Vision AK49 and NL autoflower grow


Soooo it's day 29 of my current autoflower grow and i decided i'm gonna start a strain review/grow journal of my current seeds. I have a grow journal in the other forum ( but not getting any love over there. I really want to spread the word on these NL auto seeds from Vision that i've been growing with. I grew 3 strains (5 plants) my last grow and my highest yielding plants came from the 2 NL auto's from vision. Its day 29 and the NL is off to a great start and it's the cheapest seeds i bought at $6-7 a seed.(singleseedcentre)

1- Vision Northern lights Auto (previously grown)
2- Vision AK49 Auto
3 gal
3/4 filled with FF ocean forest
1/4 FF happy frog on top
30% perlite
1 bag (3.5g) mykos
4' HO T5
8-42w CFL
Fox Farm Trio

Day 29 from breaking soil
NL -on left
AK49- center
AK49- right (stunted)

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Last Grow:
2 plants on right are the NL atuos




Day 33

Did a little LST on day 30. I kept it simple and just pulled down the main colas of the 2 larger plants. The plants are responding well and lots of new stalks shooting up towards the lights.

They were last watered 2 days ago with: 1tsp grow big, 1 tsp tiger bloom and 2 tsp big bloom per gallon of water.
That was the last feeding with grow big and first feeding of tiger bloom. They will be fed with tiger bloom and big bloom from here on out.



Well-Known Member
looking nice, I have a 10 plant set up goin right now in a 4x4x5 set up under a 400w and they are all in 3gal growbags, bout 16 days in right now though so soon should start growing bigger, have doubled in size in past 3 days....Will keep an eye on yours as well


Hey bro quick question!
When did you introduce your nutes? at what strengths?
im growin some vison NL's too!
good luck with your grow!



Good stuff man..I usually start nutes around day 16 (+/- 2 days) after breaking soil. I use the fox farm trio, and will start with grow big at 3/4 tsp per gallon. I always stay on the lighter side when it comes to nutes and same with water. I usually water every 3-4 days. But enjoy the them NL's, its been my favorite strain so far.


Day 38 update

Well i find myself in need of some help. Long story short, My buddy was killing off 8 of his plants for his final transplant and since i had 2 unused pots i decided to snag 2 of these plants to save. The problem? They are photo plants and are in currently in 12/12 lighting! I couldnt say no to free, decent sized plants that have pistols. So i took the plants, transplanted them, and threw them in the tent. Now what? Should i just take them out of the tent and put them in a closet with circulation for 12hrs, atleast until i figure out a lighting system for these girls. I really want to keep the focus on my main 3 and give any neglect to the photoplants. They have some nute burn from the 1st grower, and were the worst of his plants so i dont have big expectations for them.

The original 3:
NL on left, AK49 center and right

The new additions to the garden:


Day 44

What's up guys.. just a little update. The autos are doing great and looking really healthy. I think the NL had a little nitrogen toxicity so i watered the last 2 times with no nutes and she seems to be pretty happy to me. Im watering them every 4-5 days.
Left: NL, middle: AK49 right: stunted(but improving) AK49
Soo i had the 2 photoperiod plants given to me and i really wasn't to sure what to do with them. After some debate of just throwing them away, i started by putting them with the autos and just told myself i would take them in and out of the tent every 12 hrs. Didnt take long to figure how much of bitch that would be to do everyday and i ended up making a little make shift grow space. I mylar'd out a portion of a closet and put 6 cfls in there. I hung 2 55w cfl's with 4 other 42w CFL's surrounding the plants. I got them on a 12/12 schedule and they are just starting to flower. I know they could use more lights but these plants are just a bonus to my current grow and i didn't want to put a lot if money into them.

Not sure quite how old they are, but I was told the strain is mango.


Whachu guys know about the claw?

My NL has been struggling with what i believe is nitrogen toxicity for the past 2 weeks. She is still growing, but she is a super dark green color, and has several leaves "clawing" under...

