Voidlings Spare Room


Well-Known Member
Looking for opinions on what to do with some space I'm fixing up.

The main space is 87" x 64" x 91" tall

I'd be entering from one of the 87" sides which is open, all other 3 sides are solid walls.

It'd be used to grow several things. Sometimes weed, sometimes just to start vegetable seeds for the garden, and sometimes to grow lettuce and such if not other vegetables as well. By vegetables I mean fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers, whatever)

I'm debating on multiple flood and drain tables (2 tables of 2.5 ft wide by 5 ft long), aero tables or pvc pipes, or deep water rafts. I'm sort of shying away from the sprayers as I plan to run organics that could possibly cause clogging issues. On the other hand I really don't want to get that much grow media to fill beds that big.

I'm also debating on flat setup or on one large stadium grow with a vertical bulb(s) in the middle of the room. I'm thinking flat would give me room for two setups so I can do monthly harvest or grow marijuana in one and starting / growing other plants in the other. Whereas stadium could only be one or the other. Unless I run two stadiums in the place of the two flat, but thinking 2.5 ft isn't very wide to build a stadium. Also I have a thing for leds rather than hps, as heat can be a big problem here and don't like to ac more than I have to

There will be a 36in x 58in area I can setup shelves in for starting seeds, cloning, ect under florescents as well.