Vitamin C to remove chloramines!?


Does anyone else use Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to remove chloramines from their water?

Someone had mentioned this to me on another forum and I did a bit of research. It definitely will work... utility companies use it for dechlorination. They also make Vitamin C shower filters to remove chloramine.

From what I can tell the appropriate dose for up to 3ppm chloramine would be about 1000mg for 30-50 gal. I was able to find a 120g bottle of pure powdered vitamin C for like $8 or less.

Seems like this is a better option that the aquarium products (because it won't leave salts) that some people use... and much easier than lugging water from the store.

So, I'm just wondering a few things about this method:

-Does the reaction between vitamin C and chloramine create anything that is detrimental to the plant?

-Can excess vitamin C in the water be harmful to the plant? I usually dose about 1g per 5 gal of water.... so very heavy dose.

I'm using organics, so I guess I'll find out if this method works or not!!



Nobody uses this technique?

I need to bust out my chemistry book and try to remember that shit... oops wait, I sold it back in college!!


OK... here's some info I found.

It says the best way to remove chloramines is actually with an activated carbon filter... this is apparently better than RO alone. Here is some of the info on Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid):

"Ascorbic acid allows neutralization of chloramines [12–14]. The half time of reaction between ascorbic acid and chloramine is about 4 min. It was used principally for dialysis batch systems, but can be also used for machines with a proportioning delivery system [14], although at the price of poorer results [15]. It is necessary to add ascorbic acid in a quantity sufficiently to achieve at least a concentration of 1.7 mg/dl in the dialysate fluid. The infusion of 500 mg of ascorbic acid per week to haemodialysis patients has also been shown to be useful to diminish the anaemia of chloramines [6]. Administration of ascorbic acid is more expensive and more complex than dialysate treatment with activated charcoal filters. In certain circumstances it could be used as a complementary measure."

I got the info from this site:

Dialysis patients can use it to remove chloramines. I will try to post back when I find any info on dosage...


OK... here's some info I found.

It says the best way to remove chloramines is actually with an activated carbon filter... this is apparently better than RO alone. Here is some of the info on Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid):

"Ascorbic acid allows neutralization of chloramines [12–14]. The half time of reaction between ascorbic acid and chloramine is about 4 min. It was used principally for dialysis batch systems, but can be also used for machines with a proportioning delivery system [14], although at the price of poorer results [15]. It is necessary to add ascorbic acid in a quantity sufficiently to achieve at least a concentration of 1.7 mg/dl in the dialysate fluid. The infusion of 500 mg of ascorbic acid per week to haemodialysis patients has also been shown to be useful to diminish the anaemia of chloramines [6]. Administration of ascorbic acid is more expensive and more complex than dialysate treatment with activated charcoal filters. In certain circumstances it could be used as a complementary measure."

I got the info from this site:

Dialysis patients can use it to remove chloramines. I will try to post back when I find any info on dosage...

This is apparently the reaction:

Ascorbic acid + Chloramine = dehydroascorbic acid + Ammonium Chloride
C6H8O6 + NH2Cl = C6H6O6 + NH4Cl

I don't know if that's right, but I found it here:

So, I guess Ammonium Chloride is a salt that would accumulate... but I'm guessing it would be less accumulation that what you'd get from aquarium products.

From what I can tell, it's probably best to add your Vit C and then wait an hour or so before adding any organic nutes or applying. It says a 4 min half-life for the reaction.

Chloramines are usually under 3ppm, so I'm just going to apply dose for that level. I do need to find some documentation to fine-tune dose though...


Active Member
I have not used ascorbic acid it to remove chlorine or chloramines - simply because any active carbon filter/RO combo does the trick quite nicely without the need to add anything to the mix. A common 5-6 stage RO filter (found easily on eBay) works beautifully, resulting in near 0 TDS of the filtered water.

You will want to be careful using ascorbic acid to your feeding regiment. It is an acid, and as such, can substantially lower your pH in certain doses. In regards to the salmiac resulting from the reaction with the chloramines, it would actually work as a nitrogen store for microrganisms in the soil medium. (this is good)

In terms of practicality, I don't think using ascorbic acid is necessary for what you are trying to do. It will not hurt, but not really necessary in my opinion. Chloramines is added to your tap water as a disinfectant and is typically in very small concentrations. It will likely not have an ill effect on plants, roots, or beneficial bacterias in the soil. Chlorine, on the other hand, not so friendly - but that can dissipate by letting your water sit for a few days before using it (aeration is also helpful in releasing the chlorine in gas form).


Active Member
Nobody has anything?


yeah im doing some reading myself on this crap.... I'll post the pages so you can read too, I'm sure youve seen it but just incase..

