Vocabulary of growing terms/slang


Active Member
great post iam a noob using h.o. flouros good results so far(nuttin huge tho). have 4 girls @ 3 weeks into 8\16 my 2 indicas are rather small,looks like a big bud on a stick,my sativa gurls are sort of sparce(24'' tall)with a huge amount of white hairy bud sites...will post pics later... happy 420!!!!!!!


Active Member
ok I am retarded. Is a "mother" a plant that you use just for clone clippings and you keep it in veg? Sorry if this has already been answered but I read all 15 pages and searched around with no luck.


Active Member
Stamen --This is the male reproductive organ of a plant, located in the androecium of the flower. It has two components: the filament and the anther..

Stigma: The sticky tip of a pistil.

Vascular: Refers to the xylem and phloem tissues, which conduct water and nutrients through the plant body.

Vermiculite -- is sterile and light in weight (5 to 8 lbs/ft3). The pH of vermiculite will vary depending on where it is mined. Most U.S. sources are neutral to slightly alkaline, whereas vermiculite from Africa can be quite alkaline (pH = 9). Vermiculite is used extensively in the greenhouse industry as a component of mixes or in propagation. It is usually sold in four size grades: #1 is the coarsest and #4 the smallest. The finer grades are used extensively for seed germination or to topdress seed flats. Expanded vermiculite should not be pressed or compacted, especially when wet, as this will destroy the desirable physical properties.

Wow all of these terms I had no idea what they were, but I'm glad I know a little bit more on the science of growing.