Well don't feel too bad... it's pretty natural to fall out of touch with old friends over time unless they are really close friends... i'm not in touch with any of the people i was close friends in high school and only one person from college who's my best friend. Two of my closest friends (one i'd grown someone apart from as well) are already dead. I got one soul brother best friend, a couple of long time friends that i'm not really that close to but do at least occasionally see or talk to, and other than that some acquaintances from work but that's about it. Course I've always been the type to have just one or two close friends and not a wide social circle otherwise. What do you expect from an introverted, antisocial, misanthropic socialphobe?

The only people I WANT to see at all are my best friend and family -- is it any wonder i smoke?

I actually applied to take part in a drug study on social phobia -- i ended up qualifying based on my test answers but failed the drug test -- oops

sounds like you need to make some friends with similar interests to who you are these days... may be hard to do where you live. you need to find some cool potheads farmer types to hang with
I told my new doc about my chronic pain issues when I went for my physical a couple months back. Guy seems like a nice doc but completely blew me off about those -- not sure if he thought I was looking for pain meds? I wasn't. Mainly wanted it documented for my future MMJ card when I move

My knees not that bad (yet - will probably get arthritist at some point according to surgeon who operated on it) but my elbow tendon hasn't healed after being injured almost 2 years ago -- I think I'm going to ask him for a referral when I go in for my followup later this month. Not sure if there's much they can do short of surgery but it'd at least be nice if they'd get it in my records. Pretty sure I tore it a couple years back lifting weights but never saw a doc. It's almost constantly sore the more strain i put on it the more it acts up and i'm afraid to put any serious strain on it for fear it'll tear again.