[h=1]Chloramine Toxicity, Chloramine Safety and Chloramine Reducing
Shower Filters, Bath Tub Filters and Drinking Water Filters[/h][h=2]CuZn KDF®85 TurboShower, Bath Ball and Drinking Water Systems and
VitaShower Vitamin C Shower Filter, VitaBath Vitamin C Tablets
Remove Chlorine and Chloramines from Your Shower and Bath Water.[/h]The EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, for a hazard ranking under Section 112(g) of the Clean Air Act Amendments, considers chlorine to be a "high concern" pollutant based on severe acute toxicity.
"Chlorine is so dangerous" according to biologist/chemist Dr. Herbert Schwartz," that it should be banned. Putting chlorine in the water is like starting a time bomb. Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility, both mental and physical are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. It is making us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of ageing such as hardening of the arteries."
New research published this year by Dr. Michael Plewa, a professor at the University of Illinois, shows that the disinfection byproducts (DBPs) created from the use of chloramine are much more toxic than the DBPs of chlorine. These new nitrogen-containing DBPs are currently not regulated by the EPA. They are in California water supplies and he recommends that water agencies switch back to chlorine.
Chloramine is a mixture of chlorine and ammonia, which is added to the water of many cities as a substitute for free chlorine. It is often referred to in the plural, as “chloramines,” because it can take on a number of forms according to the pH and mineral content of the water.
  • Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia.
  • Chloramine is used to disinfect water supplies (like the Hetch Hetchy system.) Water utilities often refer to chloramine as monochloramine.
  • In reality, chloramine exists as three different forms or species: monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2) and trichloramine (NCl3). They are chemically related and are easily converted into each other; thus, they are more appropriately called chloramines.
  • The three species of chloramine constantly and rapidly shift from one form to another. The species that predominates is dependent on pH, temperature, turbulence, and the chlorine to ammonia ratio.
  • Even time plays a factor because after a day or so, with no changes in conditions, monochloramine in a water system will slowly degrade to form dichloramine and some trichloramine.
  • Chloramines are all respiratory irritants with trichloramine being the most toxic (order of toxicity: monochloramine < dichloramine (trichloramine-most severe.)
  • In contrast to what water utilities claim, it is impossible to have only monochloramine. It is not unusual in water systems for harmful di and trichloramines to occur.
At first, scientists knew only that chloramine didn't produce the same byproducts chlorine did. But over time they learned that it could produce worrisome byproducts of its own, including chemicals called nitrosamines. "Nitrosamines are the compounds that people warned you about when they told you you shouldn't be eating those nitrite-cured hot dogs," Sedlak says. "They're about a thousand times more carcinogenic than the disinfection byproducts that we'd been worried about with regular old chlorine." [read complete article]
[h=3]Why Do Water Companies Use Chloramine to Treat Your Water?[/h]Since chlorine makes by-products when it interacts with organic matter in the source or raw water, the EPA has ruled that those by-products must be reduced by the year 2012. Chloramine does help reduce chlorine by-products. Additionally, a "residual" or chemical in the pipe lines from the plant to our houses is needed to kill bacteria in the water on its way to our homes. Chloramine is a good chemical for that purpose because is does not dissipate and will remain in the lines to fight bacteria all the way to our homes.
However, Chloramine creates its own by-products that are more toxic than those of chlorine and are genotoxic, which means they attack our DNA. There are other methods of reducing chlorine by-products and cleaning the water as it runs through the lines without using chloramines.
[h=3]Why Should I Be Concerned About Chloramines?[/h]
Toxic By-products - In recent studies funded and conducted by the EPA, scientists have discovered many by-products of chloramines that are cytotoxic and genotoxic. These byproducts are mutagens and have the potential to cause cancer and birth defects. Some of the known by-products are Iodoacetic Acid, Hydrazine and Nitrosamines.
These by-products are created in the water purification process. See more under Studies. While the EPA has studied these by-products and determined them to be "potent" carcinogens, they are only in the beginning stages of regulating them.
Health Concerns - In addition to the long term effects of the by-products discussed above, hundreds of people in other areas of the country in chloramines service areas are reporting respiratory and skin problems related to the use of chloraminated water. When chloramine undergoes heat or pH changes, it changes to di and tri-chloramines. Tri-chloramine is a potent respiratory irritant.
People are reporting difficulty breathing during and after showering and rashes, both of which resolve when they leave their water source for a week or two and which return upon return to the water source. CDC is currently investigating the reported cases in Vermont. There are studies that indicate that chloraminated water may adversely react with certain prescription medications. See Studies for more information.
For more Chloramine information, also read: (requires Adobe Reader)
Showering may negatively affect our health more than we ever thought. Gases as a rule are less soluble in hot water, and when heated, the free chlorine in water escapes into the air we breathe. When taking a shower chlorine gasses are steadily increased in the air to an extent that we breathe the harmful fumes. Regularly taking hot showers with chlorinated water could irritate the lungs and pose a health risk.
[h=3]How to Get Chloramine Out of Bathing Water[/h]Some individuals may choose to reduce exposure to chlorine or chloramine. There are two effective methods of removing chloramine from your shower or bathing water:
  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has recently been included in AWWA (American Water Works Association) Standard (AWWA, 2005b) as one of the methods for dechlorination of disinfected water mains. There are no NSF International certified point of use devices utilizing Vitamin C, however SFPUC (San Francisco Public Utilities Commission) determined that 1000 mg of Vitamin C removes chloramine and chlorine completely in a medium size bathtub.
  2. KDF®85 media removes a significant amount of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, copper, arsenic and other dissolved metals. It is is effective in controlling the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale, even in hot water and KDF®85 removes or significantly reduces chloramine, iron and hydrogen sulfide. KDF®85 also removes free chlorine, but not as effectively as KDF®55.
NOTE: Chlorine in water may be present in two forms, free and combined. Free chlorine does the hard work of killing bacteria and oxidizing contaminants. When you add chlorine to water, you are actually adding free chlorine. When the free chlorine combines with contaminants, it becomes combined chlorine or chloramines. In water, this form of chlorine has very little sanitizing ability, and no oxidizing ability. Total chlorine is just the sum of both combined chlorine and free chlorine.
CuZn's KDF®55 filter removes about 98% and KDF®85 removes about 80% of both free and combined chlorine as a new filter and diminishes in capability as the filter is used, as do all water filters. There is only one accurate water test that is capable of measuring both free and combined chlorine -- DPD#1 Test. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the beast, false readings are common.
Regardless of which method you choose for removing chloramine and chlorine, most people experience:
  • You breathe easier by removing harsh chlorine vapors, which are caused from the hot water and inhaled in the lungs and transferred into the blood stream.
  • Reduction of allergy symptoms.
  • Alleviation of dry itchy skin and healthier looking skin.
  • Luster and natural shine returning to your hair, leaving it silky and smooth.
[h=5]Chloramine Reducing Shower and Bath Products[/h][h=3]To add all purchases from this page to the shopping cart,
click any
buttononly once.[/h][h=3]
VitaShower SF-1 Vitamin C Shower Filters[/h] Save 30% off MSRP
Removes Chlorine and Chloramines in the Shower
Vitamin C Shower Filter contains 210 grams of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C, capable of neutralizing chlorine for up to 15,000 gallons of water. The VitaShower SF-1 typically lasts 6 months or more, depending on the frequency and length of showers and water quality. more info
$25.17 $35.95 VitaShower SF1
$18.00 Replacement Cartridge for VitaShower SF1

CuZn TurboShower KDF®85 Shower Filter[/h]Removes Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and Roughly 80% of Chlorine in the Shower
The CuZn TurboShower® KDF®85 shower filter utilizes the new PowerDisk™ Patented FilterFoam® Technology, designed exclusively by CuZn for shower filter applications. The new PowerDisk™ with it's non-woven filter pad will eliminate dirt, sediment, odors, chloramines, most chlorine and heavy metals that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Added PowerDisk™ benefits are your shower will stay cleaner longer because it reduces lime scale, mold, and mildew deposits and helps to soften your water naturally without salt, leaving your skin supple and smooth and your hair soft, silky and manageable.
Special Sales Price on TurboShower SAVE $10
[h=3] TurboShower KDF®85 for Chloramine, Heavy Metals and to a Lesser Degree, Chlorine[/h]$69.95 $59.95 CuZn KDF 85 Turbo Shower Filter without Showerhead
$39.95 Replacement KDF 85 Filter for CuZn Turbo Shower

VitaBath Vitamin C Dechlorination Bath and Spa Tablets[/h]Removes Chlorine and Chloramines in Bath, Hot Tub and Spa Water
If you prefer taking a bath, but don't want chlorine or chloramines in your bath water, use VitaBath Vitamin C tablets to remove the chlorine and chloramines from your bath water, hot tub or spa. One tablet treats 100 gallons of water; box includes 100 tablets. more info
$19.95 VitaBath Tablets

CuZn Bath Tub Faucet Filter[/h]Removes Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and Roughly 80% of Chlorine from Bath Water
The CuZn™ Bath Ball™ is for people who want a quick, messless way to fill their bath with clean, filtered water. The Bath Ball utilizes the new PowerDisk™ patented FilterFoam™ technology, designed exclusively by CuZn™ for water filter applications. The new PowerDisk™ will eliminate dirt, sediment, odors and chlorine that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Added PowerDisk™ benefits are your bathtub will stay cleaner longer because the filter reduces lime scale, mold, and mildew deposits and helps to soften your water naturally (without salt!!) leaving your skin supple and smooth and your hair soft, silky and manageable.
Special Sales Price on Bath Ball! SAVE $3
[h=3]KDF®85 Option for Chloramine, Heavy Metals and to a Lesser Degree, Chlorine[/h]$59.95 $56.95 CuZn KDF 85 Refillable Bath Ball Filter
$39.95 CuZn Bath Ball KDF 85 Replacement Filter

