Voodoo Vap?


Active Member
So I got a Voodoo the other day, and It is quite nice, but when it comes to vaporizers, I dont really know too much...

I was wondering...

Anyone out there have Voodoo, or any other vap, if so, you wanna give me some tricks of the trade...

and what to do with the herb that is left over... it still looks like it, but im not sure if I could smoke it and get high?? whats the deal yo?


Well-Known Member
I turn it to the highest heat setting because supposedly CBDs vaporize at a higher temp than thc, so supposedly you may not get the whole effect if the temp is too low. I use the spent (as it is commonly referred to) weed to make hash.


Active Member
how much more spent do you have to use to get the same effects as the quality that it was before being vap'd??

when making butter that is