

Well-Known Member
so, kets start by saying this my camera, BROKEN...
i went in to check on my plant and i noticed something i dont like, at all
at the tip of every serated part on the whole leaf on the two bottom nodes, turned brown... only at the tips, and the rest of the leaf is nice and green, and the bottom two nodes of leaves had the same problem but the leaf itself turned yellow wilted and i just said fuck you nasty leaf and pulled it off, im wandering if this could be a boron deif, nitrogen deif, or maybe a jackasses watering problem, or maybe hopefully an easier fix, nute burn...
im sorry i couldnt give you pictures help if you can please...


New Member
boron defic? are you serious??? i honestly didnt even know plants needed boron.. let alone they could be deficient of it lol


Active Member
it sounds like a lite nute burn.. skip the nute for a few waterings and see if that helps.. or just flush your soil if its in a pot.. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Im in vegetative... fuck if i know how many days, wait it popped 29th of april...so yeah, im going out of state here on the first and want my plant to be healthy so my caretaker dont fuck it up, he doesnt need to be pruning... i wish i had my camera, i cut off the leafs that were 3/4 yellow and up... and then i flushed it...i can get back to you on how it goes...thanks...


Well-Known Member
so since my camera is broken and i didnt get many replies... i bought a soil test kit, and im checking my ph, and the npk... there still seems to be a persisiting problem...ill get back to you with more info in about ten minutes when the test is finished... so hopefully i can get more help, i wish my camera wasnt broken.
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Well-Known Member
so everyhting came back normal, ph is at 7 and the nutrients are at medium-high for the soil.... i dont understand... whats wrong?, i honestly dont think its water, cause i think taht would have been a problem before, could waaaaaaaay too many nutes potentially make the leaves yellow and fall?


Active Member
too many nutes can turn the leaves yellow, it could also be nitrogen deficiencey. Low N usually is seen by yellowing or chlorosis of the leaves, particularly the bottom most leaves.
What are the branches like, are thye short?
What about the distence between the internodes?


Well-Known Member
i JUST checked my plant, and the only thing wrong with it is very minor nute burn, the flushing helped ALOT... so i think ill be fine now, thanks for the support...


Well-Known Member
what nitrogen source are you giving it. miricle grow?and what mixture, how often