Vortex Pheno Hunting


Well-Known Member
Hello again friends. This will be my 2nd Journal, and its all about TGA's Vortex. I got a 5 pack, planted the seeds new years day, and 4 were up by the 4th. Here they are on the 24th and they looking lovely. My Grow method of choice is scrog, so i will be pheno hunting using my screen. I have been converted to the wonderus 400w CMH, and this is what they will be under the whole time. I am looking for a pheno that has Apollo-13's high, but with a few space queen perks. Anyone with Vortex experience and a little time to help along the way, will be meet with gratitude, praise and +rep. lol Thanks for stopping by friends!

Vortex 1-24-12.jpg

The lady in the center is my Jillybean orange candy pheno, who is just hanging out for another week, then will be going into my next tent (what will be journal #3 ).

Green Revolution

Active Member
Something to consider:

TGA beans are all regular, you might have a couple dudes hanging out. By using a SCROG screen, you take the risk of one (or more) of the plants being male; that means you are going to have to pull it out of the screen once it is sexed, a bit of a pain in the ass. I would wait until they are sexed and separated, just LST your plants until then to flatten out your canopy and you'll be good. After that you add the screen and PRESTO.

Vortex stretches like crazy from what I have heard, just a heads up.

Happy growing! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeah, ive thought about if there is a male. Im actually kind of hoping there is ONE, just to hold on to. But i dont think ill have a problem taking him out of the screen when i find its a him. Theres ways you can actually sex them long before most people think you can. As long as they are mature, they will show you their "pre-flowers", even in veg. You just gotta break out the magnifying glass. As for the stretch, thats something i have read and am expecting. Jillybean stretches a lot as well. So ill get them dialed in, as far as flip times go. Thanks for the tips friend!.


Well-Known Member
These lovely plants are growing quite well indeed! large leaves. Some are bushier then others, even at this early stage. Looking great though. 23 days from sprout. Moved all fans on the floor, so there's no direct fan blowing contact anymore... Just a VERY light bounce off walls. Think this will be better for them, as ive read they dont like too much wind action.

Vortex 1-27-12.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm finishing up my last couple of vortex girls right now. I found that they don't care for having the lights real close during mid to late flower. good luck with the hunt.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Sub'd, I'm looking forward to this. Vortex will not disappoint you, its some serious dank and a step up from jillybean if you ask me, hope you get 4 females but if you get a nice male, try to isolate it and keep its pollen. ive been dying to get some vortex started, i want to use some of the ol' Jillybean pollen and see what Jillybean x Vortex would be like. love the orange velvet in my jillybean male, makes everything go purple that is crossed with it almost violet.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
another tip, i've noticed that vortex is terribly difficult to herm, so i tend to supercrop and fim the hell out of mine to keep the stretch under controll and make an even canopy with dozens of fat buds, the beauty of vortex is, no buds end up as a useless popcorn, the lowers fill out into thick nugs.


Well-Known Member
another tip, i've noticed that vortex is terribly difficult to herm, so i tend to supercrop and fim the hell out of mine to keep the stretch under controll and make an even canopy with dozens of fat buds, the beauty of vortex is, no buds end up as a useless popcorn, the lowers fill out into thick nugs.
That's kinda funny. for me all the vortex buds were popcorn buds. I did not find a keeper.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks guys. Ill see what i come up with. Im determined to find my Vortex. So if i dont find her this time, ill get some more and keep looking.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
there is slight variation but its easy to find one you like alot, from pineapple funk to mango lemonade. just go for an even 50/50 of Apollo 13 and spacequeen, i've noticed my Apollo 13 dom were not as sweet but were more potent, the spacequeen gave them incredible flavor and resin.


Well-Known Member
Ok their first pic by them selves. i took 2 clones from each on there outer corners. Look kinda like arrows or something. anyway, got my jillybean girl transplanted into her new 10 gal air pot. Will have the journal for it up as well. thinking of switching maybe next weekend... Depending on how they fill it by then anyway. still looking at pre-flowers... i think i have one male, but its still tough to tell 100%...

vortex hunt 2-4-12 (3).jpg


Well-Known Member
Ok friends, i flipped these girls on Wednesday. figured at 5 weeks from sprout, they are about as there as the pot size will allow. I also am unsure of what kind of stretch we will see here... I know Vortex is known for it, but my last Jillybean hardly stretched at all in the media/nutes. That being said, i do expect some here, as i have another grid of squares for each to use up before climbing the sky. At this point i feel sure that the front 2 are girls (my 2 favs for a while, growth wise), the back left one im about 65% sure its a girl, and the back right im about 65% sure its a boy. Plus on that boy though, is he is definitely that last to show for sure sex. Theres only one set of preflowers on him that show his goods. And they are SMALL still... As far as what ive read, thats a good thing for male genes? Anyway, cant wait to start smelling these girls!

Vortex 2-10-12.jpg

Below is my Jillybean tent. #3 in my sig...



Well-Known Member
looking good, Oriah. what kind of feed schedule are you doing now?
I like what you've done with your sig line too.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen a whole lot of stretch on vortex for a sativa dominant hybrid, its about 1.5-2x stretch.
Thanks for the tip!

@ burrr ive been feeding them around 1200ppm of Flora Nova Bloom about every other day. And thanks about the sig line. It took me a while to learn how to do it. But its really easy now...

https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/misc.php?do=bbcode heres the link that i got the know how from. Down in "URL Hyperlinking"
I just copied and pasted the example, and replaced it with my link and line. Hella easy once i found it. just FYI, lol.


Well-Known Member
Anyone whos grown vortex, what are her nute requirements? Light, Med, or Heavy? I believe i have read light-med, but im not 100% sure. Im going to be moving to super soil next time around... how much ss does she like in the bottom? 1/3? 1/2?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
medium-heavy, she can take high nutes but too much and she will show burn, i give her medium and if she shows deficiency i just up the regiment. its another really easy plant to grow, outdoors it does good and indoors it does good.

also, I'm really rooting for some nice females, i've seen some sick pheno's on others grow reports.