Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning RIU! I'm super busy this week. we have 2 days of packing left to move my daughter off to college. Nevertheless it's always a reefer day :bigjoint:

This video cracks me up but it is not Cheech and Chong. Still funny shite though...



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Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I didn't read the note to self note I made. Rockstar Kush it is...well, was -.-



Well-Known Member
Found a sequel to the vid I posted in this thread way back. Wish I could find better HD footage, but still had me rolling.:-P

That weight bench at the minute mark...lol



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Staff member
Hub is always telling me slow down I move to fast :) He's maintenance, I should listen. Life is 90% maintenance :) gotta dial in burn rate .....



Well-Known Member
Coffee and Caramel Ice, glad it's Friday and I hope you all have a groovy weekend

Ray LaMontagne - Crazy



Well-Known Member

Official video, I could really see this lining up for Game of Thrones...

I'm baked enough to go get some welding done. Happy Saturday (lets try this 90 hour a week * 2 week shit, again.) I have some bad ass neoprene gloves, chemical protective, padded, heat protection layer (I fixed the kettle with 'em on, yesterday, had to get that bitch back up to 400, and was outta molta!)


Well-Known Member
Morning All!
It's nice to have a second chance.....