wait, what was wrong with ron paul again?


Well-Known Member
the problem is he is a constitutionalist and wanted to do good things for our country, such as increase privacy, cut spending, abolish the fed etc...which could never be allowed by the powers at be.. he was winning debates and getting no press coverage... they need a puppet that they can use to issue their change!!


Well-Known Member
whats wrong with the guy? im reading his book 'the revolution' and im liking it.
Abso-fucking-lutley nothing. He actually believed in accountability and sensible legal and governmental reform to get this country back into the free, constitutional democrocy it was formed to be.

... which is why the press ignored him, the Democrats shunned him, and the Republicans made fun of him. All those fuckers act like they hate eachother, but don't buy into that sham. Obama and Hillary acted like they hated each other too. The only thing the media ("liberal" or "conservative") and the two major political parties hate is freedom for the people. That would just ruin their day.


New Member
There is a free market, pro-freedom and liberty presence in the Republican Party. Mind you, its not the majority of the party, but it does exist. Eventually, the believers like Ron Paul, will break away from the Republican Party, taking a few Democrats and a lot of Libertarians with them, to form a new, viable third party.

By the way, an excellent book, if you can find it, is Ron Paul's "The Money Book." I think its out of print now, because I can't find it on RP's website.



Well-Known Member
I'm just starting to write a musical about Ron. I haven't worked out the title yet, but I want something to the effect of 'A day with President Paul'. Any and all input would be greatly valued and appreciated. Really.....anything :)


New Member
wait, what was wrong with ron paul again?

He couldn't get elected because his views were just too radical. He wanted to Privatize everything, and that just wouldn't work. He did have some other good Ideas though, I must agree.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
why wouldn't that work?
Changing the country too fast would send it into a tailspin, and Ron Paul wants to get rid of a lot of things that people like, like Social Security and NASA. Apparently the Constitution doesn't explicitly allow for an Air and Space agency. :p

You can tell who the bitter Paul supporters here are, eh? ;)

We Love 1

New Member
Changing the country too fast would send it into a tailspin, and Ron Paul wants to get rid of a lot of things that people like, like Social Security and NASA. Apparently the Constitution doesn't explicitly allow for an Air and Space agency. :p
We should use NASA to get life started on the moon.

It just needs to be spun, water, and other misc elements for an atmosphere. Thats Our next home. So, I'm pro NASA funding :D


The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
p.s. social security isn't going to work for much longer..... or am I blindly following Paul? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
no you are one of the few that can use logic to see that these other mofos are full of it


Active Member
It is pretty simple. Most of the Republican Party relies on Conservative Christians, while the Democrats rely on the liberal youth and academia. Ron Paul, well he believes in what the government was when it still worked. Prior to the advent of easy access credit, our country let the people be and tried to ONLY respond when necessary ie Whiskey Rebellion, and the War of 1812.

Ron Paul's idea revolves around the undeniable fact that our government is extremely regulated and has very limited powers. Ron Paul, while extreme in his views, understands that we need to return to a government of which is actually accountable for its actions. In my eyes he was the best candidate because he is both liberal in science, has a good moral background, and wants to move away from the socialistic trend we are follow and return to a Democratic one.

Don't point one way or another in terms of views because of right or wrong., in this case there is neither, only fact. Our Constitution is our governmental document and I advise that before you begin spouting one side or the other to read this document and list, to yourself or everyone, both parties and how they either follow the Constitution or pass it off as a fad.

My 2 cents.


New Member
Not bitter at all here ;-) Just asking why it wouldn't work. Thanks for the input.
He was too radical for the times. People on SS and Medicare and food stamps etc. were not willing to give it up for his version of private charity. It's funny how the wealthy want to do away with all social programs and leave it to charity, which couldn't touch the needs of the people, as in fuck-em, let them starve, be homeless, afterall they are scumbag worthless pieces of shit. That, and people had a lot more common sense than to give up all their comforts so rich folks can hoard more dollars.


Well-Known Member
He was too radical for the times. People on SS and Medicare and food stamps etc. were not willing to give it up for his version of private charity. It's funny how the wealthy want to do away with all social programs and leave it to charity, which couldn't touch the needs of the people, as in fuck-em, let them starve, be homeless, afterall they are scumbag worthless pieces of shit. That, and people had a lot more common sense than to give up all their comforts so rich folks can hoard more dollars.
I'm not sure you understand how change works.....you have to switch something from the way it currently is... and he doesn't favor the rich. I suggest you read up on the guy.


