Waiting on buds


New Member
I have a plant that has flowered around 8 weeks ago but still no buds. It is an autoflower about 7.5 feet tall. Has anyone have experienced this. I a first time grower and can use a little feedback. Thanks


New Member
I'm using LED grow lights 18 hrs on 6 hrs off, 5 gal cloth containers, Fox Farm soil,Temp 75 to 80, Humidity between 48 and 55%. Feeding Buds and Bloom every other feeding alternating with water PH 64. Good air flow homemade reflective mylar containment.



Well-Known Member
I'm using LED grow lights 18 hrs on 6 hrs off, 5 gal cloth containers, Fox Farm soil,Temp 75 to 80, Humidity between 48 and 55%. Feeding Buds and Bloom every other feeding alternating with water PH 64. Good air flow homemade reflective mylar containment.
You got bunk genetics and 99% isn’t a auto. Cut the top half off that plant, wait a week for it to recover and flip the lights to 12 hours on, 12 hours off.


Well-Known Member
I'm using LED grow lights 18 hrs on 6 hrs off, 5 gal cloth containers, Fox Farm soil,Temp 75 to 80, Humidity between 48 and 55%. Feeding Buds and Bloom every other feeding alternating with water PH 64. Good air flow homemade reflective mylar containment.
Damn!!! That’s definitely not an auto


New Member
Any recommendations on a reputable seed supplier? Last batch wasn't what I was told it would be.


Well-Known Member
Have you flipped to a 12/12 cycle yet to see if she starts to flower or have you been just hoping she’s a auto and starts herself.


New Member
Yes I flipped to 12/12 about 2 weeks ago. Buds doing nicely almost doubling in size every day. The help is greatly appreacited.