[h=3]How to Get Chloramine Out of Drinking Water[/h]We offer the following KDF®85 filter option for kitchen countertops and under-counters:
[h=3]Additional References about Chloramines[/h]
  • National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
  • Case-control study of bladder cancer and water disinfection methods in Colorado . McGeehin MA, Reif JS, Becher JC, Mangione EJ. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Oct 1;138(7):492-501
  • Type of disinfectant in drinking water and patterns of mortality in Massachusetts . Zierler S, Danley RA, Feingold L. Environ Health Perspect. 1986 Nov;69:275-9
  • Plumbing the depths of D.C.'s drinking water crisis. Renner R. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Jun 15;38(12):224A-227A
  • EPA Microbial & Disinfection Byproducts Rules: Chloramines in Drinking Water
  • Changes in blood lead levels associated with use of chloramines in water treatment systems. Miranda ML, Kim D, Hull AP, Paul CJ, Galeano MA. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):221-5
  • Effects of fluoridation and disinfection agent combinations on lead leaching from leaded-brass parts. Maas RP, Patch SC , Christian AM, Coplan MJ. Neurotoxicology . 2007 Sep;28(5):1023-31
  • Electrochemistry of free chlorine and monochloramine and its relevance to the presence of Pb in drinking water. Rajasekharan VV, Clark BN, Boonsalee S, Switzer JA. Environ Sci Technol. 2007 Jun 15;41(12):4252-7
  • Evidence that monochloramine disinfectant could lead to elevated Pb levels in drinking water. Switzer JA, Rajasekharan VV, Boonsalee S, Kulp EA, Bohannan EW. Environ Sci Technol. 2006 May 15;40(10):3384-7
  • Plumbing the depths of D.C.'s drinking water crisis. Renner R. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Jun 15;38(12):224A-227A
  • Nitrification in premise plumbing: role of phosphate, pH , and pipe corrosion. Zhang Y, Griffin A, Edwards M. Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 15;42(12):4280-4
  • Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
  • Ocular and respiratory illness associated with an indoor swimming pool--Nebraska , 2006. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2007 Sep 14;56(36):929-32
  • Outbreaks of short-incubation ocular and respiratory illness following exposure to indoor swimming pools. Bowen AB, Kile JC, Otto C, Kazerouni N, Austin C, Blount BC, Wong HN, Beach MJ, Fry AM. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):267-71
  • The determinants of prevalence of health complaints among young competitive swimmers. Lévesque B, Duchesne JF, Gingras S, Lavoie R, Prud'Homme D, Bernard E, Boulet LP, Ernst P. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2006 Oct;80(1):32-9
  • Occupational asthma caused by chloramines in indoor swimming-pool air. Thickett KM, McCoach JS, Gerber JM, Sadhra S, Burge PS. Eur Respir J. 2002 May;19(5):827-32
  • Comparison of chlorine and chloramine in the release of mercury from dental amalgam. Stone ME, Scott JW, Schultz ST, Berry DL, Wilcoxon M, Piwoni M, Panno B, Bordson G. Sci Total Environ. 2009 Jan 1;407(2):770-5
  • Case-control study of bladder cancer and water disinfection methods in Colorado . McGeehin MA, Reif JS, Becher JC, Mangione EJ. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Oct 1;138(7):492-501
  • Occurrence, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity of regulated and emerging disinfection by-products in drinking water: a review and roadmap for research. Richardson SD , Plewa MJ, Wagner ED, Schoeny R, Demarini DM. Mutat Res. 2007 Nov-Dec;636(1-3):178-242
  • Assessment of the carcinogenic potential of chlorinated water: experimental studies of chlorine, chloramine, and trihalomethanes. Dunnick JK, Melnick RL. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1993 May 19;85(10):817-22
  • Type of disinfectant in drinking water and patterns of mortality in Massachusetts . Zierler S, Danley RA, Feingold L. Environ Health Perspect. 1986 Nov;69:275-9
  • Reducing chloramines in drinking water] Becker FF, Janowsky U, Overath H, Stetter D. Biomed Tech (Berl). 1989 Nov;34(11):280-8
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Gordon P Hall
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[h=1]Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This[/h] By Gordon P Hall

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A chloramine water filter is usually described as a chlorine filter or water purifier. There are a number of different filters on the market. Like all consumables, some are more effective than others. The right choice depends on what you know needs to be removed and the things that you don't know about.
You see, there are only a dozen or so contaminants that are routinely tested for by treatment facilities. In some cases, even the ones that are tested for and found are not reported to the public. You may have read the investigative reports concerning the drugs found in public supplies. The facilities that tested for them did not report the results to consumers, because they felt that the consumers would not understand how to interpret the results. What's to interpret?
There are traces of pharmaceuticals in numerous supplies around the country. The traces may be slight and certainly would not cause an overdose. But, because there are so many different drugs and because the effects that they have depend on a person's body weight, they are a danger to our children. No interpretation is necessary.
The average chloramine water filter will not reduce or remove those traces. In some cases, they only reduce the chloramine-content by 50%. In others, the filters contain charcoal, which does not reduce the chemical content. It simply removes the chlorine smell and improves the taste, slightly.
One of the chemical compounds that are only tested for in a few states is called perchlorate. Perchlorate is a naturally occurring substance and an element of rocket fuel. It has a negative effect on the thyroid gland and causes metabolic disorders. Children should not be exposed to it, because it negatively effects growth and development.
Independent studies sponsored by the state of California, one of the states that limit the amount of perchlorate that can be present in public supplies, found high levels of the chemical in hundreds of test sites around the country. The state has petitioned the US Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for setting nationwide maximum contaminant levels for treatment facilities, to regulate perchlorate. But, the agency has yet to make a decision.
Chloramine water filters will not remove perchlorate. It belongs to a group of chemicals called VOCs or volatile organic compounds. There are some purifiers on the market that reduce VOCs, as well as THMs.
If you need chloramine water filters, you need THM filters, too. The chemical compounds are byproducts during disinfection. When chloramines, any other chemicals or any other disinfection method kills bacteria, THMs are formed. They contribute to the formation of cancer growths in the bladder, colon and rectum.
It has been known for many years that people with chlorinated supplies were more likely to suffer from certain kinds of cancer than those that were not exposed to chemical disinfectants. Now, it has been found that any disinfection method available today, is just as dangerous as chlorine, because of the cancer-causing byproducts.
The bottom line: Instead of shopping for chloramine water filters, shop for one that includes multiple steps to address all of the issues mentioned here.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of Water Purification Systems. Visit his website now at : to discover which Water Purification Systems Gordon recommends after far ranging comparisons.

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Submitted On July 31, 2009. Viewed 1,888 time. Word count: 521.

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Hall, Gordon P. "Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This." Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This. 31 Jul. 2009 6 Jan. 2012 <;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673>.
APA Style Citation:
Hall, G. P. (2009, July 31). Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This. Retrieved January 6, 2012, from;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673
Chicago Style Citation:
Hall, Gordon P. "Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This." Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673

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I know this old .. but... this shit sucks. It has alot of farmers that are outside growing real food really upset!! Especially the organic farmers! I seen em ranting and raving in the magic grow shop so... I mean I don't even drink the shit. I shower and brush my teeth but never swallow it. I mainly drink bottled water or milk. I try to make my coffee with it too. when I melt my sugar to make my syrup for espresso I use this water with chloramine. I don't get the water hot enough to boil it off im sure cause I cant scorch the sugar. One day though somebody is gonna get really rich off this shit they are using. I think it's pretty slick and shitty how the piss ants come on the news one morning and made it a big deal like it was real great. probably had his hand in hi pocket giving us all the finger. I am told by a friend as a joke they are trying to kill the population. How do we know some old ass couple isn't still filling up bottles in there bathtub, with some shit equivalent to rocket fuel WTF!. I really don't trust anyone. At one point I thought it was because of that weed plant I grew years ago was the reason for my paranoia. Fortunately im not quite scared enough to leave my house but im getting close hahaha!