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine Ron Paul as THE republican candiate running against Barrack Obama for the highest office in the land right at the very same time a financial crisis ocurs (possible Freddie mac and fannie mae collapse ) which Ron Paul just so happened to have warned us about back in 2002 all while Obama had a role in removing eligibility restrictions (on behalf of acorn) which helped make freddie mae and fannie macs collapse a reality which will ultimately cost the taxpayers 850 billion dollars.

Now forget those facts and take into account that Ron Paul has more financial and foreign affairs knowledge/insight than Obama or McCain combined , Remeber how he dominated the debates that he wasnt black balled out of especailly against McCain simply by using bald face
honesty and his knowledge of our political and financial system.

I really could go on and on but all that matters is that there was no way in hell that the true people in power whether they be the media giants federal reserve bankers,corporate giants were going to allow Ron Paul to get to a position where he could be the Republican candidate thus giving him even more credibility and a huge platform to spread even more inconvienant truths to the American people not to mention having a chance at holding the highest office in the land , you see that job is no longer reserved for a person who is truthfull, sincere,experienced or dedicated to preserving and RESTORING Americans constitutional rights.


Well-Known Member
We should use NASA to get life started on the moon.

It just needs to be spun, water, and other misc elements for an atmosphere. Thats Our next home. So, I'm pro NASA funding :D


The REVOLUTION has begun!


maybe we can send all you liberal socialist to live on the moon..if thats part of the NASA plan.im all for em..otherwise..stop wasting my damn money..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine Ron Paul as THE republican candiate running against Barrack Obama for the highest office in the land right at the very same time a financial crisis ocurs (possible Freddie mac and fannie mae collapse ) which Ron Paul just so happened to have warned us about back in 2002 all while Obama had a role in removing eligibility restrictions (on behalf of acorn) which helped make freddie mae and fannie macs collapse a reality which will ultimately cost the taxpayers 850 billion dollars.

Now forget those facts and take into account that Ron Paul has more financial and foreign affairs knowledge/insight than Obama or McCain combined , Remeber how he dominated the debates that he wasnt black balled out of especailly against McCain simply by using bald face
honesty and his knowledge of our political and financial system.

I really could go on and on but all that matters is that there was no way in hell that the true people in power whether they be the media giants federal reserve bankers,corporate giants were going to allow Ron Paul to get to a position where he could be the Republican candidate thus giving him even more credibility and a huge platform to spread even more inconvienant truths to the American people not to mention having a chance at holding the highest office in the land , you see that job is no longer reserved for a person who is truthfull, sincere,experienced or dedicated to preserving and RESTORING Americans constitutional rights.
between the US government and the FEDERAL RESERVE they have spent over 6 trillion dollars in the last 4 months...TRILLION..with a T....in 4 months..where did it go?..that kind of money should be felt in the economy..i MEAN FELT in the economy..the bankers are just stealing it..you have about half of this country thinking the other half of this country owe;s them a living..so not only does the other half the country that works have to work hard to support his family..he has to work twice as hard to support the banksters and welfare collectors of all stripes in this country..not only does the working man support the bumb on the street..he supports the multi millionaire and billionaires...the politicians are buying votes with OUR money..and have been doing it for some time..people no longer care about the USA..its all about greedy selfish them....thats OK..the half the population that has been working their ass off for years for nothing..are to the point that is no longer worth working..now who is going to support the banksters and welfare collectors.../?obama's solution..MORE DEBT..lets hyper inflate this bitch ..LOL..obama is a moron..watch this idiot in action the next four years..for the last two years he has been running back anf forth across this country saying how he is going to loot anyone making two nickels to rub together promising every broke dick and minority they they will have it made..all they have to do is vote for me..hes going to take from the rich and give to the poor..LOL..watch what investors do folks...this country is going down....and its going to go down hard...every country in the world has a capital gains tax of 11%...and moron obama wants to raise our's to 30%...i dont understand how anyone could be so fucking stupid to have voted for this socialist to beggin with...alot of the upheavel you are seeing in the markets right now are speculators speculating what obama is going to screw up ..before he ever gets into office..ill be damned if i let you little socialists take from me what i have worked to hard to earn....and alot of people think the same way i do....even billionaires are leaving the country..such as jim rogers..many multi millionaires have given up US citizenship...you know why? the damn thug government we live under is why..bongsmilieif you want to read a really good book on personal freedom...read harry brownes book..how i found freedom in a unfree world..