

Active Member
Hey Sub,

Little baby Vortex here:

You want grow journals of your genetics here or would you prefer them cluttering the grow journal forum? I'll start my Vortex journal here or move it depending on what you say 'cause it's your forum, man!



New Member
i think its best here! that way people can find it. just popping 1?
+for the blackbutte. + for Pacific NW! and the vortex too.


Active Member
I see Sub liked the picture so I'm guessing he's cool about this. I guess that's why he's Subcool ;) I don't think posting daily pics between now and harvest is very interesting to you all. So I'm gonna let this thread sit until I have some interesting pictures of buds to post so I'll start it back up around February or March.


I germed a 5 pack, 4 have sprouted so far, not giving up hope for the straggler.

Loves me some Porter and Stout! But alcohol is not good for you like cannabis is so I keep it down to once or twice a week.


Active Member
Hey gang. The Vortex are coming along in veg. At about what height would you all flip them to 12/12 if you want them to finish under 4 feet? I will only be using topping to control height.


Well-Known Member
Hey gang. The Vortex are coming along in veg. At about what height would you all flip them to 12/12 if you want them to finish under 4 feet? I will only be using topping to control height.
Sup Shemp! I just finally popped a Vortex a couple weeks back too. I had two, but let my R Rooter dry out and killed one....
I'll be watching to see yours come along for comparison... All the Best!
my brother asked the bartender a few weeks ago if that black butte gives you the black butt. i loled
keep this journal going pal. :cheers


Active Member
Thanks SupaM. Four seeds made it for me too and I'll be flipping them to 12/12 soon. Pastureprophet, Black Butte does not give a black butt but if you drink too many you might get the shits ;)

In other news, I just harvested some Nirvana Aurora Indica from feminized seeds I bought awhile back and have been saving. I treated them right, keep the tent zipped up during the dark cycle, kept the temperature not too hot, didn't over or under water or fertilize. I think I did everything right. I never saw the hermie flowers, even during trimming. But I got seeds everywhere. The crop is not ruined. It's not as bad as Mexican brick weed. But there's still a *lot* of seeds. Pisses me off. This is what you pay for the convenience of feminized seeds.