VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

you know what they say, when it rains it pours. I thought, well what the hell lets take a look at the HempWarp just for giggles. 8 of the 11 are already showing, two look like they will be there in the next day or two, and the other one, is male. I'll have to ask if these were supposed to be feminized. If only those 8 turn out female, I've got 36 clones from them, that should fill a table? And have few left for mothers is we like the strain. I wonder if they look ok. VV
I'm the only one allowed to stagger around here. I work on the theory they can never tell if you are high or not if you are always high they just think its how you norml y are. lmfao. VV
Now that we have a couple of clones to work with, excuse my, cuttings to work with lets see how that is going. You can see the mess we have right here, plants are all leaning together, leaves getting tangled. Those skewers cost about a penny a piece and I usually cut them in half. Spend a penny and straighten them early, ' train a child in the way she should grow...'. I decide were I amgoing to prop it pull the plant back and install the prop, then let the cutting go, so it is against the prop. Usually a day or two and it can be removed. You will notice a small gap between your prop and the stem, propis no longer necessary. And here are the HempWarp citting the next day 4/21. Front and top view of one of those, I think they will be awesome. The Berry cuttings are all still with us, so we ave about 160 to 170 cuttings. And my vegetable plants are still holding thier own. VV


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Shhhittt, I wear those Jesus Board cause me feet are so wide can't get shoes on, not even Birkinstocks are wide enough, talk about barefoot skiing, with me they call it a hydroplane. lol VV
I see Al B. talked you into the big clone thing. Those girls are large!

Are those DIY pond liners? I'm diggin' your setup man, very nice.
I see Al B. talked you into the big clone thing. Those girls are large!

Are those DIY pond liners? I'm diggin' your setup man, very nice.

Some of them are tall, none of them match the stem sizes Al cuts. Thats why he develops the mothers. I have enough clones to choose some mothers now and I have a few plants to judge them by. All I need to do now is build or buy a table for them, and I finally have the room arranged in a workable fashion. VV:blsmoke:
I seem to recall we have some flowering blue berry plants. Here are the one's I have labeled NothernBerry and SKunkBerry, A SkunkBerry and a Northern Berry and the only BlueBerry that I didn't fookup next to the NorthernBerry. ANd final the 2 BlueBerry Plant, quite a difference. Northern's are between 79 and 100cm. The SkunkBerry are from 51 to 79cm ANd the healthy Blue Berry is 79 cm as well. :blsmoke:VV


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They say that a trimeter is only as effective as the probe is clean. Depending on your water source you should clean and calibrate your tri-meter every week as a minimum.
All of this information came with my tri-meter. Here is the probe, the probe "cleaning tool" and the cleaner. The probe goes into the end of the cleaning tool after you have put a small Amount of cleaner in it, give it a few twists, and then (Sorry I am not going to try and spray itr and take a picture at the same time thank you) rinse it off well, with fresh tap water. The cleaning solution can be used on the face of the ec probe as well, it doesn't take much, it does come out fast, may want to use a q-tip to dip a little out. I will next time.
So now we have a clean in accurate probe, and we need to fix or 'Calibrate' that. Sounds intelligent, after you do it a few times its not all that impressive. Here is the calibration kit I use, the little veils don't hold much, I think Earl estimated less than 50cents/ week.
First put your probe in the ph 7 solution. It reads 7.2, see told you its inaccurate now, we know the ph 7 solution is ph 7 (duh) so now we need to tell the meter that it is 7. SO..this is really intense now. we push and hold the buttonm that says ph calibrate until it flashes and clears the reading and then..... we push the button that says ph7, telling the trimeter, hey stupid this is ph 7. Now the next step goes the same way except for the solution we use, the buttons we push are the same either way. If your water tends to have a ph above 7 then you will want ph 10. Mine is below 7, I use ro, so I use ph 4. Same process either way. Put your probe in the ph 10 or 4, let the reading stabilize, see its wrong again. No stupid ph calibrate, flash. then ph4/ph 10 calibrate. Bang, ok you are right its really ph 4. now leave me alone for a while, put me back in that nice 'fresh' tap water til you need me again. VV


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Now we want to make sure our clones have water, but not too much water. We think our rapid rooters are a good medium flood and drain, so here is our flood tray, and with an inch of water, place the whole tray in it for about 10 minutes then do the HempWarp. You can see these plants are leaning, The doc can fix that, the doc can't fix this and he already did fix this one, its the one we wrapped the hook around, now we can carefully remove it. I don't know if it will show up well enough in this picture. The difference in colors at the end of the stem shows they were not planted deep enough. This would be considered operator error, and if you have the cloning powders avaialble to you, you could eliminate this possibility. We lost 4 more total, I think that puts us at 179 now form a start of from 194 original. You can see some of these are quite tall and we are hoping the will progress more quickly than some of the others. We would like to think we can get them ready to flower in four weeks, at least enough to fill 2 tables, whatever that is. We think that will be no more than 30/table so if some of these lag a little that would be just fine. As long as they lag into the two week cycle, allowing for the motheres to be developed. VV:blsmoke:


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Dirtbag Will Be Following This Lead, Never Thought To Go Big On The Clones, Mine Already Were, From Othiers Comm's. But Damm Vv:) Very Very Nice. Dirtbag Is At Desk. Othiers Tarty... Shame. Hey Vv Just A Guess But The Time Cut For Cloning Such A Monster Must Cut Aleast A Wk "+" Off Grow... Your Thoughts On This. Db. :)
Check out Al B Fuct's cloning thread. He takes clones about 9 or ten inches 4 to 5.5 mm stems. These are not going to cut the growth time that would take a mother. I am hoping I can get some of these ready to fl;owerin six weeks Al
s are readyto flower in two weeks, no vegging time. clone, get roots flower. Slick huh. VV
I got a make a couple of suggestions about your pH meter.

1 If you can, leave the probe in the rez full time.
The more you move it,
more likely it is to lose calibration.
You should only move it when you take it out
to calibrate it once every couple of weeks.

2. Don't store your probe in tapwater.
You should rinse with tapwater, but you should store in the pH4 cal fluid.
This will increase the life of the probe
by keeping it in contact with high ionic fluid.

3. pH 10 should never be used by hydro growers.
always calibrate at pH 4 and 7.
pH 10 is for waste treatment facilities
and pH 10 has a very short shelf life.

When your probe wears out,
buy a new one on ebay with a 10' cord.

You will need a new probe every other grow.

I just bought a PinPoint to back-up my Milwaukee.

My Milwaukee took a dump
and is in for warranty repair.

I am on my second probe on the Milwaukee pH meter.

I am pissed if I am probed during any grow.

Buying new probes is just the cost of doing hydro the right way.

I Still Love That Word....hehehehehehehe!!! :) Db.
Life Is Full Of Needs And Wants, I Do Agree With Earl There Is A Cost To Doing It The Right Way.... Leading By Example. Reps To The Prober, Getting It Done And Doing It Right. :)