Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
You're in California? I thought everyone in California had weed?

I went to LA once, actually Hollywood. What a scary place Hollywood is. I don't think I'd walk down Hollywood or Sunset at night even if I was paid to.

She keeps bugging me to come to PA, but I don't want to leave my grow. Maybe this summer I can take my bike out there, that's what I really want to do.
You attached to your baby's aww aint that sweet .. well Now aint the time to be riding here anyway ,, Its too cold ,, But maybe next yr ,,


Well-Known Member
Send up some of that warm Florida air ..
And some toasted Sunny pic's....kiss-ass

We will have warmer weather friday and the week end .. Canada Is farting her cold air down here .. But the weatherman says its going to get warmer
Its now 30 outside ,It went up two points
Think monty python..holy grail*... We fart in your general direction....:twisted:

Morning wake and bakers , Chiceh are you joining us today? Sunny is sunburnt so I assume she had fun yesterday.
Morning Miss..... :joint::joint:
Chiceh Punked out ,, She was here and then FLASH she was GONE

Say it ain't so...we ain't worthy.......:?:?


Well-Known Member
had to tell someone, couldnt think of any better place than here... i just caught my 2yr old daughter sharing her bannana with the cat!! this shit is great when your high!

morning all!


New Member
I got up late this morning (yawn). I am falling behind on my wake and bake. It's harvest time down my way so no shortage of dooberino (<--- from my "Welcome Back Kotter" days).

Wakey wakey ... and .... bake....

Have a good day all!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
nice, happy birfday. and to everyone else, you all need to dye your hair brown, like mine, so we can march on the blondes. :P