Active Member
Nobody has anything?
Nobody has anything?


yeah im doing some reading myself on this crap.... I'll post the pages so you can read too, I'm sure youve seen it but just incase..

[h=1]Chloramine Toxicity, Chloramine Safety and Chloramine Reducing
Shower Filters, Bath Tub Filters and Drinking Water Filters[/h][h=2]CuZn KDF®85 TurboShower, Bath Ball and Drinking Water Systems and
VitaShower Vitamin C Shower Filter, VitaBath Vitamin C Tablets
Remove Chlorine and Chloramines from Your Shower and Bath Water.[/h]The EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, for a hazard ranking under Section 112(g) of the Clean Air Act Amendments, considers chlorine to be a "high concern" pollutant based on severe acute toxicity.
"Chlorine is so dangerous" according to biologist/chemist Dr. Herbert Schwartz," that it should be banned. Putting chlorine in the water is like starting a time bomb. Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility, both mental and physical are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. It is making us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of ageing such as hardening of the arteries."
New research published this year by Dr. Michael Plewa, a professor at the University of Illinois, shows that the disinfection byproducts (DBPs) created from the use of chloramine are much more toxic than the DBPs of chlorine. These new nitrogen-containing DBPs are currently not regulated by the EPA. They are in California water supplies and he recommends that water agencies switch back to chlorine.
Chloramine is a mixture of chlorine and ammonia, which is added to the water of many cities as a substitute for free chlorine. It is often referred to in the plural, as “chloramines,” because it can take on a number of forms according to the pH and mineral content of the water.
  • Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia.
  • Chloramine is used to disinfect water supplies (like the Hetch Hetchy system.) Water utilities often refer to chloramine as monochloramine.
  • In reality, chloramine exists as three different forms or species: monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2) and trichloramine (NCl3). They are chemically related and are easily converted into each other; thus, they are more appropriately called chloramines.
  • The three species of chloramine constantly and rapidly shift from one form to another. The species that predominates is dependent on pH, temperature, turbulence, and the chlorine to ammonia ratio.
  • Even time plays a factor because after a day or so, with no changes in conditions, monochloramine in a water system will slowly degrade to form dichloramine and some trichloramine.
  • Chloramines are all respiratory irritants with trichloramine being the most toxic (order of toxicity: monochloramine < dichloramine (trichloramine-most severe.)
  • In contrast to what water utilities claim, it is impossible to have only monochloramine. It is not unusual in water systems for harmful di and trichloramines to occur.
At first, scientists knew only that chloramine didn't produce the same byproducts chlorine did. But over time they learned that it could produce worrisome byproducts of its own, including chemicals called nitrosamines. "Nitrosamines are the compounds that people warned you about when they told you you shouldn't be eating those nitrite-cured hot dogs," Sedlak says. "They're about a thousand times more carcinogenic than the disinfection byproducts that we'd been worried about with regular old chlorine." [read complete article]
[h=3]Why Do Water Companies Use Chloramine to Treat Your Water?[/h]Since chlorine makes by-products when it interacts with organic matter in the source or raw water, the EPA has ruled that those by-products must be reduced by the year 2012. Chloramine does help reduce chlorine by-products. Additionally, a "residual" or chemical in the pipe lines from the plant to our houses is needed to kill bacteria in the water on its way to our homes. Chloramine is a good chemical for that purpose because is does not dissipate and will remain in the lines to fight bacteria all the way to our homes.
However, Chloramine creates its own by-products that are more toxic than those of chlorine and are genotoxic, which means they attack our DNA. There are other methods of reducing chlorine by-products and cleaning the water as it runs through the lines without using chloramines.
[h=3]Why Should I Be Concerned About Chloramines?[/h]
Toxic By-products - In recent studies funded and conducted by the EPA, scientists have discovered many by-products of chloramines that are cytotoxic and genotoxic. These byproducts are mutagens and have the potential to cause cancer and birth defects. Some of the known by-products are Iodoacetic Acid, Hydrazine and Nitrosamines.
These by-products are created in the water purification process. See more under Studies. While the EPA has studied these by-products and determined them to be "potent" carcinogens, they are only in the beginning stages of regulating them.
Health Concerns - In addition to the long term effects of the by-products discussed above, hundreds of people in other areas of the country in chloramines service areas are reporting respiratory and skin problems related to the use of chloraminated water. When chloramine undergoes heat or pH changes, it changes to di and tri-chloramines. Tri-chloramine is a potent respiratory irritant.
People are reporting difficulty breathing during and after showering and rashes, both of which resolve when they leave their water source for a week or two and which return upon return to the water source. CDC is currently investigating the reported cases in Vermont. There are studies that indicate that chloraminated water may adversely react with certain prescription medications. See Studies for more information.
For more Chloramine information, also read: (requires Adobe Reader)
Showering may negatively affect our health more than we ever thought. Gases as a rule are less soluble in hot water, and when heated, the free chlorine in water escapes into the air we breathe. When taking a shower chlorine gasses are steadily increased in the air to an extent that we breathe the harmful fumes. Regularly taking hot showers with chlorinated water could irritate the lungs and pose a health risk.
[h=3]How to Get Chloramine Out of Bathing Water[/h]Some individuals may choose to reduce exposure to chlorine or chloramine. There are two effective methods of removing chloramine from your shower or bathing water:
  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has recently been included in AWWA (American Water Works Association) Standard (AWWA, 2005b) as one of the methods for dechlorination of disinfected water mains. There are no NSF International certified point of use devices utilizing Vitamin C, however SFPUC (San Francisco Public Utilities Commission) determined that 1000 mg of Vitamin C removes chloramine and chlorine completely in a medium size bathtub.
  2. KDF®85 media removes a significant amount of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, copper, arsenic and other dissolved metals. It is is effective in controlling the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale, even in hot water and KDF®85 removes or significantly reduces chloramine, iron and hydrogen sulfide. KDF®85 also removes free chlorine, but not as effectively as KDF®55.
NOTE: Chlorine in water may be present in two forms, free and combined. Free chlorine does the hard work of killing bacteria and oxidizing contaminants. When you add chlorine to water, you are actually adding free chlorine. When the free chlorine combines with contaminants, it becomes combined chlorine or chloramines. In water, this form of chlorine has very little sanitizing ability, and no oxidizing ability. Total chlorine is just the sum of both combined chlorine and free chlorine.
CuZn's KDF®55 filter removes about 98% and KDF®85 removes about 80% of both free and combined chlorine as a new filter and diminishes in capability as the filter is used, as do all water filters. There is only one accurate water test that is capable of measuring both free and combined chlorine -- DPD#1 Test. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the beast, false readings are common.
Regardless of which method you choose for removing chloramine and chlorine, most people experience:
  • You breathe easier by removing harsh chlorine vapors, which are caused from the hot water and inhaled in the lungs and transferred into the blood stream.
  • Reduction of allergy symptoms.
  • Alleviation of dry itchy skin and healthier looking skin.
  • Luster and natural shine returning to your hair, leaving it silky and smooth.
[h=5]Chloramine Reducing Shower and Bath Products[/h][h=3]To add all purchases from this page to the shopping cart,
click any
buttononly once.[/h][h=3]
VitaShower SF-1 Vitamin C Shower Filters[/h] Save 30% off MSRP
Removes Chlorine and Chloramines in the Shower
Vitamin C Shower Filter contains 210 grams of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C, capable of neutralizing chlorine for up to 15,000 gallons of water. The VitaShower SF-1 typically lasts 6 months or more, depending on the frequency and length of showers and water quality. more info
$25.17 $35.95 VitaShower SF1
$18.00 Replacement Cartridge for VitaShower SF1

