Vote no on prop 19!

I'm familiar with economics. I disagree the demand will increase much, if at all. Read a book about prohibition and how it doesn't work, as if it isn't obvious from the copious amount of marijuana consumption. The main reason demand will seem to increase is because supply will increase. I would certainly increase my consumption if I could get it significantly cheaper, especially primo bud. The only thing stopping me (and EVERYONE else that wants to smoke pot) is NOT the law, it's the price (the ARTIFICIAL price created by prohibition).

I'm sure the price of alcohol during prohibition was approximately the same as it is now?
the incease in demand will not come from the people who already consume it. The shift in demand will come from the higher availability and the lack of restriction. yes there are a lot of people who smoke pot now, i am not contesting that. there are also people who do not smoke pot because of the legal issues. its is a expansion in the market not an increase in percapita consumption that will shift the demand curve. on the other hand, not everyone who consumes will be able to produce. there are factors that will shift the supply as you are saying. at the same time there are factors that will also increase the demand. price is not determined by prohibition, if you really understood anything about macroeconomics, you would know that price is always determined by supply and demand.
propositions can only be changed by the voters. it can NOT be fixed later. it is what it is. ;)
I read an article the other day about how if Prop 19 is passed that it will be challenged in court because it doesn't wipe away prior criminal convictions.
the incease in demand will not come from the people who already consume it. The shift in demand will come from the higher availability and the lack of restriction. yes there are a lot of people who smoke pot now, i am not contesting that. there are also people who do not smoke pot because of the legal issues. its is a expansion in the market not an increase in percapita consumption that will shift the demand curve. on the other hand, not everyone who consumes will be able to produce. there are factors that will shift the supply as you are saying. at the same time there are factors that will also increase the demand. price is not determined by prohibition, if you really understood anything about macroeconomics, you would know that price is always determined by supply and demand.

Prohibition does affect the price since it keeps the supply artificially low due to the fact that only those that are willing to be criminals produce and sell it. If it's legal, supply will increase also. Besides the fact that in the "real world" there are a lot of other factors that determine pricing other than just supply and demand.
the incease in demand will not come from the people who already consume it. The shift in demand will come from the higher availability and the lack of restriction.

I believe higher availability and less restriction to access is called "supply". If you reread my post you quoted you will see that I say precisely this.

yes there are a lot of people who smoke pot now, i am not contesting that. there are also people who do not smoke pot because of the legal issues. its is a expansion in the market not an increase in percapita consumption that will shift the demand curve. on the other hand, not everyone who consumes will be able to produce. there are factors that will shift the supply as you are saying. at the same time there are factors that will also increase the demand. price is not determined by prohibition, if you really understood anything about macroeconomics, you would know that price is always determined by supply and demand.

Correct, not everyone who consume will be able to produce, but your assumption that this will increase demand more than supply is flat out wrong. It will increase supply much more than it will increase demand.

Yes there are factors that will increase supply, as I think we've already laid out.

PRICE IS ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED BY PROHIBITION. I cannot believe anyone would think that prohibition doesn't have an effect on price. Prohibition decreases the supply. This is fundamental to what prohibition does. This is literally prohibition's function, to prohibit things.
Prohibition does affect the price since it keeps the supply artificially low due to the fact that only those that are willing to be criminals produce and sell it. If it's legal, supply will increase also. Besides the fact that in the "real world" there are a lot of other factors that determine pricing other than just supply and demand.
no, price is where supply and demand meet. effects on price are really effects on supply and demand, and in most cases when there is a change in supply there is a change in demand and vice versa. thats why most consumer prices remain fairly constant over the long term, considering inflation. this stability in prices is even stronger in long established consumer markets such as marijuana consumption.
Irieie - You still don't understand the most basic and fundamental principals of how prohibition works or what it's intended purpose is. It is necessarily tied to supply by its definition. Affecting supply is intrinsic to its basic properties and I don't think any further discussion can go on, and certainly wouldn't be productive for anyone, until you grasp that.
irieie - you still don't understand the most basic and fundamental principals of how prohibition works or what it's intended purpose is. It is necessarily tied to supply by its definition. Affecting supply is intrinsic to its basic properties and i don't think any further discussion can go on, and certainly wouldn't be productive for anyone, until you grasp that.

