Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I cut my lawn for the first time...well only the front needed it. And now I have my little push mower tore apart for some rust repair. It had a couple holes rusted right through the deck, and 2 of the wheels are wore out. I should toss it, but with a little love I can save it...I only use it for a small rental lawn.

I thought it was trippy as hell! :o
Got two words for you go cart
I cut my lawn for the first time...well only the front needed it. And now I have my little push mower tore apart for some rust repair. It had a couple holes rusted right through the deck, and 2 of the wheels are wore out. I should toss it, but with a little love I can save it...I only use it for a small rental lawn.

I thought it was trippy as hell! :o

Music genres have gotten so weird, you can't tell if a song is new or old anymore. I've been listening to the black pumas a lot lately and it would be right at home in the motown era. I love his voice!

No, never have. The Italian music I listen to are classics,opera and '50s

Baby K is the only contemporary Italian singer that comes to mind for me. I have no idea what she's saying, but I like it.



what's with all the stupid threads showing up in here today?
I cut my lawn for the first time...well only the front needed it. And now I have my little push mower tore apart for some rust repair. It had a couple holes rusted right through the deck, and 2 of the wheels are wore out. I should toss it, but with a little love I can save it...I only use it for a small rental lawn.

I thought it was trippy as hell! :o

But did you mow with a tripod?