CuZn TurboShower KDF®85 Shower Filter[/h]Removes Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and Roughly 80% of Chlorine in the Shower
The CuZn TurboShower® KDF®85 shower filter utilizes the new PowerDisk™ Patented FilterFoam® Technology, designed exclusively by CuZn for shower filter applications. The new PowerDisk™ with it's non-woven filter pad will eliminate dirt, sediment, odors, chloramines, most chlorine and heavy metals that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Added PowerDisk™ benefits are your shower will stay cleaner longer because it reduces lime scale, mold, and mildew deposits and helps to soften your water naturally without salt, leaving your skin supple and smooth and your hair soft, silky and manageable.
Special Sales Price on TurboShower SAVE $10
[h=3] TurboShower KDF®85 for Chloramine, Heavy Metals and to a Lesser Degree, Chlorine[/h]$69.95 $59.95 CuZn KDF 85 Turbo Shower Filter without Showerhead
$39.95 Replacement KDF 85 Filter for CuZn Turbo Shower

VitaBath Vitamin C Dechlorination Bath and Spa Tablets[/h]Removes Chlorine and Chloramines in Bath, Hot Tub and Spa Water
If you prefer taking a bath, but don't want chlorine or chloramines in your bath water, use VitaBath Vitamin C tablets to remove the chlorine and chloramines from your bath water, hot tub or spa. One tablet treats 100 gallons of water; box includes 100 tablets. more info
$19.95 VitaBath Tablets

CuZn Bath Tub Faucet Filter[/h]Removes Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and Roughly 80% of Chlorine from Bath Water
The CuZn™ Bath Ball™ is for people who want a quick, messless way to fill their bath with clean, filtered water. The Bath Ball utilizes the new PowerDisk™ patented FilterFoam™ technology, designed exclusively by CuZn™ for water filter applications. The new PowerDisk™ will eliminate dirt, sediment, odors and chlorine that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Added PowerDisk™ benefits are your bathtub will stay cleaner longer because the filter reduces lime scale, mold, and mildew deposits and helps to soften your water naturally (without salt!!) leaving your skin supple and smooth and your hair soft, silky and manageable.
Special Sales Price on Bath Ball! SAVE $3
[h=3]KDF®85 Option for Chloramine, Heavy Metals and to a Lesser Degree, Chlorine[/h]$59.95 $56.95 CuZn KDF 85 Refillable Bath Ball Filter
$39.95 CuZn Bath Ball KDF 85 Replacement Filter

[h=3]How to Get Chloramine Out of Drinking Water[/h]We offer the following KDF®85 filter option for kitchen countertops and under-counters:
[h=3]Additional References about Chloramines[/h]
  • National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
  • Case-control study of bladder cancer and water disinfection methods in Colorado . McGeehin MA, Reif JS, Becher JC, Mangione EJ. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Oct 1;138(7):492-501
  • Type of disinfectant in drinking water and patterns of mortality in Massachusetts . Zierler S, Danley RA, Feingold L. Environ Health Perspect. 1986 Nov;69:275-9
  • Plumbing the depths of D.C.'s drinking water crisis. Renner R. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Jun 15;38(12):224A-227A
  • EPA Microbial & Disinfection Byproducts Rules: Chloramines in Drinking Water
  • Changes in blood lead levels associated with use of chloramines in water treatment systems. Miranda ML, Kim D, Hull AP, Paul CJ, Galeano MA. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):221-5
  • Effects of fluoridation and disinfection agent combinations on lead leaching from leaded-brass parts. Maas RP, Patch SC , Christian AM, Coplan MJ. Neurotoxicology . 2007 Sep;28(5):1023-31
  • Electrochemistry of free chlorine and monochloramine and its relevance to the presence of Pb in drinking water. Rajasekharan VV, Clark BN, Boonsalee S, Switzer JA. Environ Sci Technol. 2007 Jun 15;41(12):4252-7
  • Evidence that monochloramine disinfectant could lead to elevated Pb levels in drinking water. Switzer JA, Rajasekharan VV, Boonsalee S, Kulp EA, Bohannan EW. Environ Sci Technol. 2006 May 15;40(10):3384-7
  • Plumbing the depths of D.C.'s drinking water crisis. Renner R. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Jun 15;38(12):224A-227A
  • Nitrification in premise plumbing: role of phosphate, pH , and pipe corrosion. Zhang Y, Griffin A, Edwards M. Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 15;42(12):4280-4
  • Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
  • Ocular and respiratory illness associated with an indoor swimming pool--Nebraska , 2006. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2007 Sep 14;56(36):929-32
  • Outbreaks of short-incubation ocular and respiratory illness following exposure to indoor swimming pools. Bowen AB, Kile JC, Otto C, Kazerouni N, Austin C, Blount BC, Wong HN, Beach MJ, Fry AM. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):267-71
  • The determinants of prevalence of health complaints among young competitive swimmers. Lévesque B, Duchesne JF, Gingras S, Lavoie R, Prud'Homme D, Bernard E, Boulet LP, Ernst P. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2006 Oct;80(1):32-9
  • Occupational asthma caused by chloramines in indoor swimming-pool air. Thickett KM, McCoach JS, Gerber JM, Sadhra S, Burge PS. Eur Respir J. 2002 May;19(5):827-32
  • Comparison of chlorine and chloramine in the release of mercury from dental amalgam. Stone ME, Scott JW, Schultz ST, Berry DL, Wilcoxon M, Piwoni M, Panno B, Bordson G. Sci Total Environ. 2009 Jan 1;407(2):770-5
  • Case-control study of bladder cancer and water disinfection methods in Colorado . McGeehin MA, Reif JS, Becher JC, Mangione EJ. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Oct 1;138(7):492-501
  • Occurrence, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity of regulated and emerging disinfection by-products in drinking water: a review and roadmap for research. Richardson SD , Plewa MJ, Wagner ED, Schoeny R, Demarini DM. Mutat Res. 2007 Nov-Dec;636(1-3):178-242
  • Assessment of the carcinogenic potential of chlorinated water: experimental studies of chlorine, chloramine, and trihalomethanes. Dunnick JK, Melnick RL. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1993 May 19;85(10):817-22
  • Type of disinfectant in drinking water and patterns of mortality in Massachusetts . Zierler S, Danley RA, Feingold L. Environ Health Perspect. 1986 Nov;69:275-9
  • Reducing chloramines in drinking water] Becker FF, Janowsky U, Overath H, Stetter D. Biomed Tech (Berl). 1989 Nov;34(11):280-8
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Ads By Google Water Filter SystemsWater FilterChloramine FilterChloramine Removal

Gordon P Hall
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Joined: May 22, 2008

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[h=1]Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This[/h] By Gordon P Hall

