Vote now! Should I start a grow this late?

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I figured that you would already have your 5 to 8 plants going by now! What are you waiting for bro? Anywhere south of say the twin cities should be fine. I'm in the Midwest and my designated indoor plants are already seedlings in a propagator. Get them going now whether they will be indoor or outdoor. Peace


Sector 5 Moderator
OK, I'm going to get them going. Since it's a little late to be starting, I'm going to do some autos. I'm leaning towards organic soil, indoor. I have to pick up a few things to get my "grow room" ready and I'll have the beans sprouted by then too. It's not going to be anything epic, just a small personal grow with only a single HPS light. Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't afford to live there any longer; I need to get ahead, not just hang on by my fingernails. I bought huge tomatoes Friday for $.69/lb; those were almost $4/lb in Anchorage.
yeah man I feel you on the money thing. Everything is pretty damn costly here. But it sure beats alot of the lower 48
oh man I can't wait to get some fishin in


Well-Known Member
just wondering, if youre considering indoors (being climate controlled), why are you concerned about it being to late to start?