTUS decide that arbitrary laws that serve no purpose but to constrain citizens are ok?
the purpose of an AR 15 assault rifle is to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

so what are you constrained from if you are not allowed to own a military style rifle?


Well-Known Member
Prius are not very "common".

AIDs is not very "common".

There are lots of things that are not very "common" by your definition. It also doesn't say common where and to who. M4s are pretty common in the USA.
2% of all guns is not very common. that's 1 of every 50 guns.

i'm sure the conservative SCOTUS justices just simply forgot to mention the previous assault weapons ban in their heller decision. in fact, i'm just positive. they just fucking forgot.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You're really fucking stupid, bro. I told you assault weapon is a made up term by lefty bitches like yourself.

These letters are assault weapons. Better get your magical leprechaun to send me to what was supposed to be the nonexistent Gitmo by now.

Damn commie.


Well-Known Member
You're really fucking stupid, bro. I told you assault weapon is a made up term by lefty bitches like yourself.

These letters are assault weapons. Better get your magical leprechaun to send me to what was supposed to be the nonexistent Gitmo by now.

Damn commie.
nice try, rabbit.

assault weapon is a term with a definition that has been in use for 40 years. weapon

enough with the anger, rabbit.