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A chloramine water filter is usually described as a chlorine filter or water purifier. There are a number of different filters on the market. Like all consumables, some are more effective than others. The right choice depends on what you know needs to be removed and the things that you don't know about.
You see, there are only a dozen or so contaminants that are routinely tested for by treatment facilities. In some cases, even the ones that are tested for and found are not reported to the public. You may have read the investigative reports concerning the drugs found in public supplies. The facilities that tested for them did not report the results to consumers, because they felt that the consumers would not understand how to interpret the results. What's to interpret?
There are traces of pharmaceuticals in numerous supplies around the country. The traces may be slight and certainly would not cause an overdose. But, because there are so many different drugs and because the effects that they have depend on a person's body weight, they are a danger to our children. No interpretation is necessary.
The average chloramine water filter will not reduce or remove those traces. In some cases, they only reduce the chloramine-content by 50%. In others, the filters contain charcoal, which does not reduce the chemical content. It simply removes the chlorine smell and improves the taste, slightly.
One of the chemical compounds that are only tested for in a few states is called perchlorate. Perchlorate is a naturally occurring substance and an element of rocket fuel. It has a negative effect on the thyroid gland and causes metabolic disorders. Children should not be exposed to it, because it negatively effects growth and development.
Independent studies sponsored by the state of California, one of the states that limit the amount of perchlorate that can be present in public supplies, found high levels of the chemical in hundreds of test sites around the country. The state has petitioned the US Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for setting nationwide maximum contaminant levels for treatment facilities, to regulate perchlorate. But, the agency has yet to make a decision.
Chloramine water filters will not remove perchlorate. It belongs to a group of chemicals called VOCs or volatile organic compounds. There are some purifiers on the market that reduce VOCs, as well as THMs.
If you need chloramine water filters, you need THM filters, too. The chemical compounds are byproducts during disinfection. When chloramines, any other chemicals or any other disinfection method kills bacteria, THMs are formed. They contribute to the formation of cancer growths in the bladder, colon and rectum.
It has been known for many years that people with chlorinated supplies were more likely to suffer from certain kinds of cancer than those that were not exposed to chemical disinfectants. Now, it has been found that any disinfection method available today, is just as dangerous as chlorine, because of the cancer-causing byproducts.
The bottom line: Instead of shopping for chloramine water filters, shop for one that includes multiple steps to address all of the issues mentioned here.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of Water Purification Systems. Visit his website now at : to discover which Water Purification Systems Gordon recommends after far ranging comparisons.

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Submitted On July 31, 2009. Viewed 1,888 time. Word count: 521.

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I did read that 1000mg of vit c was enough to kill it in a med. sized bathtub.. but whoah hold your cotton picking heel toes, when you get rid of that you pick up another.
if what ive posted is true, it's really good business for the water distillers crooked fucks! after reading anything it certainly makes going and lugging arouund water from the store more appealing, what viscious conspiracy of a cycle.with these crooked bastards! Style Citation:
Hall, Gordon P. "Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This." Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This. 31 Jul. 2009 6 Jan. 2012 <;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673>.
APA Style Citation:
Hall, G. P. (2009, July 31). Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This. Retrieved January 6, 2012, from;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673
Chicago Style Citation:
Hall, Gordon P. "Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This." Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673

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I know this old .. but... this shit sucks. It has alot of farmers that are outside growing real food really upset!! Especially the organic farmers! I seen em ranting and raving in the magic grow shop so... I mean I don't even drink the shit. I shower and brush my teeth but never swallow it. I mainly drink bottled water or milk. I try to make my coffee with bottled water too. when I melt my sugar to make my syrup for espresso I use this water with chloramine. I don't get the water hot enough to boil it off im sure cause I cant scorch the sugar. One day though somebody is gonna get really rich off this shit they are using.whether scientific or deathly ill. I think it's pretty slick and shitty how the piss ants come on the news one morning and made it a big deal like it was real great. probably had his hand in his pocket giving us all the finger. I am told by a friend as a joke they are trying to kill the population. How do we know some old couple isn't still filling up bottles in there bathtub, with some shit equivalent to rocket fuel WTF!. I really don't trust anyone. At one point I thought it was because of that weed plant I grew years ago was the reason for my paranoia. Fortunately im not quite scared enough to leave my house but im getting close!


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yeah im doing some reading myself on this crap.... I'll post the pages so you can read too, I'm sure youve seen it but just incase..

[h=1]Chloramine Toxicity, Chloramine Safety and Chloramine Reducing
Shower Filters, Bath Tub Filters and Drinking Water Filters[/h][h=2]CuZn KDF®85 TurboShower, Bath Ball and Drinking Water Systems and
VitaShower Vitamin C Shower Filter, VitaBath Vitamin C Tablets
Remove Chlorine and Chloramines from Your Shower and Bath Water.[/h]The EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, for a hazard ranking under Section 112(g) of the Clean Air Act Amendments, considers chlorine to be a "high concern" pollutant based on severe acute toxicity.
"Chlorine is so dangerous" according to biologist/chemist Dr. Herbert Schwartz," that it should be banned. Putting chlorine in the water is like starting a time bomb. Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility, both mental and physical are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. It is making us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of ageing such as hardening of the arteries."
New research published this year by Dr. Michael Plewa, a professor at the University of Illinois, shows that the disinfection byproducts (DBPs) created from the use of chloramine are much more toxic than the DBPs of chlorine. These new nitrogen-containing DBPs are currently not regulated by the EPA. They are in California water supplies and he recommends that water agencies switch back to chlorine.
Chloramine is a mixture of chlorine and ammonia, which is added to the water of many cities as a substitute for free chlorine. It is often referred to in the plural, as “chloramines,” because it can take on a number of forms according to the pH and mineral content of the water.
  • Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia.
  • Chloramine is used to disinfect water supplies (like the Hetch Hetchy system.) Water utilities often refer to chloramine as monochloramine.
  • In reality, chloramine exists as three different forms or species: monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2) and trichloramine (NCl3). They are chemically related and are easily converted into each other; thus, they are more appropriately called chloramines.
  • The three species of chloramine constantly and rapidly shift from one form to another. The species that predominates is dependent on pH, temperature, turbulence, and the chlorine to ammonia ratio.
  • Even time plays a factor because after a day or so, with no changes in conditions, monochloramine in a water system will slowly degrade to form dichloramine and some trichloramine.
  • Chloramines are all respiratory irritants with trichloramine being the most toxic (order of toxicity: monochloramine < dichloramine (trichloramine-most severe.)
  • In contrast to what water utilities claim, it is impossible to have only monochloramine. It is not unusual in water systems for harmful di and trichloramines to occur.
At first, scientists knew only that chloramine didn't produce the same byproducts chlorine did. But over time they learned that it could produce worrisome byproducts of its own, including chemicals called nitrosamines. "Nitrosamines are the compounds that people warned you about when they told you you shouldn't be eating those nitrite-cured hot dogs," Sedlak says. "They're about a thousand times more carcinogenic than the disinfection byproducts that we'd been worried about with regular old chlorine." [read complete article]
[h=3]Why Do Water Companies Use Chloramine to Treat Your Water?[/h]Since chlorine makes by-products when it interacts with organic matter in the source or raw water, the EPA has ruled that those by-products must be reduced by the year 2012. Chloramine does help reduce chlorine by-products. Additionally, a "residual" or chemical in the pipe lines from the plant to our houses is needed to kill bacteria in the water on its way to our homes. Chloramine is a good chemical for that purpose because is does not dissipate and will remain in the lines to fight bacteria all the way to our homes.
However, Chloramine creates its own by-products that are more toxic than those of chlorine and are genotoxic, which means they attack our DNA. There are other methods of reducing chlorine by-products and cleaning the water as it runs through the lines without using chloramines.
[h=3]Why Should I Be Concerned About Chloramines?[/h]
Toxic By-products - In recent studies funded and conducted by the EPA, scientists have discovered many by-products of chloramines that are cytotoxic and genotoxic. These byproducts are mutagens and have the potential to cause cancer and birth defects. Some of the known by-products are Iodoacetic Acid, Hydrazine and Nitrosamines.
These by-products are created in the water purification process. See more under Studies. While the EPA has studied these by-products and determined them to be "potent" carcinogens, they are only in the beginning stages of regulating them.
Health Concerns - In addition to the long term effects of the by-products discussed above, hundreds of people in other areas of the country in chloramines service areas are reporting respiratory and skin problems related to the use of chloraminated water. When chloramine undergoes heat or pH changes, it changes to di and tri-chloramines. Tri-chloramine is a potent respiratory irritant.
People are reporting difficulty breathing during and after showering and rashes, both of which resolve when they leave their water source for a week or two and which return upon return to the water source. CDC is currently investigating the reported cases in Vermont. There are studies that indicate that chloraminated water may adversely react with certain prescription medications. See Studies for more information.
For more Chloramine information, also read: (requires Adobe Reader)
Showering may negatively affect our health more than we ever thought. Gases as a rule are less soluble in hot water, and when heated, the free chlorine in water escapes into the air we breathe. When taking a shower chlorine gasses are steadily increased in the air to an extent that we breathe the harmful fumes. Regularly taking hot showers with chlorinated water could irritate the lungs and pose a health risk.
[h=3]How to Get Chloramine Out of Bathing Water[/h]Some individuals may choose to reduce exposure to chlorine or chloramine. There are two effective methods of removing chloramine from your shower or bathing water:
  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has recently been included in AWWA (American Water Works Association) Standard (AWWA, 2005b) as one of the methods for dechlorination of disinfected water mains. There are no NSF International certified point of use devices utilizing Vitamin C, however SFPUC (San Francisco Public Utilities Commission) determined that 1000 mg of Vitamin C removes chloramine and chlorine completely in a medium size bathtub.
  2. KDF®85 media removes a significant amount of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium, copper, arsenic and other dissolved metals. It is is effective in controlling the buildup of bacteria, algae, fungi and scale, even in hot water and KDF®85 removes or significantly reduces chloramine, iron and hydrogen sulfide. KDF®85 also removes free chlorine, but not as effectively as KDF®55.
NOTE: Chlorine in water may be present in two forms, free and combined. Free chlorine does the hard work of killing bacteria and oxidizing contaminants. When you add chlorine to water, you are actually adding free chlorine. When the free chlorine combines with contaminants, it becomes combined chlorine or chloramines. In water, this form of chlorine has very little sanitizing ability, and no oxidizing ability. Total chlorine is just the sum of both combined chlorine and free chlorine.
CuZn's KDF®55 filter removes about 98% and KDF®85 removes about 80% of both free and combined chlorine as a new filter and diminishes in capability as the filter is used, as do all water filters. There is only one accurate water test that is capable of measuring both free and combined chlorine -- DPD#1 Test. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the beast, false readings are common.
Regardless of which method you choose for removing chloramine and chlorine, most people experience:
  • You breathe easier by removing harsh chlorine vapors, which are caused from the hot water and inhaled in the lungs and transferred into the blood stream.
  • Reduction of allergy symptoms.
  • Alleviation of dry itchy skin and healthier looking skin.
  • Luster and natural shine returning to your hair, leaving it silky and smooth.
[h=5]Chloramine Reducing Shower and Bath Products[/h][h=3]To add all purchases from this page to the shopping cart,
click any
buttononly once.[/h][h=3]
VitaShower SF-1 Vitamin C Shower Filters[/h] Save 30% off MSRP
Removes Chlorine and Chloramines in the Shower
Vitamin C Shower Filter contains 210 grams of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C, capable of neutralizing chlorine for up to 15,000 gallons of water. The VitaShower SF-1 typically lasts 6 months or more, depending on the frequency and length of showers and water quality. more info
$25.17 $35.95 VitaShower SF1
$18.00 Replacement Cartridge for VitaShower SF1

