Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

420 swede

Active Member
I took a bake weekend not too long ago while i never was more then a few feet away from the bong, i even had it on my nightstand together with some extra water so if i'd wake up i could take a hit and go back to sleep, was awsome...24/7 baked <3!


Well-Known Member
some people can't handle being high and doing things, some can.

I for one would have a MUCH easier time doing a speech if I was stoned off of indica or sativa :D.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I wake and bake now while im still in bed.. that way I can shower after. I quit smoking cigs 5 days ago and worry Ill go into work and all the old people will start "smelling the skunk" again.... that sucked


Well-Known Member
smoke before you take a shower. then spray down lightly. no worries.

don't start smoking again just to cover up the scent ;).

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I hear you, in my nicotine obsessed brain thats exactly the reasoning I had this morning... I should smoke a cig, to cover the smell.... gotta keep reminding myself all the money Im saving and the fact that smoking cigs kills.. thankfully Ill always have the herb to smoke... but boy could I go for a cig right now... ahh... Im wearing the patch, that helps

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Thanks Gnome and poplars! It sure is tough.. my girl is kinda using blowjobs as a weapon.. she doesnt give them anymore if I smoke.. shes trying to help me but... is that messed up? sex as a weapon

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, thats one of the reasons I decided to quit. We had been talking about me quitting (shes a nurse and totally disgusted by it, thankfully she loves herb) and she decided that she was not going to give me anymore head until I quit. So... after not getting any head for a few days I got to thinking I should quit smoking.. so, her strategy worked I guess..... still want a cig tho


Well-Known Member
seriously man, in my honest opinion..i think its impossible to stop cold turkey!.. i cut back dramaticly!...i use to smoke a pack a day no problem! now a pack can last me 2days!...some times a lil longer

to keep on topic here i blazed a fat ass keif rip this morn and walked into work super blasted! didnt know what to do with myself for the first few hours! lol :D

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I love starting the day nice and high. I wish I got as high in the evening as I do in the morning tho... first high of the day is ALWAYS the best