Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Weedman :clap: Ta-Da...... nice plant.

Morning all........ What's the good word?

Everyone dodging "Snoutbreak 2009" ?
thanks miss ! , its all a bunch of bs .... like 30 cases in the us ... hardly anything the media is making it out to be ...... fucking idiots:joint:

With my belly thats a good days work.... I gave myself a bean shave... talk about bored................

haha, glad you've accomplished a good days work .. and so early too :hump:


Well-Known Member
I just spent the last 45 minutes trying to get this piece of shit computer to work! I really want to take it down to the canal and throw it in!:spew:

Morning Twisty!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Weedman, I just bookmarked it! I know it is time for a new one, it really sucks when it doesn't work! I didn't realize how important the net was to me, until I didn't have it anymore, lol...


Well-Known Member
they have a similar "emachine" one that is 229 but it comes with VISTA , isnt it weird that a computer with a older widows os (XP) is more expensive ?
i do not trust vista at all !


Well-Known Member
i just noticed, that link i posted for the hp computer has it listed as vista/xp downgrade....
DOWNGRADE DOWNGRADE DOWNGRADE (even tho its really a upgrade :))

a guy i work with bought a cheap ish (500-600$ ) dell laptop w/vista from bestbuy
had nothing but problems .... he brought it to me to look at ... so i try to do a system restore ... like 20 different restore dates to choose from ... NONE of them work ... all come back with a error ... pfffffffffffffft


Well-Known Member
I just spent the last 45 minutes trying to get this piece of shit computer to work! I really want to take it down to the canal and throw it in!:spew:

Morning Twisty!
Mines real bad lately... mozilla has an alert that gets sent to them when I crash, but now I get that popping up about 40 times a day but the "send alert" keeps failing.. plus my yahoo messenger was acting up.. and I was getting pop ups blocking mess. and mail page... plus when I click to go else where I get " can't find file" although it just says that and still links... slowly.. netpirate (comp genius) posted a thing about that "conflicker" still being real active till May 5th and maybe even later.. symptom's... pop ups.... slow to link to web.... inability to link to certain areas... the grim thing is that most of the infections aren't from shady sites like porn..etc, but are actually being caught at big name sites like google. yahoo.etc... and it changes your anti virus so it can't be found... she gave me a link for free help.. www.filehippo.com.. but it won't work on win 98.... I ran Avast anti virus..yahoo anti spy and PC tools clean disc (from Sunny) and we'll see if that helped...... I can work around the annoying shit as long as its not like a virus my friend got a few years ago that fried his motherboard......


Well-Known Member
I just spent the last 45 minutes trying to get this piece of shit computer to work! I really want to take it down to the canal and throw it in!:spew:

Morning Twisty!
they have a similar "emachine" one that is 229 but it comes with VISTA , isnt it weird that a computer with a older widows os (XP) is more expensive ?
i do not trust vista at all !
I have Vista on this computer, I prefer XP, it is more stable...imo.
My old guitarist designs programs and makes 6 figure $$ he said that most of the Vista issues have been resolved... me I'd don't know shit about it... I've never seen XP or Vista so I have no Idea what they're like... I also heard that XP will soon be obsolete like my win 98 when the windows 7 (free trail download available now) is in full use... again just saying what I heard. definitely not gospel from me...:shock:


Well-Known Member
My old guitarist designs programs and makes 6 figure $$ he said that most of the Vista issues have been resolved... me I'd don't know shit about it... I've never seen XP or Vista so I have no Idea what they're like... I also heard that XP will soon be obsolete like my win 98 when the windows 7 (free trail download available now) is in full use... again just saying what I heard. definitely not gospel from me...:shock:

anyone who has been using pcs and windows for 10 years will tell you "do not get vista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

only hope is windows 7 , xp wont be obsolete untill windows makes another good os :joint: ... prolly at least another 3 years before you see people start to move away from XP


Well-Known Member
Thats where I got burned.. when I bought a used comp I was told by a "expert" that I could download update... well I could have..... TWO YEARS earlier.... now they have 0 help for their old OS... like not being able to get parts fot a 10 year old car.. someone bought it and you'd think they'd maintain SOME updates.. what a fucking racket.... :(


Well-Known Member
We are in the same boat Twisty..:(
I think I am going to re-build this thing, here in a few. I think that is my only option at this point. Nothing is cleaning it, nothing. It is very frustrating, but, I need a computer. No way around that, I need one! I am hoping a re-build will work, but, who knows...


Well-Known Member
We are in the same boat Twisty..:(
I think I am going to re-build this thing, here in a few. I think that is my only option at this point. Nothing is cleaning it, nothing. It is very frustrating, but, I need a computer. No way around that, I need one! I am hoping a re-build will work, but, who knows...
Story of my life... a day late and a dollar short..opps.. about 1.2 gig short...:shock:.. but at least what I have has allowed me some good times with you folks..:hug::hug::hug:.. not a bad screwing all in all....


Well-Known Member
We are in the same boat Twisty..:(
I think I am going to re-build this thing, here in a few. I think that is my only option at this point. Nothing is cleaning it, nothing. It is very frustrating, but, I need a computer. No way around that, I need one! I am hoping a re-build will work, but, who knows...
how old is your computer ?
i build my own personally ..... but there is a very good chance all you have to do is format and install windows XP and you'll be happy again