Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

My hubby is having problems passing a clearance test. I hope he gets it, it will set him up when he gets out. He can't pass the part of the poly that asks about drug selling/using. He doesn't do either, but, I do. I don't think he is going to be able to get around it. He is pretty angry at me right now. I really don't blame him but I can't change what he has seen. Whats done is done. I gotta go, I got more people coming by 1....Have a good day all.:peace:
Knowing and doing are two different things.. there's not a soul out there who doesn't know a seller or user.. So if one hasn't/doesn't do themselves, as proven by blood test, (then passive becomes an issue).. then they can't be discriminated against... hell the commanding officer knows a drug user...

but I guess somewhere, someone is trying to exclude people to make others money...or save their own..... but I'm a cynic... :p
[quote="SICC";2303482]Hope it all go's better Vette, If anything, shoot me a pm and i'll take care of the ex ;)

bongsmilie :peace:[/quote]

expect a PM from me... i got a few ?s...
i love wake and bake! just wake up a little, stay in your warm bed, take out your bong, and take a couple of hits! uughhh can't wait till tomorrow morning!
I have a few different types of weed, I bong the lesser weed and then smoke a hitter of dank afterword as the "cig" The hitter is even cig-ish for smoking purposes.