Put your selfishness aside people and who cares if your weed goes up a couple bucks in price, think of all the people who will continue to go to jail because of bogus pot laws, if u vote to keep weed illegal and you are a pothead, then u are a hypocrite and belong in jail. Think about how prop 19 will spark a revolution for this country and most of the world, if u vote no on 19, you are a criminal and your are just as bad as the bias dea that we all hate..
Economic issues aside, A lot of states are watching to see if CA passes prop 19. IF it passes other states are going to have to rethink there current status. Hell, we can't even get MMJ where I live at the moment. States atty General keeps finding reasons to throw it out, so it never makes it to the ballot.

Ppl hollering about 25' grow area, heck if you do hydro you can run 100 plants (or more) in the right system. Say you only get .5 oz's per plant that's 50 oz's what 3 maybe 4 times a year depending on the strain? so 150 to 200 oz's a year isn't enough? really?

Another thing someone posted 25 sq ft per person it's per residence. so a single person gets 25 sqft but a married couple still only gets 25 sqft. Add granma, that makes 3 still only 25 sq ft. Oh but wait, wifey & granma are med patients. They get a med grow, not included in the 25 sqft recreational grow. Hubby took a fall & blew out his knee now he is med also. 3 med grows & 25 sqft. That's a lot of potential herb! There will always be a market for quality herb. Just like there is a market for Milwaukies Best & Guiness. It's still gonna take time to get there assuming that prop 19 does pass.

It's going to take a huge movement to get the feds to reclassify MJ. IT's gotta start somewhere. CA just seems to be the place where everything gets done first these days.
Has anyone here even read the scripture? It overrides all prop 215 and medical prescriptions and amends it with Prop 19

It states that if legalized anyone can grow a 5 X 5 footprint and that is alloted on a per-household basis. Which completely cuts back on the amount you can have if you and your friend both have a prescription, or if you and your friends start a collective. Prop 19 will completely over-ride that. This means that EVERYTHING associated with growing is placed in that 5X5 footprint. Your plants, grow room, rez's, lights, nutrients, everything... Not real likely.

Also it states that you cannot smoke in a "Common" area. Unfortunately it is very loosely stated. So it is technically illegal to smoke in an apartment if you share a wall with someone under that is under the age of 18 under. Prop 19 sucks ass.

It also amends the law to say that instead of your normal 8 ozs you can carry with a cannabis card. It limits it to 1 oz. another shitty part for anyone that grows.

Prop 19 was designed and created to cut out all small time growers. It limits the amount you can grow, the amount you can posses, the area in which you use your medicine to simply allow for more commercial growing to occur.

Prop 19 was funded and written on Oakland California, where they are already to implement commercial licensing.. At an application cost of $5000.00 and an implementation fee of $210,000.000

If you already have a cannabis card, like growing, or carry more than an oz at anytime, prop 19 is useless. And if you aren't make up some bs excuse, pay 80 bucks and go get one!

You might want to reread prop 19. it states that it is not changing nor does it affect the current MMJ laws.
Has anyone here even read the scripture? It overrides all prop 215 and medical prescriptions and amends it with Prop 19

It states that if legalized anyone can grow a 5 X 5 footprint and that is alloted on a per-household basis. Which completely cuts back on the amount you can have if you and your friend both have a prescription, or if you and your friends start a collective. Prop 19 will completely over-ride that. This means that EVERYTHING associated with growing is placed in that 5X5 footprint. Your plants, grow room, rez's, lights, nutrients, everything... Not real likely.

Also it states that you cannot smoke in a "Common" area. Unfortunately it is very loosely stated. So it is technically illegal to smoke in an apartment if you share a wall with someone under that is under the age of 18 under. Prop 19 sucks ass.

