Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that's what I was thinking.

Got a cutting of #5 to root but sadly upstairs isn't looking so good


Well-Known Member
Yeah just a little Tlc.

My ghost chili is looking good man. Thanks again.
Couldn't get pics up before the wife had to work, but they're on the comp, so probably tonight.

Thinking about more frequent feeding on the g13haze x C99 crosses, seems they'll like it. My girls are short squat lil things. Well, this variety.

Got my BMF's sexed and there shall be many cuts to come from these:)


Well-Known Member
Well it's in a bubble cloned with no nutes. I got to get it potted to give it nutes, then see if it makes it.

Glad to hear about the ghost. About to up pot my big one.

All my roms need to be up potted. I think the haze x c99 will stay in the cups another week or two.

I got dead trees to fall, earth to level, set up my aquaponics pool, start pumpkin and other such seeds. Really wish I had a hand on the legal stuff.

Still need to get the louffa plants/seeds whatever from you.


Well-Known Member
Plant number 5 seems to be a super cloner. Both #5 have roots while no other cutting has anything close

Gave the plants in flower straight water to help with any salt build up.

Had to run over to my second cab today and stash the haze x c99 in the woods.

No up potting today, had help with outdoor stuff. Burning off dead wood. Took advantage of it.

I'm thinking of joining an aquaponics forum to post my legit stuff under another name. It's going to be a big obvious thing so want some cushion between my legal and secret stuff. Either that or blog about it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we'll want to see man, so if you set up accounts elsewhere for that pm me and lemme know.


Well-Known Member
Will do. I got to dig a 3 ft deep hole in sand that will fit the swimming pool in by hand. I'm thinking Vicodin isn't going to be enough. Hurting pretty bad from falling and burning trees yesterday


Well-Known Member
my buddy says its not good to do that kind of thing... i mean something like working out and then taking shit to not feel the pain or vice versa. he said you tear a shit load of muscles since you dont feel the pain, which would normally make you pause for a brief brake. instead you would be chugging along. good concept, bad idea pretty much. now what if u stocked up on protein then did all that?!? you probably wont fuck up ur muscles as bad.


Well-Known Member
I agree with your friend. Sadly though I think I wont stop hurting until I'm dead. Vicodin is but a damper on the pain.

I've got arthritis spreading throughout my body. Started in one foot, then spine, then knees, the other foot. More recently in my wrists and fingers. Sadly I'm still "young"


Well-Known Member
Hey man I feel ya, got arthritis in my sacroiliac joints, and in lower spine too.
Just plain sucks.


Well-Known Member
Ankylosing spondylitis? That's what I was diagnosed with. Nothing seems to help more than taking the edge off


Well-Known Member
From the second set of plants put in. Not sure what week they're on thanks to riu data loss

Haze x c99

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
Hey void! Got the same issue as you, suffered from a work related injury to my right knee the left it swollen like a rock just to the left of the knee cap. Cartilage damage I assume shortly after my other knee start hurting to. It then spread to my hips, ankles then off to my shoulders elbows and wrists. Today I have it in almost every joint but my back and neck. In the cold my hands stiffen up to the point where I can't even move them enough to use my phone. Fckin sucks man only thing that truly helped were vics and MJ I'm sure other opiates would help but I prefer the nice herb mother nature gave us. Plants are looking good man! Yea data loss screwed me up to lol


Well-Known Member
Hey there, welome to the void.

That sucks, I know the pain. That's why I live in the south, I'd advice getting out of the cold north ;) It still gets too cold down here for me.

Thanks. Those roms though, looks like I'm only going to have tiny little buds on them. Hoping they take over that stem.

Senseimilla grew out the blue mystic before, said it was a nice smoke for relaxing, but not powerful enough for his preference. I had blue dream and liked it for social campfire time with complete strangers. It sure turned that night around for me in a good way. I've got two unsexed blueberry plants in veg right now, sure hope one is a beautiful female, want some bb so bad.


Well-Known Member
Those little buds look around 4 or 5 weeks old... are they all like that? You'll find out how mine turn out in a few weeks... rommie going to flower in a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks sensei. They stretched so much when I put thm in flower I hit them with koolbloom ripening earlier than planned. Was afraid it screwed it up. Both of th3 second run had that issue. Went in under 4 in and now are over a foot. Could it be bc the light was about a foot and a half above them? The first set were topped and didn't grow as tall, might have to top roms to flower them