Wahington Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
I have Multiple Schlerosis and have bad muscle spasms and I asked my Neurologist for a script for marijuana and she refused because her colleges and herself promised not to. What???? Did you guys pinky swear too. So I went to another clinic and I felt so welcomed there,(it was a marijuana clinic with a doctor that can write a permit for you, they also show on video about the laws and how to grow your own). Everyone there has an appointment for the same thing so we were all treated like patients not drug addicts. My neuro. treated me like an addict and I never smoked it till the other clinic signed me a permit. So I changed Neuros.
Good on you! This is exactly what needs to be done all over the country. We need to out those doctors who refuse to recommend cannabis in states where it's legal for no other reason than they simply don't like it! Change doctors, only see those who are compassionate and who put their Hippocratic Oath before politics.


Active Member
im in lynnwood, WA i just saw Dr. O. at the thcf. i got diagnosed with hodgkins disease only feb 26 this year and allready today have gotten LEGAL i words. if your ligit and have a provable case med records and shit it should go easy. i called them last week and today went to the appointment and now siting at home dumbfounded. theres numbers to call to get my "MMEDS" im still leary. ay one help?
email-doomtoke6@yahoo i would love to meet up with someone that might be able to help mentor me or help in anyway.
Hello ,

I am also in need of a Dr someware near to me because i dont have transpo to go there . i do not know if this would be coverd by the medical transportation ride system set up here . but the closest one i have found is seattle to me and thats still 3 1/2 hours away from me .

Would you guys know of a Dr or a clenic near port townsend ? or a Dr that is closer to me . ive been trying to get on this for years now and everytime i get the apointment made i dont have a ride

and am afrade to call the medical transpo to find out . because they may deni all my rides . ive been told by that by someone else that did make the treck . got the ride but was no longer able to make anymore because he made that one for the mm apointment and dident inform them that is was for MM .

kinda stupid if you ask me ..

Anyway any help would be greatfull as i need to get this as i have been disabled for now 15 years . i have DDD and more i was hit on a bike @ 15 and that left my disks screwed up so not only do i have DDD but ive got hardly any disk left in my back and so the bones rub and i go right to the floor . ive got other issues that stem with me and im fully qualified and i do have a copy of my entire record stateing everything that is wrong with me as well . so im fully ready and willing to do just about anything to get to the apointment . if there was one closer to me i would just hop the transit and go take care of it . but so far seattle is the only place i know so far . on the transit it takes 6 hours to get there ...

So anyway any help would be awsome like i said a before

Thanks :)
