Vote ron paul!!!!

ron paul, champion of equality....unless you happen to be gay, in which case your life style is unacceptable according to him

Ron Paul is not anti gay and is very reasonable on the subject, the bill you quoted also sounded more anti wasteful govt spending than anti gay
Not in 2011, not in 2008 and not 20 years before that. Maybe he used to not be in support of gay mariage but his stance for the last 20+ years is that he wants mariage to be a matter in the churches, and not have any federal or state mandates:

actually, he was one of the co-sponsors in 2004 for putting an amendment in the constitution banning gay marriage.

that is the strongest possible federal mandate possible, and ron paul was a co-sponsor.

so much for ron paul being truthful, he is just another lying politician and you worship at his feet.

90-95% of the blacks who actually vote go dem-thing is normally almost no blacks vote, with the exception of 2008

i'll need to see a citation or evidence of your claim that "almost no blacks vote".

something tells me you are as foggy in the cabeza as ron paul before he takes his alzheimer pills.
actually, he was one of the co-sponsors in 2004 for putting an amendment in the constitution banning gay marriage.

that is the strongest possible federal mandate possible, and ron paul was a co-sponsor.

so much for ron paul being truthful, he is just another lying politician and you worship at his feet.

He's not anti gay- marrige is between a man and a woman, and because of people who don't realize that we need to define it as such to put an end to costly legal battles
actually, he was one of the co-sponsors in 2004 for putting an amendment in the constitution banning gay marriage.

that is the strongest possible federal mandate possible, and ron paul was a co-sponsor.

so much for ron paul being truthful, he is just another lying politician and you worship at his feet.

I wouldn't say casting your vote for someone qualifies as "worshiping" in any way; but this is his stance right now and his record for consistant voting on other matters distiguishes him more from most candidates.
that video was from august 4th, 2002. in case you are too mentally deficient to realize, 8/4/2002 is AFTER 9/11/2001.

you make it too easy.


thats what the media wants you to think. you play right into thier hands. I'm tired of people saying its ok for Obama to screw up in the future as much as he wants, as long as bush was a screw up too. If it were a republican in the white house doing the same exact things Obama is, then you would be throwing a fit. But since its Obama, you just turn the cheeck as if were never bitching when Bush was doing it. You're a 2-faced hypocrite
you know, one day i was lookin up Ron Paul on youtube, and video after video after video, titles like "Ron Paul ROASTS _____ _____"

he can go into any debate, and make everyone else look stupid. his beliefs are so simple, and so true as to what we need.
He's not anti gay- marrige is between a man and a woman, and because of people who don't realize that we need to define it as such to put an end to costly legal battles

yeah, the way i see it is, marriage means that you have come to the point realising you want to start a family, and no offence but a gay couple really can't do that (except for things like adoption, of course) but i believe marriage should strictly be man and woman. not that i'm against gay's, because that's something you can't change, but gay marriage makes marriage seem like something less than what it should be.
thats what the media wants you to think. you play right into thier hands. I'm tired of people saying its ok for Obama to screw up in the future as much as he wants, as long as bush was a screw up too. If it were a republican in the white house doing the same exact things Obama is, then you would be throwing a fit. But since its Obama, you just turn the cheeck as if were never bitching when Bush was doing it. You're a 2-faced hypocrite

in that video, he denounces a suicide bombing of israel, placing it AFTER 9/11/2001 by any measure.


as a golfer, i understand the therapeutic value of smacking a little white ball around a grassy field. i would rather have the president use some outlet or the other to relax rather than work themselves to uselessness. i had no problem with bush playing golf, and i have no problem with obama playing golf.

what i do take issue with is you directly lying to me about these habits. it goes to show that you are a partisan hack and amateur conspiracy theorist.

put on your tin foil hat, retire to your compound where you stockpile MREs and calculate launch trajectories in preparation for armageddon, and shut the fuck up with your lies.
I wouldn't say casting your vote for someone qualifies as "worshiping" in any way; but this is his stance right now and his record for consistant voting on other matters distiguishes him more from most candidates.

ah, the admission that he keeps changing his stance. there it is.

typical flip-flopper.

ignore the fact that he wanted the federal government to define what marriage could be, keep bleating about how he wants the government out of everything. :lol:

yeah, the way i see it is, marriage means that you have come to the point realising you want to start a family, and no offence but a gay couple really can't do that (except for things like adoption, of course)

so, by that same logic, old people can't marry if they are past the age of having babies.

infertile couples shall have their marriage licenses revoked.


done failing yet?
in that video, he denounces a suicide bombing of israel, placing it AFTER 9/11/2001 by any measure.


as a golfer, i understand the therapeutic value of smacking a little white ball around a grassy field. i would rather have the president use some outlet or the other to relax rather than work themselves to uselessness. i had no problem with bush playing golf, and i have no problem with obama playing golf.

what i do take issue with is you directly lying to me about these habits. it goes to show that you are a partisan hack and amateur conspiracy theorist.

put on your tin foil hat, retire to your compound where you stockpile MREs and calculate launch trajectories in preparation for armageddon, and shut the fuck up with your lies.

Your full of shit. Bush never played golf after america went to war. you can put any time stamp you want on your liberal video library. your full of shit. Your head is so far up obama's ass that you can't see clearly
Your attempt to make Obama look like a descent human being makes you look just as pathetic as James carney. You are like the one economic advisor obama has left, after all the others have said f*ck you I'm out.
Your full of shit. Bush never played golf after america went to war. you can put any time stamp you want on your liberal video library. your full of shit. Your head is so far up obama's ass that you can't see clearly

awww, so sad for you.

reality does not comport with your rhetoric.

bush did play golf after 9/11 whether you like it or not.

you have been caught in a lie. this might help...

Your attempt to make Obama look like a descent human being makes you look just as pathetic as James carney. You are like the one economic advisor obama has left, after all the others have said f*ck you I'm out.

when did i try to make obama look like a decent human being?

i have discussed how his policies have put more money in my pocket and allowed my wife to purchase health insurance, but i promise you that if you review the posts, most of them are to expose how ron paul is just a dithering old fool.

now THIS makes obama look like a decent human being :)

awww, so sad for you.

reality does not comport with your rhetoric.

bush did play golf after 9/11 whether you like it or not.

you have been caught in a lie. this might help...

How can Obama lauph it up on the golf course and then martha's vineyard when so many americans are dieing, suffering, living in poverty, seperated from thier families all over the world? How much louder of a FUCK YOU do his actions need to be, before you finally realize he doesn't give a Fuck about YOU? If he told you the sun is going to rise in the west tommorrow, you would believe him. don't lie how could you tell anyway with your head up his ass