Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Wake and bake! This bong hit is for McSmokester! Howzit going my man! bngsmilie still eating the count chocula? :lol: I'm eating frankenberries:hump:
wassup docta!!! how's the garden?

yes i am...i cant get count chocula here in vegas so last time i was up north, they had it in target...so i bought about 10 boxed of that shit!!! they didnt have have frankenberrie tho! i love that shit too!

tokin some headband..this stuff tastes like nag champa...good shit!..
ive never smoked weed in the morning... it get the worst munchies in the world there would be no cerial left:P:P lmfao.. and i get realy trierd on my burn out also.. i smoke weed before bed.. so i sleep better than ly pillow.. love it:P and then in the morning im ready for the day:P