Vote ron paul!!!!

BS... Ron Paul hasn't tucked his tail in over 20 years of service, he damn sure isn't going to be playing "victim" anytime while he's alive.

Actually, you mean the Newsletters that SOMEONE wrote and made them out to be published by Ron Paul...

Ron Paul has said he is not a racist, and did not write any such newsletters... and personally I believe him.

Ron paul defended those newsletters which were written in the first person before he started to play the victim and deny he wrote them. So je is either a racist or a liar.

And he fucks turtles and is the victim of a worldwide media conspiracy against him. Poor victim.

Welp, I've gotta take a little day trip to Florida... maybe I'll write Ron Paul with my contrails over the southern states.

Look forward to this thread when I get back!


Be back in a few hours!

He defended them in his 1996 election I believe, you can gogle it. I am on a shitty iphone, or else would give a link.

Ron paul defended his racism before he denied it . Typical politician, and he fucks turtles.
Ron paul is the victim of a massive worldwide media conspiracy against him.

Better get your tin foil hat on.
Good he will do? He's been in Washington for over 20 years!!!!! Will Do??!!??!!?? What has he done in that time?

The RP people forget that RP has been part of this "evil government" for a long long time with very few accomplishments.

the only accomplishment i can think of is getting us into a war. then right when the iraq war is settling down bombing lybia to start more shit

It's what Ron Paul hasn't done that makes him stand out.

He hasn't voted for an unbalanced budget.

He hasn't voted to raise the debt ceiling.

He hasn't voted to restrict my freedom in any way.

He hasn't voted to raise my taxes.

He hasn't voted to send men off to die in fruitless wars.

He hasn't voted to increase the size or scope of government.

He hasn't ever voted against our Constitution.

Hell, anything that has gone against our constitution he has voted NO on, and that is the kind of man I want running my country which has such a glorious constitution.

And I should care, why?
he never got us into war, he tried to stop us from getting into war- everytime. He did introduce a bill to legalize marijuana on a federal level. He has also spoken out against detention without trial and tourture and assasination of us citizens.
he never got us into war, he tried to stop us from getting into war- everytime. He did introduce a bill to legalize marijuana on a federal level. He has also spoken out against detention without trial and tourture and assasination of us citizens.

So he's a failure? Got it.
Irregardless, this thread will not make a difference, and Ron Paul will probably be President in 2012.

Then they'll build the New Jerusalem and doooooooooooooooooom! (Rapture style?)
He's had over 20 years to work on his recognition. He would have it by now if he deserved it. That's how it works.
To date his efforts to ensure adherence to the constitution have been unsuccessful, the out come of some of his fights for our freedom remain to be seen

You might want to talk to the Supreme Court about that. They do a job you know.
Irregardless, this thread will not make a difference, and Ron Paul will probably be President in 2012.

Then they'll build the New Jerusalem and doooooooooooooooooom! (Rapture style?)

Paul is not working to build a new jerusalem, he stands strong against the ZOG
He's had over 20 years to work on his recognition. He would have it by now if he deserved it. That's how it works.

To be fair, no one liked him from the instant he got into congress. At least, no politicians. And it's not politicians we're trying to get to recognize him, it's the people who only get their news from mainstream media who along with his political adversaries, are afraid of him because he speaks the truth. His biggest support is from the people
You might want to talk to the Supreme Court about that. They do a job you know.

Thanks to Ron Paul and some others I have represenitives doing that for me, Paul challenged the constituanality of the war in lybia along with Kuccinich, that is still in court, so is the health care mandate and national healthcare.