Vitalink A+B


Well-Known Member
I'm moving in a while just to another house in dame area... and I'm going to get a bigger set up and use the hps system ✌✌
Don’t forget with HPS lamps get your self a few spare lamps incase of blow out.

2 flower cycles and I change lamp.

then keep the old one incase of a blow out on the new.

But don’t discount LED’s the proper ones lol, they’ve come a long way in a few years.

for example a 300w panel with good diodes and a decent driver will see you with similar harvest to 600w HPS system without the additional heat and power usage.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that ✌✌✌ just been into check on them and with the new light the leafs are starting to curl so I have raised the light slightly to see if that helps and if not at least that's 1 thing scored off the list lol... apart from that they are looking good... just gave them PhD water 500ml... then feed them sun/mon... noticed the white widow has a little nute burn so I'll amend her feed to suit but hopefully the water will rectify her... some greying on leaf edges but dont think its bugs.. I did sit there for an hour checking lol... just gonna say I really appreciate everyone's help here... all your advice is helping the ladies and me.... learning is always the hardest part... ✌✌✌



Well-Known Member
Are you using cal/mag or Epsom salts.
Those stalks looking little purple but it could be just genetics. Cannot see any probs with leafs.


Well-Known Member
Are you using cal/mag or Epsom salts.
Those stalks looking little purple but it could be just genetics. Cannot see any probs with leafs.
Yeah still using calmag @1ml a litre.. the leafs have really just started curling up since I put the light in so just keeping an eye in them @ the mo ✌✌✌


Well-Known Member
Yeah still using calmag @1ml a litre.. the leafs have really just started curling up since I put the light in so just keeping an eye in them @ the mo ✌✌✌
Has got a little warmer like closer to the 30 than I would like but maintaining between 20 and 30... just trying to adapt to the new light... not noisey with no fan but does add a few degrees to the tent ✌✌


Well-Known Member
Yes guys... ladies are looking lush today.. raising the light seems to have helped the leaf curl... the LSD that I topped is now growing 2 new sprouts... the WW and 1 LSD that I very slightly lst'd are short and bushy the smallest LSD is now sprouting massively and the other is just a monster lol... hoping it's the extra light they are lapping up... enjoy the photos guys P.S any constructive criticism is more than welcome ✌✌✌

**note... I was going to trim the biggest LSD 1/3 way up but after the 1st set above the cotyledon leads the stem is all the way up to the canopy... looks super eager for light.. should I just leave it.. no lie it's almost the same size as the actual plant... think you can see on photos.. what do you guys think??



Well-Known Member
Yes guys... ladies are looking lush today.. raising the light seems to have helped the leaf curl... the LSD that I topped is now growing 2 new sprouts... the WW and 1 LSD that I very slightly lst'd are short and bushy the smallest LSD is now sprouting massively and the other is just a monster lol... hoping it's the extra light they are lapping up... enjoy the photos guys P.S any constructive criticism is more than welcome ✌✌✌

**note... I was going to trim the biggest LSD 1/3 way up but after the 1st set above the cotyledon leads the stem is all the way up to the canopy... looks super eager for light.. should I just leave it.. no lie it's almost the same size as the actual plant... think you can see on photos.. what do you guys think??
You can see the plant better if you zoom in on the 3rd pic of my post at 1.13 PM yesterday ✌✌


Well-Known Member
Daily check have shown that 1 of the LSD'S has slight yellowing leafs (pls see pic) not sure if she just wants more feed or if theres a deficiency?? I had to put my flash on as you cant see shit with my normal bulbs lol
This is the topped plant.. so could it be stress??


Well-Known Member
****correction**** just checked my notes and I gave them 500ml on friday..
Just feed until runoff starts coming out the bottom and then wait for drain.

at your plants age now I would be feeding daily if that’s how dry the top gets after a day off.


Well-Known Member
Feeding daily now will supply more nutrients at a more frequent time and thus will most likely eliminate any issues you’re getting.