Visalia City Council OKs changes to pot ordinance


Well-Known Member
The Visalia City Council decided on Monday night to change the city’s pot ordinance and restrict the cultivation of marijuana inside city limits. The City Council voted 5-0 to approve the allowance of 12 plants to be grown within a 12-square-foot area within an enclosed four-wall structure no matter if it’s in a residential or agricultural zone. The ordinance previously allowed the growth area to be 100 square feet. Inspection requirements were also removed from the ordinance because city attorney Alex Peltzer said if individuals are adhering to the law, then large marijuana grows shouldn’t become a problem. But if the city were to receive complaints, Peltzer said, code enforcement would look into the matter and could in the future impose quarterly or monthly inspections for those who come into violation of the ordinance. Medical marijuana has been a hot-button issue in California ever since it was put on the ballot as Proposition 215 back in 1996. Californians passed the ballot measure, which allowed people with a valid doctor’s recommendation to possess and cultivate pot for personal use. The standards were left up to the individual cities. The changes in the ordinance were made in part based on the public’s input from a prior City Council meeting. Those in attendance said that two plants, which was the original allowable amount of marijuana for cultivation, wasn’t enough for them to help alleviate their medical problems. So city staff took that into account when drafting the new ordinance, Peltzer said. One thing that wasn’t changed was the fines for those violate the ordinance. The fines would be increased to $1,000 a day, and after seven days, they would increase to $2,000 a day. An individual would receive a notice from code enforcement before being fined. That individual would have 10 days to fix the violation before the fines would start, Peltzer said. Also, there would be administrative enforcement of the violations, which would allow for immediate fines where an opportunity to fix the violation is not appropriate under the circumstances.|topnews|text|Frontpage&nclick_check=1

so here is the interesting thing... this year was my 2nd grow... last year I read in Tulare CO website that the max was 6 mature /6 immature or 12 total within 100 sq ft this year as this article states max was 2?? wtf... even to this day the Tulare co websites say 6/6 this lack of knowing what the heck the laws is becoming more of an issue.. 1st I thought the limits were set by the state.... then the CO... now it's city.. next will have a effing neighborhood rep anyhow glad the City got this right tho it says 12 plants in a 12 sq ft area... :(


Active Member
12 square feet = a 4' x 3' plot. I'll bet gioua meant a 120 square foot plot, which would equate to 12' x 10' plot, which would still be small. Clarification Please.


Well-Known Member
12 square feet = a 4' x 3' plot. I'll bet gioua meant a 120 square foot plot, which would equate to 12' x 10' plot, which would still be small. Clarification Please.
The City Council voted 5-0 to approve the allowance of 12 plants to be grown within a 12-square-foot area within an enclosed four-wall structure no matter if it’s in a residential or agricultural zone.

it's pure BS. why the heck does it matter how large of a grow area it is if I dont exceed the amount?

These are the same Tooljobs that wanted to force the MMJ users to grow ONLY inside (google how many house fires happen during Christmas... and those lights are considered safe lights!)

as well as smoking inside only!


Well-Known Member
it still could be worse,in madera county gotta have a enclosure and plants cant be over 6 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
You guys with these screwed up laws need to start campaigning for the right guy to fill some offices.
Time to show the power of the vote, but it's just so hard to get these lazy crybabies off the couch and vote, whatcha gonna do????????