Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
Someone tried to run me down with the ferris Wheel a few months ago, but I escaped unscathed.

Okay.... it's been five minutes... I must post it.

I'm awake, and I'm baked. smokin hash...mmm sweet hash.


Well-Known Member
Yeah actually you know on the topic of hashish. I think im going to try to use 5gl paint strainers as bags to make bubble hash after this harvest. I wonder if you can pick up different sizes of paint strainers, or actually i could also use silk screens too. Or just buy the gosh darn bubble bags ha!



Well-Known Member
Soooo.... what happened to the i love you thread?

I swear, last night it was here. I posted a video.... But now, I cant find it.

edit: BAKE


Well-Known Member
its a baken n'baken evening wind down .... first hit in seven hours ... Whew ... I needed that! aaahhhhh baken'nrelaxin