CuZn TurboShower KDF®85 Shower Filter[/h]Removes Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and Roughly 80% of Chlorine in the Shower
The CuZn TurboShower® KDF®85 shower filter utilizes the new PowerDisk™ Patented FilterFoam® Technology, designed exclusively by CuZn for shower filter applications. The new PowerDisk™ with it's non-woven filter pad will eliminate dirt, sediment, odors, chloramines, most chlorine and heavy metals that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Added PowerDisk™ benefits are your shower will stay cleaner longer because it reduces lime scale, mold, and mildew deposits and helps to soften your water naturally without salt, leaving your skin supple and smooth and your hair soft, silky and manageable.
Special Sales Price on TurboShower SAVE $10
[h=3] TurboShower KDF®85 for Chloramine, Heavy Metals and to a Lesser Degree, Chlorine[/h]$69.95 $59.95 CuZn KDF 85 Turbo Shower Filter without Showerhead
$39.95 Replacement KDF 85 Filter for CuZn Turbo Shower

VitaBath Vitamin C Dechlorination Bath and Spa Tablets[/h]Removes Chlorine and Chloramines in Bath, Hot Tub and Spa Water
If you prefer taking a bath, but don't want chlorine or chloramines in your bath water, use VitaBath Vitamin C tablets to remove the chlorine and chloramines from your bath water, hot tub or spa. One tablet treats 100 gallons of water; box includes 100 tablets. more info
$19.95 VitaBath Tablets

CuZn Bath Tub Faucet Filter[/h]Removes Chloramines, Heavy Metals, Iron, Hydrogen Sulfide and Roughly 80% of Chlorine from Bath Water
The CuZn™ Bath Ball™ is for people who want a quick, messless way to fill their bath with clean, filtered water. The Bath Ball utilizes the new PowerDisk™ patented FilterFoam™ technology, designed exclusively by CuZn™ for water filter applications. The new PowerDisk™ will eliminate dirt, sediment, odors and chlorine that causes dry, itchy, flaky skin, brittle hair, eye, lung and sinus irritation. Added PowerDisk™ benefits are your bathtub will stay cleaner longer because the filter reduces lime scale, mold, and mildew deposits and helps to soften your water naturally (without salt!!) leaving your skin supple and smooth and your hair soft, silky and manageable.
Special Sales Price on Bath Ball! SAVE $3
[h=3]KDF®85 Option for Chloramine, Heavy Metals and to a Lesser Degree, Chlorine[/h]$59.95 $56.95 CuZn KDF 85 Refillable Bath Ball Filter
$39.95 CuZn Bath Ball KDF 85 Replacement Filter

