Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I don't have greenspace to plant so I used a 75 liter trash can and the wind blew it over a couple times. I need to find something that's lower and large enough volume. I got the rooted plants at the nursery last time. Seeds are better?
yeah seeds are better: often nursery plants are diseased, not necessarily from the original nursery; likely from the retail place. A great number of tomato/pepper diseases are insect vectored and retail nurseries don't take the best care. Buy enmass and move them as fast as possible, annualplants both veggie and ornamental are loss leaders designed to get customers in and the wholesale price they paid is quite cheap
dirty minds think alike.

Never tried them, it would be good for getting the boy smell out of @manfredo 's rental properties.

Wow how early can you start there? Everything started early this year. Trees are just starting to bud, I haven't seen any tulips or daffodils yet. Lots of dandelions tho.

Ontario planting guide says Apr 8 - Apr 23 for lettuce. Weird that seems so early to me.

I got pricked by Hugh Dong awesome name! Got back to the car and couldn't contain my emotions, I think the guy in teh car next to me thought I was crazy. This has been such a long year.

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I've used those. Super strong for a few days and ah it's okay. But they gave me the idea of the clipons.....don't have to be only one scent too.

Big prick lol
yeah seeds are better: often nursery plants are diseased, not necessarily from the original nursery; likely from the retail place. A great number of tomato/pepper diseases are insect vectored and retail nurseries don't take the best care. Buy enmass and move them as fast as possible, annualplants both veggie and ornamental are loss leaders designed to get customers in and the wholesale price they paid is quite cheap

Our condo bylaws were updated over the winter to say we can only grow flowers on our patios and strictly bans growing cannabis outdoors on the property. I have to ask if tomato plants are allowed since they do have flowers. Are all seeds the same?
Our condo bylaws were updated over the winter to say we can only grow flowers on our patios and strictly bans growing cannabis outdoors on the property. I have to ask if tomato plants are allowed since they do have flowers. Are all seeds the same?
Grow cannabis on your porch. When questioned, archly inform that they identify as tomatoes.

Except Consuelo in the cloth pot who will chew everyone’s ear off insisting she’s a pasilla chile.
Grow cannabis on your porch. When questioned, archly inform that they identify as tomatoes.

Except Consuelo in the cloth pot who will chew everyone’s ear off insisting she’s a pasilla chile.

You mean something that needs a 3D printer...

smells like burning plastic.
Our condo bylaws were updated over the winter to say we can only grow flowers on our patios and strictly bans growing cannabis outdoors on the property. I have to ask if tomato plants are allowed since they do have flowers. Are all seeds the same?
Ah, no. They come in different varieties ;). I try to avoid small seed companies who offer a ton of different varieties of tomatoes and peppers because unless they buy from others and resell, the small outfits don't have enough land to maintain isolation difference between varieties, hence the seed won't grow true to what it's purported to be. If you have researched/talked with them and trust they have the recc'd isolation then it's fine
Ah, no. They come in different varieties ;). I try to avoid small seed companies who offer a ton of different varieties of tomatoes and peppers because unless they buy from others and resell, the small outfits don't have enough land to maintain isolation difference between varieties, hence the seed won't grow true to what it's purported to be. If you have researched/talked with them and trust they have the recc'd isolation then it's fine
and then there's this...

Determinate and Indeterminate Tomatoes

*Scratches beard*.......Does it? I thought it might.

:confused: are we talking about different things?

Ah, no. They come in different varieties ;). I try to avoid small seed companies who offer a ton of different varieties of tomatoes and peppers because unless they buy from others and resell, the small outfits don't have enough land to maintain isolation difference between varieties, hence the seed won't grow true to what it's purported to be. If you have researched/talked with them and trust they have the recc'd isolation then it's fine

Okay I deserved that. I emailed out board to see if we're allowed to grow tomatoes. I suspect they'll say no but we'll see.

My partner got her shot, she didn't get the hugh dong treatment... sucker.