Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I think he's trying to take advantage and get a lot of something for nothing.

You should leave Sharon for him as part of the stuff. :wink:
I tried already, lol....He wants my lizard aquarium but he doesn't want the lizard! I told him Scoobies house is NOT for sale.....He is looking for one of the many Florida deals, and he will get one at asking price with NO furnishings. It really is a buyers time.
So whats the good word ?

Im still hurting ,But less then the last two days

Im going to smoke some Hijack and see how I feel afterwards ..


Hope it works....
I shouldn't have smoked, a joint before my test.. now I'll pass out or fall asleep in the booth...........:sleep:
What's he going to use the aquarium for if he doesn't want the lizard?
I think he just liked the way the house is set up and he wants to buy it exactly the way I have it....Scoobies aquarium is huge and I have a waterfall and foliage in it. You can't even find Scoobie half the time. He just liked the way it looked in the kitchen nook. It is weird Miss, he even wants my bed and my linens...:shock:
My thoughts exactly Vette, lol...

Robert I don't care if he wants my clothes, he is NOT getting them!!! I think this is just crazy.
This is the 4th house I have bought in my lifetime. I can honestly say at all the houses I viewed when buying I never once wanted the furnishings. Maybe this is the new way, dunno.
If you feel like your getting rooked then go to the fish store .. Buy 2-3 lbs of whiting fillets .. Start stashing them in tight spots in the house .. within a week the house will smell so bad he will have to throw everything out .. We did that to an apt my friend got thrown out of from his crackhead landlord .. It stunk for MONTHS
Waaaa hooooo.... Drs. office just called.. Dr. had an emergency at hosp. (hope the persons OK) and my appointment was canceled... so I hear a joint calling me....

plus she was all sorry and said I get my choice to booking times... 7:30am...1st in...1st out...
Man this new stuff I got from cali is so nice. Yesterday I took some over to a friend that just had back surgery and he does not smoke much at all, couple of times a years out on the boat. He took two hits off a joint and within 10 minutes he started flushing real bad and laided back in the chair for about 45 minutes before coming back. I laughed my ass off at him, such a light weight. LOL!!!:twisted:

O ya good morning yall!!!!
leave him some skid marked dirty underwear too.. Free..

But those are my favorite leopard skin design ones.......:eyesmoke:

If you feel like your getting rooked then go to the fish store .. Buy 2-3 lbs of whiting fillets .. Start stashing them in tight spots in the house .. within a week the house will smell so bad he will have to throw everything out .. We did that to an apt my friend got thrown out of from his crackhead landlord .. It stunk for MONTHS

We used to do "hide a coil"... you'd hid a turd in a guys car.... or an uncooked chicken leg if you really hated him... you can spill milk in a car... I did...had to rip out carpet and wash it.......;-)
Man this new stuff I got from cali is so nice. Yesterday I took some over to a friend that just had back surgery and he does not smoke much at all, couple of times a years out on the boat. He took two hits off a joint and within 10 minutes he started flushing real bad and laided back in the chair for about 45 minutes before coming back. I laughed my ass off at him, such a light weight. LOL!!!:twisted:

O ya good morning yall!!!!

Hey.. I kind of miss those lightweight days.. a butt toke of good Kashmir hash and I'd be giggling like an idiot....

I heard that...!!! :eyesmoke: