Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Make a trade, fix the inspection bs then go ahead and make him buy his own furnishings. He reneged on the inspection, why can't you do the same on the furniture?
Miss, it is touchy. If I do that he will walk. I KNOW he wants to walk. My boy read me everything and it may total a thousand dollars. I just want this deal over, I am moving on. I know that what they are doing is not right, but, I have to ask myself how long I want to be stuck there? I am thankful the inspector didn't find anything major. I am thinking I am just going to do it and let this deal go through.


Well-Known Member
What do they want fixed ?
It is all stupid BS.
-Caulk in the master bath
-Replace 5 pool heads ($500)
-pilot on pool heater
-water leaking in a spot on the pool filter
-sliding glass door difficult to open on one side
-water leaks from the threaded connection in guest bath
-open grout in Master Bath (small area)
-defective tension rod on one side of a window
-caretaker system in pool did not work (he didn't turn it on, lol)
-ceiling light in pool closet didn't turn on.
-several restricted sprinkler heads in zone 3


Remember my post about buying some fresh whiting fillets from the fish market ?
No, I don't remember


Well-Known Member
Here is the exact words, my son emailed me this part of the inspection:

1. There is soft wood at the base of the garage service door.

1. There are several rusted and missing screws throughout the base of the pool cage.

1. There are several restricted sprinkler heads on zone 3.

1. There is open grout in the master bathroom shower walls.
2. Water leaks from the threaded connection of the shower head in the guest bathroom.

1. The ceiling light did not light in the pool storage closet. LIGHT BURNED OUT
2. There are burn marks on the living room left wall rear outlet. I BLEW MY VACUUM UP, OUTLET IS OKAY THOUG
3. There is a loose outlet on the rear wall of the dining room.

1. The rear right bedroom sliding glass door is difficult to open and close from left to right.

1. There is a defective tension rod in the master bedroom front left window.

1. There are five pop up heads missing from the caretaker system in the pool.
2. There is water leaking from the pvc pipe from the pool heater.
3. There is water leaking from the seal on the pool filter.
4. The gas heater did not turn on at the time of the inspection.
5. The caretaker system did not function at the time of the inspection. DIDN'T TURN IT ON, SEPARATE SWITCH


Well-Known Member
It is all stupid BS.
-Caulk in the master bath
-Replace 5 pool heads ($500)
-pilot on pool heater
-water leaking in a spot on the pool filter
-sliding glass door difficult to open on one side
-water leaks from the threaded connection in guest bath
-open grout in Master Bath (small area)
-defective tension rod on one side of a window
-caretaker system in pool did not work (he didn't turn it on, lol)
-ceiling light in pool closet didn't turn on.
-several restricted sprinkler heads in zone 3


No, I don't remember
I'd fix allthat yourself .. maybe grab a few guys of craigslist for the labor and you watch them , $10 an hr 3 guys each guy doing something diff..
Buy the parts and you'll do it a lot cheaper then hiring someone .

As for the fish .. On your way to your closing you stuff a fewl lbs of witing fillets in diff area's of the house . ) behind toilet, in ducts , in insulation. outlets ,) then in about 3-4 days that house will REEK for months .. I hate shysters , I tend to wanna walk away EVEN


Well-Known Member
Small potatoes to be sure, but worth doing to get the heck out of there and on to a new beginning... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
That is EXACTLY how I feel....

Hehehehehehehe, he didn't catch the range/microwave....BROKEN
He didn't catch ALOT....I think it is wrong though, they know I am losing 110K on this deal as is...This is why I think they are having second thoughts on this. I am making this deal go through OR I am walking with THIER 5K deposit. I think they wanted to insult me and make me say "NO"...NOT HAPPENING. I will smile and say, "No problemo"


Well-Known Member
I'd fix allthat yourself .. maybe grab a few guys of craigslist for the labor and you watch them , $10 an hr 3 guys each guy doing something diff..
Buy the parts and you'll do it a lot cheaper then hiring someone .

As for the fish .. On your way to your closing you stuff a fewl lbs of witing fillets in diff area's of the house . ) behind toilet, in ducts , in insulation. outlets ,) then in about 3-4 days that house will REEK for months .. I hate shysters , I tend to wanna walk away EVEN
VETTE! I am going to do that...I really am! It will let me leave with a SMILE


Well-Known Member
You're such a grown up Vette... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Yes ,, But Ive never been fucked without getting even....

I once did 27 windows for a lady .. she did not pay . I sued she still did not pay , so guess what happened next ...?

I waited till she went to church and removed all the sash's From them , From the outside. I got paid in CASH the NEXT DAY



Well-Known Member
I don't know if all that pool shit can be forced, when no inspect. was written. especially pool stuff.. I can get the sprinklers.. even the mold (visible only, can't be held for in wall) as a potential safety code issue.. but as for the pool.. here thats more an add on... and unless "pool inspection" specified its his problem... A guy I know bought a house and the cement pool was finished and he didn't get restitution because it wasn't specified... Laws may be different there.......
Plus I'd be pissed.. a contract is a contract.. you loose your deposit..and now I'm taking you to court on breach to recupe my trip to MD and all expenses.. but thats me.. I can get real angry quick.. and I'm the sort to spend $500 to screw them for $300... I don't take that broken deal shit well at all.... if something is agreed... then thats the way it is...