Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

It is brass-monkey-ball-freezin cold here, too. They THINK it ain't the north around here, but to my Georgia peach ass it is. Kids wanna ride, and I wanna stay in the warm. Horses get a big break when it is cold, I don't do shit with them in the winter. Now, if I was like Sunny, I would ride all year.

Burnt my hand on the woodstove, too. I am so clumsy being forced to use my left hand and arm for everything. But no bitchin today, (course, that would completely delete my post then.)

I have a LITTLE bit, gonna share with ya'll.

My kids know, but I hafta be cool when they have friends over. Sucks big hairy donkey dicks, but what can you do. I hate it for you, Vette. Thank goodness for 'errands', eh?
take some hot chocolate with you. We live in a small town so when it was really cold we'd find a place to back the car in and the kids could watch it from inside the car with the heat on. We'd just go buy them some better candy than what you get at a parade.

I like to watch the Macy's parade on Thanksgiving, it's funny to see all those people freezing their butts off. :twisted:

Thats not Poss in Scranton,, There is NO WHERE to park and see the parade ..we park in the mall's parking garage and just walk out in front...

You can watch the parade here live ..I think they are going to stream it ..I'll be the guy in the PINK borat cak suit

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Cool I'll have to check it out, maybe Daughter will get her ass woke up and we can bong it up and watch it together. She's always a lazy bones on her day off.

Yeah Puff, it's always better once the kids are older and you don't have to hide things so much. I'm so glad mine are adults now. We do bongs on Christmas morning while opening gifts bongsmilie

Morning Chiceh, Sunny, you're awfully quiet this morning, birds got you hostage?
Actually, my kids are 7 and 12, but they are alright. Almost all of hubby's family are smokers, and they are cool as shit. Most of my family are uptight religious types, and they are unhappy and full of drama (they call it 'suffering', but they don't get where they bring it on themselves). My kids figured out about weed a long time ago, and they don't care one way or another (I have asked them.) They have expressed that I amuse them when I drink to much, tho. (I don't get drunk often. Now.)

I smoke with my stepson, tho (most awesomist boy in the world, love him like my own, and he was like 8 when me and hubby got together.) We used to bump together, but I don't do that anymore. He is in his 20s now. I don't know if he still does. I won't have any problem with my kids smokin once they are grown (and they know to wait till they are grown to smoke, drink, and have sex- even they say it.) But when they have thier little buddies over I gotta hide it, it is a pain.
Mornin Miss and all....yeah I am quiet...I am watching vids on how to clip wings yourself...I have the scissors out and I am holding Oz right now and looking where I am going to cut:) He did an in air attack on me last night, terrible. I was running and screaming with a bird attached to my head:( I have to clip his wings.
buenos dias, and all them other immigrants too! hows everyone? im sore as hell but im done with all the tear-out at work now and im taking the weekend off. i kicked ass yesterday. i guess im lucky, there is no parade around here to freeze in. i just have to go to the mall for shortcake to see santy clause.
Damn Sunny, living in a Hitchcock movie. Can you get the rescue guys to maybe help you out with it? I bet trimming a birds wings is right up there with giving a cat a bath.

I remember when my son told me he knew we smoked, I was out with him teaching him to drive and he told me "it's none of my business, but I found Dad's pot in the dryer".

I already knew he was smoking, so I went ahead and admitted that it was me, who was a dumbass and must have left my weed in my pocket.

My daughter was 15 and her and her friend showed up here really ripped, we asked them if they had been smoking weed, they said yes and we got out the bong and said you should try this.

Some people may think this is bad, but if they're smoking at home they aren't out with the meth heads learning about that shit.
Well Im a Bad Dad .. The girls are coughing way tooo much .. I called it .. They will go to another Santa Parade in our town next week and get pictures with Santa at the mall then also.. Its way too cold and I dont need these kids getting any sicker , then miss school and have there asshole mother have an excuse to blame me for something .. So today we will go out for lunch , then go Bowling and pick up a few pizza's for dinner ..
Yes Vette, if they have coughs they shouldn't be out in the cold. I would call that being a good and responsible dad. Pizza and bowling sounds like a much better option.

From a mom to you, you made a good decision.
felt like a hitchcock movie sunny??

i hope my 2 yr old can be as good as yours sound puff. (aww, she just hollered from the living room "Daddy! I love You"). i got my work cut out for me, i raise her without her mother at all.

vette, you said you do remodels and additions right?
Some people may think this is bad, but if they're smoking at home they aren't out with the meth heads learning about that shit.

i agree, not really any younger though. i started a bit younger than that and i feel my schooling suffered. but i started chiefing with my mom @ 17 and shes my number one smokin homie now.
Damn Miss! You smoked with your kids when they were 15? I would be too scared they would tell one of their buddies....

I am not doing the wings, I will wait for my guys to do it...Yes, it did feel a little Hitchcock like around here last night! I took control and put them to bed an hour early...that will teach them.....carazzzy birds.
Damn Sunny, living in a Hitchcock movie. Can you get the rescue guys to maybe help you out with it? I bet trimming a birds wings is right up there with giving a cat a bath.

I remember when my son told me he knew we smoked, I was out with him teaching him to drive and he told me "it's none of my business, but I found Dad's pot in the dryer".

I already knew he was smoking, so I went ahead and admitted that it was me, who was a dumbass and must have left my weed in my pocket.

My daughter was 15 and her and her friend showed up here really ripped, we asked them if they had been smoking weed, they said yes and we got out the bong and said you should try this.

Some people may think this is bad, but if they're smoking at home they aren't out with the meth heads learning about that shit.

My daughter is 6, after reading this I feel better. I don't want her learning the crap about weed out there. I want to be able to explain it to her. I am not going to say it's okay for her to smoke, but I also don't want to be a hypocrite. :weed:
Well Im a Bad Dad .. The girls are coughing way tooo much .. I called it .. They will go to another Santa Parade in our town next week and get pictures with Santa at the mall then also.. Its way too cold and I dont need these kids getting any sicker , then miss school and have there asshole mother have an excuse to blame me for something .. So today we will go out for lunch , then go Bowling and pick up a few pizza's for dinner ..
theyll get over it, and thats good parenting IMO. thats the one plus of no baby-momma, no baby momma drama