Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

lol cock rings probably that’s what most do here. I’ve never been to this place so I’m just guessing. When was the last time you were at a restaurant?

Actually crying lol

We may have a mojito or two. I won’t be driving so maybe more

They’re not strict at all. My sister and I chucked the covid rules for mom since the 15th of may. She spent the last week with my sister and her granddaughter. I haven’t had any friends over or been to their places since this all started

Cock rings are ok if that's what they got. This place I know does a sweet spicy ginger dipping sauce and oh man it's so good :)

I'm trying to remember the last time I went out. We did once last fall with outdoor seating. But for really going out "sit down inside"......with family it was a while back. We where doing take out if we didn't want to cook because young kids where tough to handle in a nice setting. LOL one day we wanted to go out for our anniversary.........turned into a few hundred dollar take out o_O

I did go out with one of my best friends just before all this started. After skiing we had a few Manhattans and some aps at our favorite place. I can't wait to go back. Haven't seen my buddy since :(
Ok so was just potting some flowers outside.....one two drops.......daughter said hey it's starting to rain......man there was a wall of rain! We didn't even make it the 20' to the door. LOL soaked! Rained for maybe 3 minutes. Punch me in the nuts it didn't drop the temp at all.....but now 100% humidity :finger:
When I walked him home, he made me take one of the dogs with. He has a dog at home, so he was probably just having a really emotional separation anxiety moment because of the weed, and couldn't figure out how to say it.

Mojitos are my favorite. I always get a hangover because I add too much sugar, but damn... little thc simple syrup in the pitcher makes the best brunch...

Thc simple syrup never occurred to me. Getting stoned and drunk at the same time could be fun. I usually only do one or the other
Cock rings are ok if that's what they got. This place I know does a sweet spicy ginger dipping sauce and oh man it's so good :)

I'm trying to remember the last time I went out. We did once last fall with outdoor seating. But for really going out "sit down inside"......with family it was a while back. We where doing take out if we didn't want to cook because young kids where tough to handle in a nice setting. LOL one day we wanted to go out for our anniversary.........turned into a few hundred dollar take out o_O

I did go out with one of my best friends just before all this started. After skiing we had a few Manhattans and some aps at our favorite place. I can't wait to go back. Haven't seen my buddy since :(

They’re only allowing patios to open right now, no indoor dining for the foreseeable future. I don’t think I’m ready for that anyways.

now that it’s warm out you should have a barbecue for your buddies
I only let loose When I’m around people I trust
Corona And joint editorial photo. Image of corona, beer - 43074346

Candy little girl?
Valentine candy hearts animated emoticon