Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
I got sidetracked with food and haven't got those lights on yet. Still trying to figure out what to do this weekend. It's not lightproof enough for my comfort with a petsitter with the dog :/ no good.

Hey glockdoc, welcome along. The temps have been below 90 so I haven't worried much about it yet. I plan to get a longer duct and move the air filter. Right now the exhaust air is too close to the intake. If I feel behind the cab it's at least several degrees warmer than the bedroom.


The second and third pics are under the 55w pl-l light fixture I made. Running 4 x 55w in a 4ft wide by 2ft deep by 2ft tall box


Well-Known Member
55w pl-l are supposed to be the most efficient of the compact fluorescent lights, maybe fluorescent in general. I forget. It has an external ballast that can be placed outside the cab.

They use 2g11 sockets. They have four poles. Two are positive and two are negative. I think I took pics, I'll look


Well-Known Member
Welcome. Good thing about pl-l is they're easy to run vertically.

Plant #5 has reached 6 inches, #4 is slightly under 5in. They started around 3 in about a week ago.

Just took new cuttings of the roms and the bb. Didn't break out the bubblecloner unfortunately. We'll see if I get these rooted.


Well-Known Member
Got to get some koolbloom while in town to fatten up the buds. Not much time left. Think today is 4weeks


Well-Known Member
I think I could if I found a container the right size of my cab.would be shàllow water culture. Do a search for nimby, that's how he grows.


Well-Known Member
I really wanted this as my signature but it's too long with my link :'(

"... I was burned out programming all day and all night, I thought growing flowers would be a more productive use of my time and life."


Well-Known Member
two cuttings from a single blueberry plant went mushy over night, threw them out. The rest still looked fine. Will be a week or so before I see roots.

Unfortunately I'm leaving Friday noonish and won't be back until sunday night. Worried about that.

Other than that it's still chuging on.


Well-Known Member
void are you putting your 'mushy' clones under a humidity dome when that happens? Mine wilted as soon as I put'em in soil... did like sub does and put a plastic bag over'em and they came back.


Well-Known Member
Yeah was in humidity dome. They had no spring too them, looked like a green puddle so limp. Didn't come back, maybe air bubble or over watered them


Well-Known Member
That sucks... hope you manage to save one awesome blueberry to clone :) Did you see the romulans are starting to thrive? I probably need to top'em and transplant'em.


Well-Known Member
The mother is fine so there will be future cuttings still to come.

Tonight should be first feeding with koolbloom