Vote no on prop 19!

Here is a good write up of the bill. It shows the whole bill broken down and explained for the all the people that can't seem to understand what reality is and proves that the anti 19 crowd are just spreading bs. especially concerning medical use.

Whoever wrote that suggests that Medical growers resume growing illegally if 25 sq. ft isn't adequate.

I'd rather YOU pay a fine.

Dontcha love "fairness"?
Ya know initially I was going to vote No on Prop 19. I didn't want mj to become commercialized by companies like Monsanto...But too many people are being incarcerated for possessing mj and I won't vote for that to continue. It's a waste of tax dollars to continue to fill the jails up with ppl who shouldn't be there. I'm paying more in taxes for that compared to the tax on mj when it becomes legal...

Personally, I am a medicinal user so the law won't affect me per se. So, fuck it I'm gonna vote yes on prop 19 cuz everyone should be able to enjoy nature's best herb.

If it passes, it won't affect your use, but growing is another matter, entirely.

I recommend voting in your own self interest, because no matter how you vote, some people will be hurt.

Hurt the sick, or hurt the shortsighted?

Vote your conscience.
Yes. If there wasn't demand for potent seeds would seed banks waste their time breeding potent strains? Look at beer, it was for a long time controlled by AB, Miller, and Coors, but there are tons of microbreweries popping up that are offering good, flavorful beers. Look at mexican schwag, why do people even put up with that quality of weed? Because it's all they can get.

YOu said it right there, "Micro-Breweries" the little guy busting loose & making a name with a quality product! Something mass production can't quite achieve.
top 10 reason to vote no? really?
my take on all ten reasons stated in your link
1. is true in a sense, it tax, regulate & control that's the title of the prop (or close enough) with out 19 a civi infraction $100.00 fine every time the cops can catch you.
2. the new cannabis related crimes are in line with the current alcohol laws. However in the privacy of your own home who is to say hwo old someone is. However if you get busted for supplying a minor it's probably going to be because one of those "friends" that happen to be under age rolled over on you for whatever reason. same reasons it happens with out 19
3.large scale production, hmm there is already some fairly large scale prosuction going on in CA already isn't there? Ok to be fair the oakland setup if it is as rumors have made it out to be it still isn't going to effect the avg home grower. 4. That one could be a sticking point. However reasonable discretion should be used. Many homes already have alcohol which as of today has been determined, by Dr.s to be the single most dangerous drug in the world more so than crack & heroine.
5. Any law can be changed eventually by the voters, otherwise MMJ wouldn't exist to begin with. 5 X 5 isn't big enough? any grower should be able to pull enough herb to keep themselves supplied with the right system.
6. Don't like schwagg-mart don't buy from schwagg-mart. If people didn't buy the crappy brickweed then ppl wouldn't be able to sell it to begin with.
7. I think this pertains to commercial grows and not the average home grower. However the locals can allow joe average to grow more than the 5X 5 if they so choose.
8. Prop 19 CAN NOT supercede prop 215. It is even written into the proposition.
9. Unbiased Cannabis activists? Those would be the ones that don't care whether cannabis is legal or not? In a democracy you will never be able to please everyone. However should you find yourself among the majority at the voting polls you can make things change. NORML seems to be the largest activist group I know of & they are supporting it.
10. The "feds" don't rule the voters! Any time you want to make changes that go against the establishment they will bark & growl like a yappy little dog but in the end you can always over ride them at the polls. 2012 is just around the corner if that bill can improve upon 19 then great they can make it happen but it can't take away from 19 or 215

IF I lived in CA, I would definitely be voting. whether it is yes or no, I would be at the polls!
I would love to just be able just to get MMJ where I live. Californians should consider yourselves lucky! you had MMJ for over 10 years. It doesn't matter if you're for 19 or against it if you don't vote!
either way take the time to learn what prop 19 does & doesn't say. the "establishment" is spouting all the negative, lame & untrue rumors they can. big Brother has kept prohibition through out right lies & misinformation that they can't admit that they have been screwing the nation's citizens because then we might decide to look around & see where else they have been screwing us over at. Look for the truth & try not to let the governments lies blind you, don't let the fear mongers keep you from learning the truth.
I edited in a better video with Bill Maher's opinion included :)

much better vid, thx. That blond chic looks like she is just dying to hit that bad boy. The look on her face is just priceless...

After today it's all over but either way ppl are going to be crying & calling foul in some way, shape or form... Good luck to all who get out & vote!!
I believe that if California were to set a prime example of the benefits that go hand in hand with legal cannabis, it would'nt take long for most states and other countries to follow by example. It will be each of you that influence the rest of the world. This might be the only oppurtunity that cannabis users all around the globe have to gain a foothold on what we've been rightfully wanting for so long.

Set the ball rolling Cali!
That site looks just like all the other bullshit vote no sites. Not a single piece of credible evidence to support any of their outrageous claims. I guess it doesn't matter as the election's over, but I still don't like seeing propaganda bullshit like this, especially now since I believe these sites actually affected the vote for the worse.
That site looks just like all the other bullshit vote no sites. Not a single piece of credible evidence to support any of their outrageous claims. I guess it doesn't matter as the election's over, but I still don't like seeing propaganda bullshit like this, especially now since I believe these sites actually affected the vote for the worse.

Prop 19 got fucked up. As a supporter, I didn't agree with the objections, but that doesn't change the fact that their were a lot of questions about it. Placing blame does no good. All we can do now is figure out why prop 19 didn't pass and learn from the mistakes.

Mistake #1 was obviously not exempting prop 215 from it's effects clearly enough. Rather than go into confusing details about what parts of prop 215 were exempt, it should have clearly in no uncertain terms excepted ALL of prop 215 making a clear separation between medical and recreational use.
Prop 19 got fucked up. As a supporter, I didn't agree with the objections, but that doesn't change the fact that their were a lot of questions about it. Placing blame does no good. All we can do now is figure out why prop 19 didn't pass and learn from the mistakes.

Mistake #1 was obviously not exempting prop 215 from it's effects clearly enough. Rather than go into confusing details about what parts of prop 215 were exempt, it should have clearly in no uncertain terms excepted ALL of prop 215 making a clear separation between medical and recreational use.

Perfectly stated.