Coff, coff. Marnin, China Cat!Thanks again for the rep, wanted to rep you back on the thread but I couldn't find you!
What you said was great! You deserved it sweetie!
Thanks to you also!

Coff, coff. Marnin, China Cat!Thanks again for the rep, wanted to rep you back on the thread but I couldn't find you!
When i was a kid, Mr. Chips and his owner pulled up to our frony yard so Mr. Chips could have a BM! He was in a suit and wore a hat. It was quite a sight seeing a well dressed chimp doing his thing on the grass. My sister and I naturally laughed.... when Mr. Chips was done, he pulled up his pants with his owners help, and as he walked back t the car he turned to us and gave us the finger!!No, I'll stick with dogs.......
Yah PUFF, the opposable thumb is a problem!! Okay, I'll have to settle for them prepping my bong. Surely they can do that right?!!Slackers!!
And dont you forget it,,,,
Now go get me my potpie bitch ............
I'll tell ya Its the queen who makes me the king I am ...
Queens are good eatin.....
Skyrockets in flight
Afternoon Delight.....
Maybe so, but at this rate you'll be food bank bound.....
LOL... yes, I will stick with dogs too. Did you give Mr. Chips the finger back?
His lordship will be up before long and I will hafta relinquish the laptop soon....
HEY EVERYONNNEEEE!!! Morninng Puffy!!
I already have the blunt ROLLED UP..REady to be SMOKED up..
Wish me luck everybody
LOL... morning Twisty!! No running... ongoing joke. Snow day today !!!! YIPPEE!!!!!
Morning China...... Nice scenery at your place.. If you must live where it snow's, being in the country is the place to be... Sooo beautiful....
See your dogs love it....
I was watching on TV, these you tube "office rage" clips... funny stuff how some beat the hell out of their computers......
Another funny spot..elf
Morning wake and bakershow's everyone?