It also amends the law to say that instead of your normal 8 ozs you can carry with a cannabis card. It limits it to 1 oz. another shitty part for anyone that grows.

Prop 19 was designed and created to cut out all small time growers. It limits the amount you can grow, the amount you can posses, the area in which you use your medicine to simply allow for more commercial growing to occur.

Prop 19 was funded and written on Oakland California, where they are already to implement commercial licensing.. At an application cost of $5000.00 and an implementation fee of $210,000.000

If you already have a cannabis card, like growing, or carry more than an oz at anytime, prop 19 is useless. And if you aren't make up some bs excuse, pay 80 bucks and go get one!

I've read it and what I read says that it does not ammend/override prop 215. It says that medical users under prop 215 will remain unaffected. These limitations on space are for recreational grows and not medical grows. I didn't see anything about it changing the amount you can carry either, only that it states the general public will be able to carry 1oz or less.

If you've seen this info and are certain of it's validity, copy and paste it into a post so everyone can see it. If you're not certain of exact wording, you should not be posting what you did because then it's only opinion at that point and your interpretation of what's written.

I'm not bashing you, just would like to see where it says what you claim it does.
Vote NO on prop 19! If it passes the FBI will move in to California and take control! no more "Oh you have weed? Ima just take it and let you go free" now its "You have weed? oops federal charge since we're the FBI wich means more jail time cause some dumbass people want to smoke weed legally"
You might want to reread prop 19. it states that it is not changing nor does it affect the current MMJ laws.

AGREED! READ THE SB420. it clearly states that the current law cant be changed... i will always be able to carry a half pound on me... fuck this one oz shit. man for me all one oz equals is one fat ass super blunt (for real look it up. a super blunt is a huge ass blunt wrap that takes an oz to fill)
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Stranger Stranger
Join DateOct 2010Posts1


Vote NO on prop 19! If it passes the FBI will move in to California and take control! no more "Oh you have weed? Ima just take it and let you go free" now its "You have weed? oops federal charge since we're the FBI wich means more jail time cause some dumbass people want to smoke weed legally

@ DopeDick:
Not sure I'd want THAT to be my first post in a forum.


Stranger Stranger
Join DateOct 2010Posts1


Vote NO on prop 19! If it passes the FBI will move in to California and take control! no more "Oh you have weed? Ima just take it and let you go free" now its "You have weed? oops federal charge since we're the FBI wich means more jail time cause some dumbass people want to smoke weed legally

@ DopeDick:
Not sure I'd want THAT to be my first post in a forum.

LOL BAD INTRO! um..... welcome to riu? but hey good call jumping right into the mix... make yourself at home. were all entitled to an opinion right? lol
LOL BAD INTRO! um..... welcome to riu? but hey good call jumping right into the mix... make yourself at home. were all entitled to an opinion right? lol

That's why I tried to quote it but it all ran together and looks like I posted it, lol
I did the copy/paste thing to show that it was his first post but failed at separating it. All good though.
I've gone back and forth soo many times on which way I'm going to vote. Seems like everybody I talk to can bring up good points on why they feel so strongly one way or the other. I see a lot of positive things that can come of this passing as well as a lot of negative things.

I agree with most that the street value will most likely drop except for 'top shelf' smoke. I think the value will always be there for that because I really don't see these huge facilities turning as high grade a product as smaller growers that give their gardens soo much attention. The prices that dispensaries buy at will most likely go down in order to keep prices to patients from skyrocketing after the taxes are levied. This means that if they are buying the bulk of their meds from the big facilities, they will want to pay less to the small grower as well since the prices will most likely be much lower from the big facilities.

This will potentially hurt small growers profit percentages but I think there will still be a market for them. I personally don't sell so that aspect won't affect me but I do know many who it would affect. There are many users on RIU that it would affect and most of them are posting to vote no. I imagine it's mainly for this reason but can't say I know because I've never asked them.