Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. A good nights sleep sure helps my over all out look on everything. GSC going but no coffee yet. I'm going to meet my daughter for lunch today and that always makes me happy. You all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Good morning guys, going to run a 40' man basket for the son today.
This'll be fun with the winds we are supposed to have today.
Sore toe from stepping on a nail yesterday, need to medicate but I'll wait till
tonight, safety first!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Good morning guys, going to run a 40' man basket for the son today.
This'll be fun with the winds we are supposed to have today.
Sore toe from stepping on a nail yesterday, need to medicate but I'll wait till
tonight, safety first!!
Last tetanus shot? It's amazing how fast a decade can go isn't it ha!

Good morning and I'm outta here. I found something very interesting about edible cannabis. Gonna see if it holds through this am's run, and we are outta here!


Well-Known Member
Last tetanus shot? It's amazing how fast a decade can go isn't it ha!

Good morning and I'm outta here. I found something very interesting about edible cannabis.
I just had one a month ago but when the nurse told me they added a booster shot for whooping cough, sp??
I got a little upset and told them they are not to give me any additions to any meds need unless I know first hand.
Sure I trust the Government as long as I wear my foil hat LOL.


Well-Known Member
howdy morning tokers! I used to work in a 50 foot high ranger basket trimming trees! Nothing beats pulling myself up a central leader with ablakes hitch though. Anyway here's some morning stone tunes.[video=youtube_share;Wb5hEL3IGeo]http://youtu.be/Wb5hEL3IGeo[/video]


Well-Known Member
Good day bakers... love to change the world, wouldn't you?

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. What a great day yesterday and I don't see any reason why today shouldn't be also.
My daughter liked the plant I gave her and we had a very nice lunch. It was good to talk to her face to face and not just a text.
Coffee and hash plant that's a good start for the day. You all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
One more day on the man basket. 40' man it's been awhile since I've been this high!!! :) The only thing is I can't
medicate till tonight, Safety first!!


Well-Known Member
Buenos Dias, car getting new brakes today while I struggle with C99 clones.

Happy day!...oooh this belongs in the 70's thread:



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
One more day on the man basket. 40' man it's been awhile since I've been this high!!! :) The only thing is I can't
medicate till tonight, Safety first!!
How'd it go?

Good morning everyone, about time for me to run outta here but there's no light yet so here I am. I'm still trying to get motivated to run using a Petzel light. So I'm considering taking my bread and driving to the park to see the geese. Hope you guys have great plans for today :)



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;d6OwTwSA2iM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6OwTwSA2iM&feature=share&list=PLEFC5F72DE EDCC3BF[/video] good morgen volks! Mokin dry sift of popcorn and sugar leaves from a 100% afghani guerilla grow from the DEEP recesses of the green mtns! Kinda tingly all over lmao!

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. Nothing going on today. Just relax and keep my chair from going into orbit. you all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Blue cheese morning wake and bakes lately, with good coffee.

Not sure if we are supposed to be posting music videos in this thread anymore since they move threads to the music section now that have music videos. I will just post one of my pretty flowers instead.

One of my lovely moon flowers - about the size of a small dessert plate.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Woot! It's edibles and lobster today!

I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned :) ha!