[h=3]How to Get Chloramine Out of Drinking Water[/h]We offer the following KDF®85 filter option for kitchen countertops and under-counters:
[h=3]Additional References about Chloramines[/h]
  • National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
  • Case-control study of bladder cancer and water disinfection methods in Colorado . McGeehin MA, Reif JS, Becher JC, Mangione EJ. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Oct 1;138(7):492-501
  • Type of disinfectant in drinking water and patterns of mortality in Massachusetts . Zierler S, Danley RA, Feingold L. Environ Health Perspect. 1986 Nov;69:275-9
  • Plumbing the depths of D.C.'s drinking water crisis. Renner R. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Jun 15;38(12):224A-227A
  • EPA Microbial & Disinfection Byproducts Rules: Chloramines in Drinking Water
  • Changes in blood lead levels associated with use of chloramines in water treatment systems. Miranda ML, Kim D, Hull AP, Paul CJ, Galeano MA. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):221-5
  • Effects of fluoridation and disinfection agent combinations on lead leaching from leaded-brass parts. Maas RP, Patch SC , Christian AM, Coplan MJ. Neurotoxicology . 2007 Sep;28(5):1023-31
  • Electrochemistry of free chlorine and monochloramine and its relevance to the presence of Pb in drinking water. Rajasekharan VV, Clark BN, Boonsalee S, Switzer JA. Environ Sci Technol. 2007 Jun 15;41(12):4252-7
  • Evidence that monochloramine disinfectant could lead to elevated Pb levels in drinking water. Switzer JA, Rajasekharan VV, Boonsalee S, Kulp EA, Bohannan EW. Environ Sci Technol. 2006 May 15;40(10):3384-7
  • Plumbing the depths of D.C.'s drinking water crisis. Renner R. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Jun 15;38(12):224A-227A
  • Nitrification in premise plumbing: role of phosphate, pH , and pipe corrosion. Zhang Y, Griffin A, Edwards M. Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 15;42(12):4280-4
  • Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
  • Ocular and respiratory illness associated with an indoor swimming pool--Nebraska , 2006. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2007 Sep 14;56(36):929-32
  • Outbreaks of short-incubation ocular and respiratory illness following exposure to indoor swimming pools. Bowen AB, Kile JC, Otto C, Kazerouni N, Austin C, Blount BC, Wong HN, Beach MJ, Fry AM. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Feb;115(2):267-71
  • The determinants of prevalence of health complaints among young competitive swimmers. Lévesque B, Duchesne JF, Gingras S, Lavoie R, Prud'Homme D, Bernard E, Boulet LP, Ernst P. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2006 Oct;80(1):32-9
  • Occupational asthma caused by chloramines in indoor swimming-pool air. Thickett KM, McCoach JS, Gerber JM, Sadhra S, Burge PS. Eur Respir J. 2002 May;19(5):827-32
  • Comparison of chlorine and chloramine in the release of mercury from dental amalgam. Stone ME, Scott JW, Schultz ST, Berry DL, Wilcoxon M, Piwoni M, Panno B, Bordson G. Sci Total Environ. 2009 Jan 1;407(2):770-5
  • Case-control study of bladder cancer and water disinfection methods in Colorado . McGeehin MA, Reif JS, Becher JC, Mangione EJ. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Oct 1;138(7):492-501
  • Occurrence, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity of regulated and emerging disinfection by-products in drinking water: a review and roadmap for research. Richardson SD , Plewa MJ, Wagner ED, Schoeny R, Demarini DM. Mutat Res. 2007 Nov-Dec;636(1-3):178-242
  • Assessment of the carcinogenic potential of chlorinated water: experimental studies of chlorine, chloramine, and trihalomethanes. Dunnick JK, Melnick RL. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1993 May 19;85(10):817-22
  • Type of disinfectant in drinking water and patterns of mortality in Massachusetts . Zierler S, Danley RA, Feingold L. Environ Health Perspect. 1986 Nov;69:275-9
  • Reducing chloramines in drinking water] Becker FF, Janowsky U, Overath H, Stetter D. Biomed Tech (Berl). 1989 Nov;34(11):280-8
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Gordon P Hall
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Joined: May 22, 2008

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[h=1]Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This[/h] By Gordon P Hall

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A chloramine water filter is usually described as a chlorine filter or water purifier. There are a number of different filters on the market. Like all consumables, some are more effective than others. The right choice depends on what you know needs to be removed and the things that you don't know about.
You see, there are only a dozen or so contaminants that are routinely tested for by treatment facilities. In some cases, even the ones that are tested for and found are not reported to the public. You may have read the investigative reports concerning the drugs found in public supplies. The facilities that tested for them did not report the results to consumers, because they felt that the consumers would not understand how to interpret the results. What's to interpret?
There are traces of pharmaceuticals in numerous supplies around the country. The traces may be slight and certainly would not cause an overdose. But, because there are so many different drugs and because the effects that they have depend on a person's body weight, they are a danger to our children. No interpretation is necessary.
The average chloramine water filter will not reduce or remove those traces. In some cases, they only reduce the chloramine-content by 50%. In others, the filters contain charcoal, which does not reduce the chemical content. It simply removes the chlorine smell and improves the taste, slightly.
One of the chemical compounds that are only tested for in a few states is called perchlorate. Perchlorate is a naturally occurring substance and an element of rocket fuel. It has a negative effect on the thyroid gland and causes metabolic disorders. Children should not be exposed to it, because it negatively effects growth and development.
Independent studies sponsored by the state of California, one of the states that limit the amount of perchlorate that can be present in public supplies, found high levels of the chemical in hundreds of test sites around the country. The state has petitioned the US Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for setting nationwide maximum contaminant levels for treatment facilities, to regulate perchlorate. But, the agency has yet to make a decision.
Chloramine water filters will not remove perchlorate. It belongs to a group of chemicals called VOCs or volatile organic compounds. There are some purifiers on the market that reduce VOCs, as well as THMs.
If you need chloramine water filters, you need THM filters, too. The chemical compounds are byproducts during disinfection. When chloramines, any other chemicals or any other disinfection method kills bacteria, THMs are formed. They contribute to the formation of cancer growths in the bladder, colon and rectum.
It has been known for many years that people with chlorinated supplies were more likely to suffer from certain kinds of cancer than those that were not exposed to chemical disinfectants. Now, it has been found that any disinfection method available today, is just as dangerous as chlorine, because of the cancer-causing byproducts.
The bottom line: Instead of shopping for chloramine water filters, shop for one that includes multiple steps to address all of the issues mentioned here.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of Water Purification Systems. Visit his website now at : to discover which Water Purification Systems Gordon recommends after far ranging comparisons.

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Submitted On July 31, 2009. Viewed 1,888 time. Word count: 521.

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I did read that 1000mg of vit c was enough to kill it in a med. sized bathtub.. but whoah hold your cotton picking heel toes, when you get rid of that you pick up another.
if what ive posted is true, it's really good business for the water distillers crooked fucks! after reading anything it certainly makes going and lugging arouund water from the store more appealing, what viscious conspiracy of a cycle.with these crooked bastards! Style Citation:
Hall, Gordon P. "Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This." Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This. 31 Jul. 2009 6 Jan. 2012 <;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673>.
APA Style Citation:
Hall, G. P. (2009, July 31). Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This. Retrieved January 6, 2012, from;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673
Chicago Style Citation:
Hall, Gordon P. "Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read This." Do Not Buy a Chloramine Water Filter Until You Have Read;Not-&shy;Buy-&shy;a-&shy;Chloramine-&shy;Water-&shy;Filter-&shy;Until-&shy;You-&shy;Have-&shy;Read-&shy;This&id=2692673

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I know this old .. but... this shit sucks. It has alot of farmers that are outside growing real food really upset!! Especially the organic farmers! I seen em ranting and raving in the magic grow shop so... I mean I don't even drink the shit. I shower and brush my teeth but never swallow it. I mainly drink bottled water or milk. I try to make my coffee with bottled water too. when I melt my sugar to make my syrup for espresso I use this water with chloramine. I don't get the water hot enough to boil it off im sure cause I cant scorch the sugar. One day though somebody is gonna get really rich off this shit they are using.whether scientific or deathly ill. I think it's pretty slick and shitty how the piss ants come on the news one morning and made it a big deal like it was real great. probably had his hand in his pocket giving us all the finger. I am told by a friend as a joke they are trying to kill the population. How do we know some old couple isn't still filling up bottles in there bathtub, with some shit equivalent to rocket fuel WTF!. I really don't trust anyone. At one point I thought it was because of that weed plant I grew years ago was the reason for my paranoia. Fortunately im not quite scared enough to leave my house but im getting close!