WA State Wholesaler's Business plan

New Dude here looking for large grow room advice. Please tell me what is wrong with the following business plan so I can avoid some mistakes before they happen. I have 5 small time harvests under my belt

As you all know pot is now legal in Washington. They plan on issuing grower's licenses in late August and selling out of stores by Dec 1. It will have to be grown indoors due to both weather and security concerns
I plan on getting one of those licenses and here is my business plan.

Lease a 2500 sq ft warehouse at the local rate of .50 a sq ft in an industrial area so no one can whine about its location
Construct 120 cubicles, each 1 meter square (10 sq ft)and 8' high, in groups of 8, inside the warehouse
Use 8 bulb T5HO lights, a quiet bath fan and two small circulation fans for ventilation in each cubicle. 4 amps per cubicle, 4 cubicles per 20 amp breaker.
Timers for the lights, 18-6 and 12-12
Everything painted flat white
Install a drip irrigation system
Each cubicle will have 2 or 3 plants in 3- 5 gallon buckets depending on strain
Allow 17 weeks per crop, 3 crops a year per cubicle
Plant 8 cubicles a week and after 17 weeks start harvesting/ selling cured pot, 8 cubicles a week. Forever
Expect half the yield amount stated on the seed websites. Goal is 5 ounces per plant, the smaller buds going to the brownie makers
Use your own clones for half the plants. Feminized seeds for the rest. NO outside clones due to spider mite concerns
Miracle gro moisture control potting soil --Have already used with great results. No need for a drainpan and stressful wilting chances are minimized. No need to fertilize and chance a burn durning veg cycle. The nitrogen is depleted after the 6- 8 week veg cycle which is what you want right? Then dump in the phosphorus
Up to 8 weeks in veg cycle from sprouting since height is not an issue nor is time. 9 weeks in flower
Harvest, dry, cure and estimated 4000 ounces a year. 80 ounces a week from 8 cubicles yielding 10 ounces each, Sell each ounce to a retailer for the State suggested wholesale price of $170 BEFORE tax!
After setup , the main labor will be in harvesting since watering and lighting are automated, What is needed is a machine that clips the leaves off the buds!
Have accounts at 5 seed banks. They DO ship to WA and besides your business will be legitimate so no need to sneak around
Cater to the needs/ wants of the retailer's customers.They want Papaya, Afghan or White Widow, they get it. Sativas like Haze extra due to a longer flowering time
For security purposes, the banks, and the IRS, you are growing Orchids, African violets and begonias for florists throughout Puget Sound, as hot house nursery
Follow the regulations by the book and pay all taxes when due
It will take at least 800 facilities of the size I have planned to support the current demand in WA, going at a retail price of about $320 an ounce. Washington State envisions a retail price of $340 and will control supply to keep it there

I am currently using such a system ( for medical pot of course) and am getting a yield of about 4 ounces a plant using a 6 bulb fixture in a 2x4 cubicle and suspect the yield would be 1/3 higher if I used an 8 bulb fixture

Estimated construction costs for 120 cubicles. Lights fans timers et al---$30,000 (assuming I do the labor)
Estimated operating costs before revenue comes in --$12,000 (Lease -power- seeds and soil)
Estimated yearly operating costs $60,000 (sans labor if any)
Current problems-- finding a way to flush when you do not intend to cut down the entire plant at once but stretch it out over 3 weeks. I usually do the main cola, then the side branch colas about a week later and the rest in another week after they have plumped up. But it requires more phosphorus to do so
I also am having a problem with ammonia smell in the some of my jars even though I know the weed was dryed properly so mold forming in the jar is not an issue. Perhaps I need to burp them of air more as the chlorophyl breaks down? I have been lax at that


Well-Known Member
Ya good luck with that how bout just use ur basement to grow after buying said license 1500$ and sell to a dispensary...its still illegal in fed so dont go apeshit


Well-Known Member
I'm going to wait till next December for a few reasons.

  1. Their goal is to be selling in stores by December but could get delayed for a lot of reasons
  2. I think there are going to be two types of growers.
    1. Big ones using massive hydro systems to maximize yield. Very hard market to break into.
    2. Smaller hobby/family grows. Think about the smaller ones at your local farmers market. This is where I see opportunities for small micro-grows that concentrate on things like, all organic, longer cures, rare strains. That's the market I'd shoot for.

I think you'd fall into the second category but I'm not sure I'd try to grow as many strains as you seem to indicate at the same time. I'd probably stick to 3, maybe 4 strains at a time and I'd keep at least 1, maybe 2 as your house strains. The ones you know inside and out and always have for sale. Then switch out the other two strains for some variety.

Also not sure why you decided to go with T5HO. I've got nothing against them, I do all my vegging under T5s but a 1,000 watts of HPS puts out more light than 1,000 watts of T5s and watts cost money.
Well I went with T5s because I am worried about heat dissapation of 120 cubicles on a 90 degree day using halides and I use less power per cubicle. They cost more too to set up. I can get a good t5 8 bulb high bay for about $130 and 8 bulbs for $32, no tax or shipping costs. Not fixated, but leaning towards them
As for the Feds either they do crack down or they do not. Until they do, it is full speed ahead. WA is on a schedule set by law. And I am not adverse to risk


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like you've got a solid plan...You will need to hire labor for the amount of production your talking about. Even full time that's more than a one or two man job. But good luck! I still won't be buying my weed from the state! Don't tax my plants!

match box

Well-Known Member
Thats a hugh grow. If I was looking to do that I would go to Co. and talk to some of the big growers there that are doing what you are thinking about. I would like to know what ya find out. Ive had 3 growes and I wouldn't think of growing that much. You may think about renting out the spaces to people with a card so they can grow there own. You wouldn't have to worry about a crop just getting the rent.
I was thinking northern lights and/or white widow as the house strain along with a Kush. Can get some great white widow seed deals if you buy in quantity. I am experimenting on yield using the proposed main set up now. Almost 7 weeks from sprouting and just about ready for 12/ 12. NL is a very compact bushy plant with about 1 inch betwen branching nodes, white widow a bit more rangy. I'd toss in a Sativa if the demand was there
Deliberately extending the veg weeks, assuming a more robust plant will give bigger yields. Remember, I'm only doing 2 plants, 3 max per cubicle, not a SOG
As for the Big Guys, they may limit the amount produced at any one facility to prevent price wars
Then again, the fewer facilities, the less inspections-- and inspectors-- needed by the state

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
Well I went with T5s because I am worried about heat dissapation of 120 cubicles on a 90 degree day using halides and I use less power per cubicle. They cost more too to set up. I can get a good t5 8 bulb high bay for about $130 and 8 bulbs for $32, no tax or shipping costs. Not fixated, but leaning towards them
As for the Feds either they do crack down or they do not. Until they do, it is full speed ahead. WA is on a schedule set by law. And I am not adverse to risk
Have you ever seen any videos or news about massive pot farmers doing it 100% legal and getting sentences for like 80 years federal?
Yeah I am a little worried about the labor thingie and the constant labor. Maybe I'll get a partner and do one week on and one week off! Or just hire a harvester at $300 a day. Non smoker of course, able to pass a drug test and a lie detector test. Hey, that's just the way it is! Nah, just kidding- smoke away, but not in front of the live State cameras, please. Call it a product test
Yeah but they were medical pot dudes hiding income from the IRS for the most part. No need for that in WA and CO anymore. Make all the money you want on it--No state income tax in WA!
It is HARD getting used to smoking a joint on the front porch or out working in the yard without the paranoia of the religious neighbors smelling it. WHO CARES anymore! Free at last