I blame this on using grow big and tiger bloom in the same feeding twice in a row which are both high in N. (AK's like it)

She has only had water the last 3 times with no nutes, but she still clawing (only a few leaves here and there).. I have heard the claw will remain throughout the rest of the grow.. this true?? anybody got some experience with this??




Well-Known Member
just keep giving it water NL's are lite feeders atleast the ones i have going and have grown are


Day 55 picture Update

These are the 2 photo mango plants on 12/12 lighting. Starting to flower nicely and looking healthy. They have only been given water until today where i mixed in 1 tsp tiger bloom with each gallon of water.
Here are the autos. As usual NL on the left, AK 49 in middle and stunted AK49 on the right. NL still showing N abundancy so she was watered today with no nutes again. The AK was given 1tsp tiger bloom and the stunted AK was only given water today.


Day 75

Been a while since an update, so here it goes:

I knew going into this grow i had a time restriction and i needed to be done by the 21st of December as i am leaving for a week to go visit family. Its day 75 and i only have a few days left.
Status: The 2 mango photo plants in 12/12 lighting are still very much in mid flower and still have several weeks. AK#1 is pretty much done and was flushed over a week ago and has a decent amount of amber trichomes and ready to be cut. The Stunted AK is still behind and still has another few weeks. And the NL has been looking a little deficient a little too early. I was worried about too much N a few weeks ago and stopped feeding all togeather. She too was flushed with the 1st AK and is very close to being done but im still looking for a few more amber trichomes.

My solution to the time crunch?.. AK #1 goes into 24 hr darkness tonight. It will stay in darkness for 3 days then i will chop right before i leave and will hang in the closet (with circulation and humidifier set 40%RH) for the 7 days im gone. NL will stay in lights until right before i leave when i will put her into 24 hr darkness for 1 week while i am gone. (never put a plant in darkness for this long.. we'll see how it goes). Im gonna take the 2 mango plants on 12/12 and put them in the tent with the stunted AK which still needs more time. Im gonna hook up the timer and set the tent on 12/12 lighting so the mangos keep doing there thing. I really dont care what happens to the stunted AK and im just trying to salvage anything from this plant.

Here are some pics:

Mangos on 12/12

AK #1- going into darkness tonight, chop in 3 days

NL - Stopped being fed too early. Will be put in 24 hr darkness right before vacation and will stay for 1 week.

Stunted auto AK 49- will be put in 12/12 lighting with mango plants right before i leave.

meds for wife

New Member
nice looking plants i just aquired the ak 49 auto so im pretty happy to see your reseults anyhow just curious if u topped the girls cause u have so maky colas


Thanks dudes... It's be a while but here is the update..

I came home from my vacation and my AK49 that was cut and drying in the closet was dry as a tumble weed. When i went on vacation,I left it in a dark closet with 2 humidifiers in there, but i kinda expected them to run dry after about 2 days. Living in CO the air is super dry and I came home to 14% RH and buds which were just zapped of moisture and pretty much just crumbled when touched. I plucked them off the stems and put them in a jar. 96 g for this plant after a super fast and harsh dry.

The NL was in 24 hr darkness during the whole time i was gone. It looked pretty much unchanged since i left her. I chopped her in pieces over a 3 day period and hung her branches in the closet. Some are still hanging and some have been put in jars to start curing. These still have some moisture and will hold off on weighing for another week or 2.

The stunted AK49 auto in the tent did pretty well with being switched to 12/12 lighting and not getting watered for 8 days. She was pretty droopy when i got back, but recovered pretty well after a good watering. She is still the smallest of the bunch, but her buds are definitely the densest. Im putting her into darkness yesterday and will plan to chop in 1-2 days.

The 2 mango photo plants really hurt for water during my vacation. I came back to severe drooping of leaves and branches. Lots of fan leaves died and shriveled and i plucked the ones that came off with an easy tug. I gave them a good watering and they have improved a little. I really expected more from these when i left and was kinda shocked in their condition. They are making steady improvement and think they will be chopped in about a week.

heres some pics:

Drying buds-- left is the NL and right is AK49

AK before being chopped

Mango plants:

Stunted AK

