Well-Known Member
Yes yes and Iran is supporting terrorist's regime.. lol lol lol. you Americans.. lol lolwhy did you edit out the video of your dear leader trying to blow a small child?
Yes yes and Iran is supporting terrorist's regime.. lol lol lol. you Americans.. lol lolwhy did you edit out the video of your dear leader trying to blow a small child?
putin murders journalists and dissidents.Yes yes and Iran is supporting terrorist's regime.. lol lol lol. you Americans.. lol lol
you guys shot down an airplane with 298 innocent civilians aboard.When Someone from UsA said that it sounds like compliment... Thank you citizen of most war crime committed country but never been on trial.. clap clap clap standing ovation!!
why are you trying to pretend to care about civilians when your dictators blows up 300 of them at a time?Lol.. just ask how much innoccent civilians you killed in middle east yesterday.. or this month.. Thank you,I'm starting to learn Russian ,I will be need it for future..
who fucking vetoes a investigation into a bungled missile "success" the same fucking kleptocrat that is one the richest men in the world and responsible for assuring that the economy is firmly focused on the the previous century, graft, corruption and maintenance of the kleptocracy.When Someone from UsA said that it sounds like compliment... Thank you citizen of most war crime committed country but never been on trial.. clap clap clap standing ovation!!
who fucking vetoes a investigation into a bungled missile "success" the same fucking kleptocrat that is one the richest men in the world and responsible for assuring that the economy is firmly focused on the the previous century, graft, corruption and maintenance of the kleptocracy.View attachment 4023261
Russia is a fucking joke. Starving your people to float dated warships and propping up murderers who kill their own with gas is Russia's face to the world. It's a fucking hideous corrosive and disrespected presence on the intl scene.
yes just like you in USA..who fucking vetoes a investigation into a bungled missile "success" the same fucking kleptocrat that is one the richest men in the world and responsible for assuring that the economy is firmly focused on the the previous century, graft, corruption and maintenance of the kleptocracy.View attachment 4023261
Russia is a fucking joke. Starving your people to float dated warships and propping up murderers who kill their own with gas is Russia's face to the world. It's a fucking hideous corrosive and disrespected presence on the intl scene.
Hmmm that is 301vs how much just in mosul recently??Ohh you great world saviour..
View attachment 4023266
you're ugly, stupid and unimaginative, plus you've got issues with dick obsession
Fuck enema, youre hideous every which way, son.
View attachment 4023269
Funny, the same in the US.
Another 2008 guy who still didn't get to 1000 likes.Funny, the same in the US.
I saw an unarmed man, handcuffed face down get shot in the back in the US.
Every finger you point there are three pointing back, coward.