Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Morning all:grin: As I sit here puffing on my J, I just realized that today is a special day for me. It marks my one year anniversary free from opiates‼️☃️ I used for over 10 years & believed I could never get off them:cry: Thank God for Cannabis, in specific Kushes. I’m 1000% positive that if I never went back to cannabis, I would still be using.

Here’s to another year free from opiatesbongsmilie:joint::bigjoint:
Great job! I have been narcotic/opioid free for 5 years now thanks to the Herb!
Big pharma was tearing me apart from the inside...fak that.
Morning all:grin: As I sit here puffing on my J, I just realized that today is a special day for me. It marks my one year anniversary free from opiates‼☃ I used for over 10 years & believed I could never get off them:cry: Thank God for Cannabis, in specific Kushes. I’m 1000% positive that if I never went back to cannabis, I would still be using.

Here’s to another year free from opiatesbongsmilie:joint::bigjoint:
Great to hear it bro!
Congratulations, this is a very important day indeed!
I'll light one up for you, cheers :bigjoint:
Great job! I have been narcotic/opioid free for 5 years now thanks to the Herb!
Big pharma was tearing me apart from the inside...fak that.
Seven-years-of a 120 mgs of oxycodone up to 4 times a day and 350 mgs of Soma 3 times a day shit I was lucky to take a piss let alone a shit lost my teeth ringing in my ears kidneys are screwed liver also got to say thanks to big Pharmacy
It sounds like you are not on methadone or suboxone then...Good job!! Don't even get me started on that shit!!!
I was basically on Suboxone the whole time I was using. could never put together more than 30 days with Suboxone. I figured it out so I could just skip a dose and use the next day then get back on when needed. Suboxone/methadone are just as evil. Cannabis has been my medicine with way better results than methadone/suboxone. Although I will say Suboxone definitely helped tremendously with the detox, however havent had that in about a year as well☃️
I was basically on Suboxone the whole time I was using. could never put together more than 30 days with Suboxone. I figured it out so I could just skip a dose and use the next day then get back on when needed. Suboxone/methadone are just as evil. Cannabis has been my medicine with way better results than methadone/suboxone. Although I will say Suboxone definitely helped tremendously with the detox, however havent had that in about a year as well☃
Yes, Suboxone is a great detox tool but it sucks as a maintenance drug. Buprenorphine aka Suboxone is like 50 times stronger than morphine, with little to no high. You can buy it over the counter in Europe as Temegesic, at a much lower dose. They use it like Advil! Nasty shit!!

Yes, guard your sobriety carefully...Opiates have a strange way of calling people back :(
Great job! I have been narcotic/opioid free for 5 years now thanks to the Herb!
Big pharma was tearing me apart from the inside...fak that.
Well done - Big Pharma had me as well, my shrink had me on Xanax, Klonopin and an antidepressant. I started smoking two years ago, dropped the Klonopin and am down to a quarter mg of Xanax from 1.5mg/day (benzos suck).

No wake and bake today though - I have my MMJ recertification call in a half hour!
High enough that replying to a 14-year-old post seems like a good idea :joint::bigjoint:
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